Anatomy: Head 1A, Part II

  1. What groove in the upper lip and middle of the nose seperates the nostrils
  2. What divides the nasal cavity sagittally into equal halves?
    (Median) Nasal Septum
  3. What opens at the junction btw the skin and MM, at base of alar fold just inside the nostril (nasal vestibule)
    Nasolacrimal duct
  4. What passages are formed by the nasal conchae and nasal septum
    Nasal Meatus
  5. What is the largest meatus located btw the ventral nasal conchea and the hard palate?
    Ventral Nasal Meatus
  6. What is the largest laryngeal cartilage that is opened dorsally
    Thyroid Catrilage
  7. What are the paired, irregular, pyramid shaped cartilages hanging from the rostrodorsal edge of the cricoid cartilage
    Arytenoid cartilage
  8. List 3 processes of the arytenoid cartilage in the dog
    • Vocal
    • Muscular
    • Corniculate
  9. What does the pull of the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis m on the muscular part proceess of the arytenoid cartilage do?
    Swings vocal process and vocal cords laterally, thus opening the glottic cleft
  10. What is the only laryngeal muscle which opens the glottic cleft
    Cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
  11. What is the innervation of cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
    Recurrent Laryngeal (specifically: caudal laryngeal nerve)
  12. What is the bow tie muscle
    Cricothyroideus m
  13. What is the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity
    Glottic Cleft
  14. What is the anatomical term for the eyelids?
  15. List the parts of the conjunctiva
    • Palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva
    • Seperated by the
    • conjunctival fornix
  16. What happens when the eyeball is retracted
    The 3rd Eyelid crosses the eye to protect it
  17. What is the 3rd eyelid
    Folds covering a "T"-shaped cartilage in the medial commissure
  18. What is the gland of the third eyelid?
    Accessory Lacrimal gland surrounding the cartilage of the thrid eyelid
  19. What are the 3 tunis of the eyeball from inside to out?
    • Fibrous
    • Vascular
    • Nervous tunic
  20. What are the two compartments of the fibrous tunic?
    Corneal and Sclera
  21. What is the connection btw the cornea and sclera
    Corneoscleral junction (limbus)
  22. What are the 3 compartments of the uvea (vascular tunic)?
    • Iris
    • Ciliary Body
    • Choroid
  23. How is the size of the pupil controlled?
    Dilator and sphincter mm of the iris
  24. What is the specialized area of the choroid which reflects light back into the eyeball increasing vision in low light (night vision)
    Tapetal area (tapetum lucidum)
  25. What is the term for dilation and constriction of the pupil?
    • Mydriasis (large word=large pupil)
    • Miosis (small word=small pupil)
  26. What is the blind spot of the eye?
    optic disc (where optic nerve fibers leave the eye)
  27. Where is the tapetum lucidum located?
    Superiolateral to optic disc
  28. Excluding the optic nerve, which nerve is sensory from the eyeball?
    Opthalmic branch (trigeminal, CN5)
  29. What are the 3 spaces of hte eyeball and their locations
    • Anterior chamber (btw. cornea and iris)
    • Posterior chamber (btw. iris and lense)
    • Vitreous chamber (behind lense)
  30. What moves the eyeball?
    Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball
  31. What innervates the lateral recuts and thus abducts the eye?
    Abducens (CrN6)
  32. What is the formula for the innervation of the extrinsic eye muscles?
  33. What innervated the orbicularis oculi m?
    Facial Nerve
Card Set
Anatomy: Head 1A, Part II
Nasal Cavity-Extrinsic mm of the eye