Anatomy- Head 1A, part I

  1. What is the groove in the upper lip and btw. the nostrils?
  2. What is everything rostral to the eye?
    Muzzle or snout
  3. What structures surrounding the opening of the mouth
  4. What are the flews
    Fleshy, hanging, lateral part of upper lip, especially pendulous in bloodhounds
  5. What is the stop?
    Angle of nose bridge btw the eyes, anlges varies from breed to breed
  6. Name for the two eyelides
    Upper/Superior palpebra, or lower/inferior palpebra
  7. highest point/summit of head?
  8. Describe the external ear
    Vertical part: ventrally and Horizontal part: to the ear drum
  9. Show term for the external occipital protuberance
  10. Show term for cranial portion of the neck
  11. Show term for the top line of the neck
  12. What does the occipital bone form?
    Caudal Cranial Cavity and Caudal skull
  13. What bone forms the rostral wall of the cranial cavity
    Ethmoid bone
  14. What forms the lateral face, part of the hard palate and holds the upper cheek teeth?
    Maxillary bone or maxilla
  15. How does the spinal cord enter the cranial cavity?
    Foremen magnum (occipital bone)
  16. The facial part of the skull houses what two cavities?
    Nasal and Oral
  17. What are the three types of canine skulls
    • Mesaticephalic (average)
    • Dolichocephalic (long)
    • Brachycephalic (short)
  18. What suspends the larynz and tongue from the skull?
    hyoid apparatus
  19. What unpaired hyoid bone is palpable and prominent in lateral radiographs
  20. What bony arch forms the lateral side of the bony orbit
    zygomatic arch
  21. What is the name for the bony socket that holds the eye?
  22. What hard structure is formed by the horizontal parts of the incisive, palatine and maxillary bones?
    Hard palate
  23. What foramen is located on the maxillary part of the skull?
    infraorbital foramen
  24. what is the rostral opening of the mandibular canal?
    mental foramen
  25. What is the smooth bulbous enlargement on the ventral surface of the temopral bone housing the middle ear
    tympanic bulla/middle ear
  26. What scrolls of bone fill the nasal cavity?
    Nasal conchae
  27. What is the large opening caudal to the zygomatic arch where the external ear attaches?
    external acoustic meatus
  28. What cavity contains the brain, its meninges and blood vessels?
    Cranial Cavity/vault, neurocranium, calvarium
  29. What is the median protuberance of the caudal skull?
    External occiptial protuberance
  30. What extends rostrally from the external occipital protuberance?
    External saggital crest
  31. Where do the left and right halved of the mandible meet?
    Manibular symphysis
  32. The articular (condylar) process of the mandible articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone to form what joint?
    temporomandibular joint
  33. What structures of the skull articulate with the first cervial vertebra?
    occipital condyles
  34. On what elevation do the mandibular and sublingual ducts open?
    sublingual caruncle
  35. What separates the repiratory and digestive passages in the head?
    hard and soft pallates
  36. What are the large mushroom shaped papillae on the caudal part of the tongue
    vallate papillae
  37. What are the gross parts of the tongue
    • Apex
    • Body
    • Root
  38. Name the four substances found in teeth from inside out
    • Enamel (superficial crown)
    • Cementum (superficial on root)
    • Dentin
    • Pulp (inside)
  39. What is the hardest substance in the body?
  40. Name the 4 types of permanent teeth and give their abbreviations
    • Incisors (I)
    • canine (C)
    • Premolars (PM)
    • Molars (M)
  41. Premolars and molars make up the ____ teeth
    Cheek teeth
  42. Name the two sets of teeth
    Deciduous teeth and permanent
  43. Name the 3 parts of low-crowned (brachydont) teeth of carnivores
    • Crown
    • Neck
    • Root
  44. What are the shorthand representations of the number of teeth?
    Dental Formulas
  45. What forms the bulk of the tooth and surrounds the pulp cavity?
  46. Where are nerves found in the teeth
    pulp cavity
  47. What is the socket the teeth sit in?
  48. What hold the teeth in the alveoli? What does it connect?
    Periodontal membrane, connects cementum on root with alveolar wall
  49. What is the permanent dental formula of the dog?
    2(I 3/3 C 1/1 P 4/4 M 2/3) =42
  50. Is the dental formula constant in dogs? Why?
    No, brachycephalic breeds may be missing teeth
  51. What is the permanent dental forumal for the cat?
    2(I 3/3 C 1/1 P 3/2 M 1/1) =30
  52. What is a furcation?
    • Where the roots seperate from the body
    • or
    • the tooth in multirooted teeth
  53. What the deciduous formula for dogs?
    2( Id 3/3 Cd 1/1 Pmd 3/3) = 28
  54. What the deciduous formula for cats?
    2( Id 3/3 Cd 1/1 Pmd 3/2) = 26
  55. List the 4 major salivary glands in the dog
    • Parotid
    • Mandibular
    • Sublingual
    • Zygomatic
  56. What is the course of the parotid duct?
    Crosses masseter in groove, pierces cheek across from upper PM (carnassial tooth)
  57. How are the sublingual and mandibular salivary glands related?
    Monostomatic sublingual shares a capsule with mandibular salivary gland
  58. What is the common passageway for the digestive and respiratory systems?
    Pharynx (throat)
  59. What openings connect the pharynx to the middle ear?
    Pharyngeal openings of auditory tubes
  60. What are the 3 divisions of the pharynx
    Oro-, naso-, & larygeopharynx
  61. Name the 2 openings from the nasal cavity to the nasopharynx
    Caudal nare/chonchea
  62. Where in the pharynx is the palatine tonsil located?
    Lateral wall of oropharynx
  63. The palantine tonsil sits in a ______ and covered on its ____ side by the _____ ____
    • Sinus
    • Medial
    • Tonsilar fold
Card Set
Anatomy- Head 1A, part I
Head: Ext features-Pharynx