Define these family terms in Spanish:
Es la madre de mi padre.
La madre de mi madre.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Es el padre de mis abuelos.
El padre de mis abuelos.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Es el hermano de mi madre/padre.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Son las familias.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Es el madre de mi esposo/esposa.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Es el/la esposo de mi hermano/hermana
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Son los hijos de mis hijos.
Define these family terms in Spanish:
Medio hermano
Es el hijo de mi madre y el hijastor de mi padre.
How many people are in your family?
Cu'antas personas hay en tu familia?
What are your parents names? Where are they from?
?C'omo se llaman tus padres? ?De d'onde son?
How many brothers and sisters do you have? What are their names? Where do they work or study?
?Cu'anto hermanos tienes? ?C'omo se llaman? ?D'onde estudian o trabajan?
How many cousins do you have? What are their last names? How many are children and how many are adults. Are there more boys or girls in your family?
?Cu'antos primos tienes? ? Cu'ales son los apelledos de ellos? ?Cu'antos son ni~nos y cu'antos son adultos? ?Hay m'as chicos o m'as chicas en tu familia?
Are you an aunt or uncle? What are your nieces or nephews names? Where do they study or work?
?Eres tio/a? ?C'omo se llaman tus sobrinos/as? ?D'onde estudian o trabajan?
Who is your favorite relative?)
Qui'en es tu pariente favorito?
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you have a husband or wife? What is his/her name?)
?Tienes novio/a? ?Tienes esposo/a? ?C'omo se llama?
I only have brother, he is older and his name is Pablo. His wife is Francesca, she’s a doctor. She’s not Ecuadorian, she’s Italian. Her parents live in Rome, I think. They come and visit every year. Oh, and my brother is a journalist.
How interesting!
S'olo tengo un hermano mayor, Pablo. Su esposa, Francesca, es m'edica. No es ecuatoriana, es italiana. Sus pap'as viven en Roma, creo. Vienen de visita cada a~no. Ah... y Pablo es perodista.
And you, Javier? Do you have brothers and sisters?
No, but here I have some pictures of my family.
Oh, How nice! Let’s see!
?Y t'u, Javier? ?Tienes hermanos?
No, pero aqui tengo unas fotos de mi familia.
!Ah! !Qu'e bien! !A ver!
Here they are.
Your father is tall! And your mom is very beautiful.
- !Aqui est'an!
- !Que alto es tu papa!
- Y Tu mama, !qu'e bonita!
Look, here I am. And this is my grandfather. He is my mother’s father.
How old is your grandfather?
Mira, aqui estoy yo, Y 'estes es mi abuelo. Es el padre de mi mama.
?Cu'antos a~nos tiene tu abuelo?
Noventa y dos.
And how is he.
He is very nice. He is old, but is a man that works a lot.
?Y c'omo es el?
Es muy simp'atico. 'El es viejo pero es un hombre muiy trabajador.
Listen, Javier, what are you drawing?
Oh, who? Me? Nothing.
Come here. Don’t be silly.
Oye, Javier, ?qu'e dibuajas?
?Eh? ?Qui'en? ?Yo? !Nada!
!Venga! !No seas tonto!
Jaaavieeer.. Listen, but, how he draws nicely!
This is… Yeah, thanks!
Jaaavieeer... Qye, pero !qu'e bien dibujas!
Este... pues... !Si! !Gracias!
Alex, look. Do you like it?
Yes, a lot. It is very pretty.
What is happening with Inés and Javier?
Alex, mira, ? te gusta?
Si, mucho, !Es muy bonito!
Espa, ? qu'e pasa con In'es y Javier?