Morphine Sulfate

  1. Class
    Narcotic Analgesic
  2. Pharmacology and Action
    Morphine is a natural opium alkaloid that acts on the opiate preceptors in the brain. Provided both analgesia and sedation effects. Vasodilatation, reduction of venous return, and decrease of myocardial oxygen demand.
  3. Indications
    • - Moderate to severe pain management
    • - To reduce venous return in pulmonary edema / CHF / MI
  4. Contraindications
    • - Undiagnosed head and abdominal injuries
    • - Hypotension / Hypovolemia
    • - Respiratory depression
    • - Acute bronchial asthma
  5. Precautions and Side Effects
    • - Respiratory Distress
    • - Bradycardia
    • - Palpitation
    • - Hypotension
    • - Cardiac Arrest
  6. Dosage (Adult)
    • Pain Managment
    • - 2.5-15mg IVP / IO
    • - 5-20mg IM / SC

    • AMI / CHF / PE
    • - 1-2mg IVP / IO (6-10 mins to effect)
  7. Dosage (Pediatrics)
    • Pain Management
    • - 0.05-0.1mg/kg IV / IO
    • - 0.1-0.2mg/kg IM / SC
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Morphine Sulfate
Morphine Sulfate