mental health 25-27.txt

  1. Mental Health Ch. 25-28
  2. What is anger?
    Normal emotional response to a perceived threat, frustration, or distressing event
  3. What is aggression?
    A forceful attitude or action that is expressed physically, symbolically, or verbally
  4. What is assertiveness?
    The ability to directly express one�s feelings or needs in a way that respects the rights of other people yet retains one�s dignity
  5. What is an impulse control?
    Ability to express one�s emotions in appropriate or effective ways
  6. What is �acting out�?
    Use of inappropriate or destructive behaviors to express emotions
  7. What is passive aggression?
    Indirect expressions of anger through subtle, evasive, or manipulative behaviors
  8. What is violence?
    Behavior that threatens or harms other people or their property
  9. What is assault?
    Any behavior that presents an immediate threat to another person
  10. What is battery?
    Unlawful use of force on a person without his or her consent
  11. How do infants express unmet needs?
    Loud, uncontrollable crying and screaming, profuse perspiration, difficulty breathing, flailing of arms and legs
  12. Why do toddlers engage in temper tantrums?
    To focus their aggression on the person or thing they think is responsible for their anger
  13. How do preschool children show their anger?
    By assaulting or hitting each other frequently
  14. What happens during the trigger stage of an assault?
    Coping mechanisms are chosen in an attempt to achieve control
  15. When are crisis interventions successful in during a cycle of assault?
    Very early in the trigger stage
  16. During what stage are aggressive behaviors such as rapid pacing, fist pounding and complaining loudly seen?
    Escalation stage
  17. In what stage does actual assaultive behavior occur?
    Crisis stage
  18. During the crisis stage, why are people unable to listen to reason, follow directions, or engage in mental exercises?
    They are so controlled by their anger that they cannot respond to most outside stimuli
  19. What interventions should take place during the recovery stage?
    Assessing for injuries or trauma and providing a safe, quiet environment in which the person can recover
  20. What takes place during the depression stage?
    A period of guild and attempts to reconcile with others
  21. What is an adjustment disorder?
    Emotional or behavioral problems that develop in response to an identifiable source
  22. How long does an adjustment disorder last?
    No longer than 6 mos after the stressor has stopped
  23. What is the first step in controlling aggressive behaviors?
    To assess the client�s potential for engaging in inappropriate behaviors
  24. When is a mental status assessment obtained?
    As soon as possible after admission
  25. What is assessed during a mental status assessment?
    General appearance, activity and behaviors
  26. What is assessed during a psychosocial assessment?
    Relationships, cultural, spiritual, and occupational areas of the client�s life
  27. What do level one interventions focus on?
    Prevention of violence
  28. What is the goal of level one interventions?
    Establish and maintain a trusting therapeutic relationship with clear and honest communication
  29. What is the goal of level two interventions?
    Focus on protecting the client and others from potential harm
  30. What are the proper steps in communicating with angry clients?
    Listen actively; identify emotions; explore options; offer positive comments
  31. How does the nurse gently, but firmly set limits on the client�s behaviors?
    By suggesting that the client take a time-out, cooling-off period
  32. How long should a nurse allow a client to act out?
    As long as they limit their behaviors to verbal assaults and harmless physical movements
  33. What type of client is seen during level 3 interventions?
    Those who are out of control, verbally abusive or physically aggressive
  34. What are the three interventions available during level three?
    Seclusion, restraints, and IM medication
  35. What do interventions for caregivers focus on?
    Learning to effective control your own feelings of anger
  36. What is the feature of an impulse-control disorder?
    The failure to resist an impulse, drive or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others
  37. What happens to the person with an impulse-control disorder who engages in the behavior?
    They experience gratification, pleasure, and a release of tension
  38. What is neglect?
    Harm to another�s health or welfare or through a failure to provide for basic needs
  39. What is agitation?
    Behavior that is verbally or physically offensive
  40. What is aggression?
    Forceful attitude or action that is expressed physically, symbolically, or verbally
  41. What is abuse?
    Intentional misuse of someone that results in harm, injury, or trauma
  42. What is violence?
    An outburst of physical force that abuses, injuries or harms another person or object
  43. What is exploitation?
    The use of an individual for selfish purposes, profit or gain
  44. What does the social learning theory state?
    That aggressive and violent behaviors are learned through role modeling and others in the environment
  45. Who does sociological theories credit as causes for violence?
    Environmental and social factors such as overcrowding, lack of adequate housing, poor hygiene, and unemployment
  46. What is machismo?
    Compulsive masculinity
  47. What do feminist theories state?
    That males are socialized throughout childhood to behave more aggressively and violently
