
  1. An object is positively buoyant when:

    C) it displaces a volume of water weighing more than its own weight
  2. What two pieces of equipment do you use to control your buoyancy:

    A) BCD, B) Fins
  3. Buoyancy control is one of the most important skills you can master because it allows you to control where you are in the water:
    A) true
    B) false
    A) true
  4. an object will be more buoyant in ____ than it would be in ____ :
    A) fresh water, salt water
    B) salt water, fresh water
    B) salt water, fresh water
  5. When you exhale, your lung volume decreases. This means you have ____ buoyancy:
    A) more
    B) less
    B) less
  6. You usually feel pressure only in body air spaces because:
    A) your body is mostly made of incompressible liquid, but air is compressible and changes volume with pressure changes.
    B) water is denser than air, which resist pressure better
    A) your body is mostly made of incompressible liquid, but air is compressible and changes volume with pressure changes
  7. Pressure changes in water for a given ascent or desent are much more substantial than the same distance ascent or descent in air because water weighs more:
    A) true
    B) false
    A) true
  8. what is the absolute presure in atmospheres or bar for 10 metres/33 feet:
    2 bar, 1/2 volume
  9. what is the absolute presure in atmospheres or bar for 20 metres/66 feet:
    3 bar, 1/3 volume
  10. what is the absolute presure in atmospheres or bar for 30 metres/99 feet:
    4 bar, 1/4 volume
  11. what is the absolute presure in atmospheres or bar for 40 metres/132 feet:
    5 bar, 1/5 volume
  12. The three major air spaces affected b pressure when you descend are:

    B) mask, ears and sinuses
  13. A squeeze is:
    A) a pressure imbalance in which pressure inside an air space exceeds pressure outside an air space, resulting in pain or discomfort.
    B) A pressure imbalance in which pressure outside an air space exceeds pressure inside an air space, resulting in pain or discomfort.
    B) A pressure imbalance in which pressure outside an air space exceeds pressure inside an air space, resulting in pain or discomfort.
  14. Equalization is adding air to an air space as you descend so the pressure in an air space equals the surrounding water pressure:
    A) true
    B) false
    A) true
  15. Which are techniques for equalizing your ears:

    A) pinch your nose and blow gently against it. B) swallow and wiggle your jaw from side to side
  16. You want to equalize your ears:

    A) every meter/few feet before you feel discomfort
  17. If you feel discomfort and can't equalize, ascend until you relieve the discomfort and try again. Don't be forceful in equlizing. if you can't equalize, discintinue the dive.
    A) true
    B) false
    A) true
  18. The most important rule in scube diving is, Breathe continuously and never hold your breath:
    A) true
    B) false
    A) true
  19. Ascending while holdiing your breath:
    A) can cause lung over expansion injuries
    B) can cause serious injuries, including paralysis and death
    C) causes injuries that are easy to avoid by not holding your breath
    • A) can cause lung over expansion injuries
    • B) can cause serious injuries, including paralysis and death
    • C) causes injuries that are easy to avoid by not holding your breath
  20. A reverse block is:
    A) pain and discomfort caused by expanding air trapped inside an air space during ascent
    B) pain and discomfort caused by outside pressure on an air space
    A) pain and discomfort caused by expanding air trapped inside an air space during ascent
  21. If you feel discomfort during ascent due to a reveerse block, you should:

    A) slow or stop your ascent and give the trapped air time to work its way out
  22. As you go deeper, you consume air from your scuba cylinder:

    A) faster
  23. The most efficient method for breathing underwater is rapid and shallow:
    A) true
    B) false
    B) false
  24. You need a mask to see underwater because:

    C) the human eye can't focus in water
  25. A mask needs to enclose your nose:

    A) so you can equalize the mask
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