
  1. alveol/o
    alveolus (air sack)
  2. bronch/o bronchi/o
    brunchus (air way)
  3. bronchiol/o
    bronchiole (little airway)
  4. capn/o
  5. carb/o
  6. laryng/o
    larynx, voicebox
  7. lob/o
    lobe or portion of the lung
  8. nas/o rhin/o
  9. or/o
  10. ox/o
  11. palat/o
  12. pharyng/o
    pharynx (throat)
  13. phren/o
  14. pleur/o
  15. pneum/o pneumon/o
    air or lung
  16. pulmon/o
  17. spir/o
  18. thorac/o pector/o steth/o
  19. thorac/o
  20. steth/o
  21. tonsill/o
    tonsil (almond)
  22. trache/o
    trachea (windpipe)
  23. uvul/o
    uvula (dangly thing in the throat)
  24. _pnea
  25. larynx
    moves air from the pharynx to the trachea and contains vocal cords
  26. glottis
    opening between the vocal cords
  27. epiglottis
    lid-like structure that covers the larynx while swallowing
  28. trachea
  29. bronchial tree
    branched airways that lead from the trachea to the alveoli
  30. right and left bronchus
    two primary airwarys branching from the area of the carina into the lungs
  31. bronchioles
    progressively smaller tubular branches of the airways
  32. alveoli
    thin-walled microscopic air sacks that exchange gasses
  33. pleura
    membranes enclosing the lung and lining the thoracic cavity
  34. pleural cavity
    potential space between the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura
  35. diaphragm
    muscle at the bottom of the lungs that expands and relaxes the lungs enableing breathing
  36. mediastinum
    partition that separates the thorax into two compartments and encloses the heart, esophagus, trachea and thymu gland
  37. how many lobes do the lungs have?
    3 on the right and 2 on the left
  38. cilia
    hair-like processes from the surfaces of epithelial cells, suh as those of the bronchi, that provide upward movement of the mucus cell secretions
  39. parenchyma
    functional lung tissue
  40. eupnea
    normal breathing
  41. bradypnea
    slow breathing
  42. tachypnea
    fast breathing
  43. hypopnea
    shallow breathing
  44. hyperpnea
    deep breathing
  45. dyspnea
    difficulty breathing
  46. apnea
    inability to breathe
  47. orthopnea
    patient that needs to sit up straight to breathe
  48. Cheyna-Stokes respiration
    pattern of breathing marked by an increase of depth and rate, reaches a peak and then comes back down and results in a period of apnea.
  49. stridor
    a high pitched crowing sound in respiration that indicates something is obstructing the upper airway
  50. epistaxis
  51. expectoration
    coughing up and spitting out material from the lungs
  52. sputum
    material expelled from the lungs by coughing
  53. hemoptysis
    coughing up and spitting out blood originating in the lungs
  54. hypercapnea or hypercarbnia
    excessive CO2 levels in the blood
  55. hyperventilation
    excessive mobement of air in and out of the lungs causing hypocapnia
  56. hypoventilation
    deficient movement of air in and out of the lungs causing hypercapnia
  57. hypoxemia
    deficient amount of O2 in the blood
  58. hypoxia
    deficient amoung of oxygen in tissue cells
  59. obstructing lung disorder
    condition blocking the flow of air moving out of the lungs
  60. restrictive lung disorder
    condition limiting the intake of air into the lungs
  61. pulmonary edema
    fluid filling of the spaces aroun the alveoli, eventually flooding into the alveoli
  62. pulmonary infiltrate
    density on an x-ray representing solid material within the air paces of the lungs, usually indicating inflammatory changes
  63. rhinorrhea
    thin, watery discharge from the nose
  64. asthma
    panting, obstructing pulmonary disease caused by a spasm of the bronchial tubes or by swelling of their mucus membrane
  65. atelectasis
    collapse of lung tissue (alveoli)
  66. -ectasis
    expansion or dilation
  67. bronchiectasis
    abnormal dilation of the brinchi with accumulation of mucus
  68. bronchitis
    inflammation of the bronchi
  69. bronchogenic carcinoma
    lung cancer
  70. bronchospasm
    constriction of bronchi caused by a spasm of the peribronchal smooth myscle
  71. emphysema
    obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by overexpansion of the alveoli with air, with destructive changes in elasticity and gas absorbtion
  72. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD
     permanent, destructive ulmonary disorder that is  combo of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  73. cystic fibrosis
    inherited condition of exocrine gland malfunction causing secretion of abnormally thick, viscous mucus that obstructs passageways within the body
  74. laryngitis
    inflammation of the larynx
Card Set
medical terminology chapter 9 respiratory system