  48. What is domestic violence?
    Abuse and battering within a family
  49. What is battering?
    Repeated physical abuse of someone
  50. What is the leading cause of maternal death during pregnancy?
  51. What percentage of clients are abused during pregnancy?
  52. What is physical abuse?
    Inflicted injury, ranging from minor bruises and lacerations to severe trauma and death
  53. What is sexual abuse?
    Intentional engaging of children in any sexual act
  54. What is emotional abuse?
    Rejection, criticism, terrorizing, isolation
  55. When should shaken baby syndrome be suspected?
    In an infant with unexplained or vague injuries, with a history of unexplained lethargy, fussiness, or irritability
  56. What is a growing problem seen in today�s schools?
  57. What is the most common form of violence within the home?
    Violence between siblings
  58. Why do abused adolescents have significant health risks?
    Emotional disorders often result form a history of insecurity and self-survival
  59. Who is a typical victim of elder abuse?
    An older woman who is living with a relative and is physically or mentally impaired
  60. What is the first goal when working with a victim of violence?
    Prevent violence from occurring
  61. What is the second goal when working with a victim of violence?
    Early recognition and treatment for violated individuals
  62. What is the first priority of care for every victim of violence?
    To ensure safety and security
  63. What does treatment of victims of violence consist of ?
    Assessing risk factors, developing intervention to reduce aggressive reactions, and helping clients learn more effective coping skills
  64. What are the signs and symptoms of neglect in a child�s physical appearance?
    consistently dirty, unwashed, hungry, abandoned, lacks routine medical care, constantly tired
  65. What are the signs and symptoms of neglect in a child�s behavior?
    Engages in delinquent acts, begs or steals food, rarely attends school
  66. What are the signs and symptoms of neglect in a caretaker�s behavior?
    Misuses drugs or alcohol, chaotic home life, mentally ill or diminished intelligence
  67. What are the physical signs and symptoms of child abuse?
    Bruises and welts, burns, lacerations and abrasions, human bite marks
  68. What are the signs and symptoms of child abuse in a child�s behavior?
    Wary of physical contact with adults, frightened of parents, reports injury by parents,
  69. What are the signs and symptoms of child abuse in a caretaker�s behavior?
    History of abuse as a child, harsh discipline, no explanation of child�s injury, attempts to conceal child�s injury, misuses alcohol or other drugs
  70. How do many older adults choose to commit a passive suicide?
    Refusing to eat, drink, or cooperate with others
  71. What are the risk factors for suicide in elderly people?
    Advanced age, male gender, low socioeconomic status, chronic pain or illness, fear of becoming dependent or helpless
  72. What are indirect self-destructive behaviors?
    Any behaviors or actions that may result in harm to the individuals well-being or death
  73. What are some examples of indirect-self destructive behaviors?
    Substance abuse, inappropriate or dangerous activities, unwillingness to change negative thoughts or actions
  74. Why do people perform self-injuries?
    To reaffirm they are still alive; pain serves as a reminder of their connection with the body and its physical world
  75. What are direct self-destructive behaviors?
    Form of active suicidal behavior, such as threats, gestures or attempts to end one�s life
  76. What percentage of suicides occur in males older than 65 years?
  77. In society, what has a strong influence on the occurrence of suicide?
    Inability to meet basic needs
  78. What is a significant factor in relation to suicide?
    The availability of weapons
  79. What is rational suicide?
    The choice to end one�s life freely and rationally with a sound mind
  80. What is the first motive for suicide?
    A cry for help
  81. What is the second motive for suicide?
    Refusal to accept a diminished quality, style or pace of life
  82. What is the third motive for suicide?
    The need to affirm one� soul
  83. What is the fourth motive for suicide?
    To relieve distress related to situations that threaten the intactness of a person
  84. What is the fifth motive for suicide?
    Individuals who are preoccupied with suicide
  85. What does the psychoanalytical theory state?
    That all humans have the instinct for life and death within them
  86. What does the sociological theory state?
    It considers the relationship between he number of suicides and the social conditions of an area
  87. What is suicidal ideation?
    Thoughts are fantasies that are expressed but have no definite intent
  88. What are suicidal threats?
    Verbal or written expressions of the intent to take one�s life but are without actions
  89. What are suicidal gestures?
    Suicidal actions that result in little or no injury but communicate a message of suicidal intent
  90. What is the most important question to ask of a suicidal potential?
    �Do you think you can control your behavior and refrain from acting on your thoughts or impulses?�
  91. What is the first step in evaluating a suicidal potential?
    Asses the risk factors for the age of the client
  92. What is a no-harm contract?
    A promise not to engage in self-destructive behaviors
  93. What is the second step in evaluating a suicidal potential?
    Ask the client directly if he or she has any thoughts relating to suicide
  94. What is the first priority of care of suicidal clients?
    Protection from harm
  95. What is one of the most important therapeutic intervention (after ensuring safety) with suicidal persons?
    Establish rapport
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mental health 25-27.txt
Mental Health Ch. 25-27