
  1. A document by which a person receives official notification that he or she has been sued is called a......
  2. A paragraph in a legal document that continues from one page to the next should have at least
    two lines of text on each page
  3. The text of a will is.....
  4. The witness to the signature of a corporate officer to a legal document is the...
    corporation's secretary
  5. The purpose of self-proving affidavit is to avoid the necessity of bringing witness before the cout to ....
    testify as to signing of a will
  6. When preparing a Bill of Sale document, the items being conveyed are.....
    keyed single-spaced and indented five to ten spaces from the margins of the document
  7. A signed statement, duly sworn to by the maker before a notary public is an......
  8. The name of the person signing a legal document is usually keyed .....
    Underneath the signature line
  9. A legal document in which a prson direscts how property is to be distributed after death is called a....
  10. The instrument used to transfer and warrant title to personal property involved in a real esate transaction is a.....
    bill of sale
  11. Interrogatorries and requests for the production of documents are......
    discovery tools exchanged between parties to a lawsuit
  12. The legal document which forms a corporation is called an.....
    article of incorporation
  13. The title to a caontract document is generally placed at the.....
    top of the page and centered
  14. The line spacing used in the body of a pleading is......
    double spacing
  15. The words "now" and "therefore" in the consideration clause of a contract are keyed as.....
  16. The words "whereas" in the "Whereas" clause of a contract is keyed...
  17. A certificate of service is not contained in the.....
  18. The case number is not contained in a.......
    certificate of service
  19. The numeric figures of the case number keyed in a pleading are positioned after the the top of the document.
    "CASE NO."
  20. The term used to describe a situation where a court may hold the shareholders personally liable for obligations of the corporation is called.....
    • piercing the corporate veil
  21. The document submitted by the state outlining the charges against a defendant in a criminal matter is called the....
  22. A appeal filed by an opposing party to a case is called......
    a cross-apeal
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