1. when the face conveys multiple emotions One emotion shown in one facial area and another emotion in another area Two different emotions shown in one part of the face
    Affect blend
  2. listener responses during conversation that signal attentiveness and involvement that are meant to facilitate and encourage the other's speech
  3. The 6 basic emotions (most universally recognized):
    • 1.       Anger – eyebrows lowered and together, jaw’s clenched
    • 2.       Disgust – raised upper lip, wrinkled nose, squinted eyes.
    • 3.       Fear – raised eyebrows, wrinkles in the forehead, open jaw, and tight lipped
    • 4.       Happiness – lips up, cheeks raised, and crinkled eyes
    • 5.       Sadness – eyebrows up, eyes open, mouth turned down
    • 6.       Surprise – brows raised, wide eyes, open jaw
  4. Facial expressions are virtually never simply emotional and are, instead, always acted for social purposes
    Behavioral ecology theory 
  5. The 5 categories of touch:
    Functional/Professional Touch, Social/Polite Touch Friendship/Warmth Touch Love/Intimate Touch Sexual touch
  6. 1.       Communicative intent: accomplish a task or perform a service; Impersonal; cold and businesslike; The other person is considered an object or nonperson
    Functional/Professional Touch
  7. Communicative intent: Affirm the other’s identity as a person; Show awareness of social rules for conduct and politeness; Little perceived involvement between the interactants
    Social/Polite Touch
  8. Communicative intent: expresses liking and recognition of the other person’s uniqueness; Other person considered a friend; Depending on the context, it can be misunderstood as intimate or sexual touch
    Friendship/Warmth Touch
  9. Communicative intent: expresses emotional attachment or attraction; The other person is an object of these feelings of intimacy; Touch very adapted to the specific other person
    Love/Intimate Touch
  10. touch as an experience of physical attraction only
    Sexual touch
  11. Competent vocal cues:
    • ·         Fluent, non-hesitant speech
    • Shorter response latencies (length of pause when speakers switch turns)
    •       More pitch variation
    • ·         Louder voice
    • ·         Faster speech (measured by words per minute or length of pauses)
  12. when the goal of the touch is to persuade the other to do something
    Compliance touch 
  13. when we adapt our speech behavior to be more similar to the other person
    ·         Occurs under 3 conditions:
    1.       When people desire social approval
    2.       When people desire efficient communication
    3.       When the social norms permit it
  14. when we intensify our own speech pattern rather than adapting to them
    ·         We do this for 2 reasons:
    1.       When we see the encounter as being group to group rather than person to person and we want to establish our positive social/group identity (Can happen a lot in political situations)
    2.       When we want to bring another person/person's speech behaviors to our acceptable level (An attempt to make them converge to us)
  15. Deception cues:

    Arousal, Cognitive load
  16. ·         heightened tension, anxiety, or nervousness 
     A person can be anxious about the lie they’re telling or about the other person finding out that they’re lying
  17. ·      how much mental processing you have to do to tell a lie; it generally takes more brainpower than telling the truth
    Cognitive load
  18. determining when deception is occurring
    Deception detection 
  19. Eye gaze direction and thinking:

    • ·         When a person moves his or her eyes in a particular direction, it is thought to reflect activity in the opposite sphere of the brain
    • o   “Left-movers” – right hemisphere activity; involving spatial or emotional processing
    • o   “Right-movers” – left hemisphere activity; involving intellectual and linguistic tasks
  20. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS):

    • ·         Developed by Eckman and Friesen
    • ·         Allows emotion researchers to describe objectively what movements have occurred on the face and to categorize a face as showing a given emotion
    • ·         Each muscle moving is called an "action unit"
    • Over 40 distinct units have been identified
  21. The tendency to give more weight to the face than to other communication channels
    Facial primacy 
  22. Factors that influence gaze:

    • 1.       Distance
    • 2.       Physical characteristics
    • 3.       Personal and personality characteristics
    • 4.       Topics and tasks
    • 5.       Cultural background and racial attitudes
  23. Male flirting behaviors:

    • o   Males flaunt their resources through the things thaty say and the material possessions they display
    • o   They compete with other men
    • o   Judge women primarily based on appearance
  24. 4 Functions of gazing:

    • Regulatory
    • Monitoring
    • Cognitive
    • Expressive
  25. Functions of touch:

    • ·         Positive affect
    • ·         Negative affect
    • ·         Play
    • ·         Influence
    • ·         Interaction management
    • ·         Physiological stimulus
    • o   Sexual interaction
    • o   Touch is calming
    • o   Increased anxiety is associated w unexpected touches
    • ·         Interpersonal responsiveness: concerns the level of involvement, responsiveness, or activity of the communicators
    • ·         Task related: e.g. helping someone out of a car, handing someone an object
    • ·         Healing: touch helps sick people heal faster
    • ·         Symbolism: represents the significance of the relationship, ritual, or occasion
  26. - an individual's looking behavior, which may or may not be at the other person
  27. the two people are looking at each other
    Mutual gaze 
  28. (Liking behavior)the cluster of behaviors that indicate greater closeness or liking
  29. Facial expressions, lasting 1/5 or 2/5 of a second, that reveal actual emotional states but are condensed in time because of repressive processes; often incompatible with both the expression and the person's words
    Micro-momentary facial expressions 
  30. Behaviors displayed when 2 people of the opposite sex are engaged in interaction that could be used during courtship but that also could be used to communicate affiliative interest of a nonromantic type.

    Quasi-courtship behaviors:

  31. Types of public body contact occurring between two people signaling that some kind of relationship exists between the two participants

    Tie signs:

  32. 3 types of glances in flirting:

    • 1.       Scanning the room
    • 2.       Fleeting glance
    • 3.       Fixed gaze 
  33. Vocal characteristics (intensity) energy value for a speech sound

    Volume or loudness  
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Terms for final exam