Exam 3: Cranial Cavity Part 2
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Where is the posterior cranial fossa located?
posterior to petrosus ridge of temporal bone and sella turcica
What covers the posterior cranial fossa?
tentorium cerebelli
What is the tentorium cerebelli?
separates cerebellum from occipital lobes of cerebrum
What is contained in the posterior cranial fossa?
medulla and pons of brain stem
several cranial nerves
What bony features are found in the posterior cranial fossa?
foramen magnum
hypoglossal canal
jugular foramen
internal acoustic meatus
What does the foramen magnum transmit?
spinal cord
spinal part of CN XI (spinal accessory n)
vertebral arteries
internal vertebral venous plexus
What does the hypoglossal canal transmit?
CN XII (hypoglossal n)
What does the jugular foramen transmit?
internal jugular vein
CN IX (glossopharyngeal n)
CN X (vagus n)
CN XI (spinal accessory n)
What does the internal acoustic meatus transmit?
CN VII (facial n)
CN VIII (vestibulocochlear n)
labyrinthine arteries
What do the labryinthine arteries supply?
internal ear
Are the three meninges that surround the spinal cord present in the cranial cavity?
What are the 3 meninges of the cranial cavity?
dura mater
arachnoid membrane
pia mater
How many layers does the dura mater have?
2 fibrous layers
What is the outer layer of the dura mater?
periosteum of the bone
Where is the periosteum (outer layer) of dura mater?
intimately attached to interior surface of cranial cavity
What is found between the periosteum layer of dura mater and the bones of the skull?
numerous meningeal arteries
The meningeal arteries make grooves on the bones, but which one in particular?
parietal bone
What is the texture of the inner layer of dura mater?
The inner layer of dura is duplicated to form what?
four inwardly projecting dural folds
Are dural folds very tight?
Why are dural folds very tight?
prevents shifting of brain from side to side
What is withing the dural folds?
vascular channels
dural venous sinuses
What is the function of dural venous sinuses?
collect venous blood from brain
The dural venous sinuses collect blood from brain and eventually return it to where?
internal jugular vein
Name the dural folds:
falx cerebri
falx cerebelli
tentorium cerebelli
diaphragma sellae
The arachnoid membrane is seen going into what structures?
dural sinus (arachnoid granulations)
What is the shape of the falx cerebri?
Where is the falx cerebri positioned?
between two cerebral hemispheres located in median plane (midline)
Where is the upper border of the falx cerebri attached?
to bone (crista galli)
What is contained in the falx cerebri?
superior sagittal sinus (upper border)
inferior sagittal sinus (anterior lower border)
straight sinus (posterior portion)
The posterior portion of the falx cerebri suspends what?
tentorium cerebelli
What does the posterior portion of the falx cerebri contain?
straight sinus
Where is the falx cerebelli?
slight fold attached to internal occipital crest of skull
What is contained in the posterior border of the falx cerebelli?
occipital sinus
What is the shape of the tentorium cerebelli?
shaped like bell tent
The tentorium cerebelli forms a roof over what?
What is the function of the tentorium cerebelli?
separates cerebellum from posterior parts of cerebrum
Which border of the tentorium cerebelli is free?
anterior border
What does the anterior border of the tentorium cerebelli surround?
large opening, the tentorial incisura
What is contained in the attached lateral borders of the tentorium cerebelli?
superior petrosal and transverse sinuses
The diaphragma sellae forms a tent-like covering over what?
pituitary gland
Within the diaphragma sellae a large opening transmits what?
What is the infundibulum?
stalk of pituitary gland
What are meningeal nerves?
sensory nerves to dura mater
What supplies meningeal nerves?
thre divisions of trigeminal nerve (CN V)
spinal nerve C1-3
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers innervate what structures?
meningeal vessels
What provides postganglonic sympathetic fibers innervating meningeal vessels?
superior cervical ganglion
The postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the meningeal vessels come from the superior cervical ganglion and travel to the cranial cavity by what?
carotid plexus
How can dural venous sinuses be classified?
as unpaired median sagittal sinuses and their continuations, or sinuses associated with paired cavernous sinuses
Do the dural venous sinuses have valves?
What are the dural venous sinsuses enclosed in?
What is the function of the dural venous sinsuses?
collect venous blood from brain todrain intointernal jugular vein
Name the dural venous sinsuses:
superior sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus
straight sinus
transverse sinuses
confluence of sinuses
occipital sinus
cavernous sinuses
inferior petrosal sinuses
superior petrosal sinuses
basilar sinus
Where is the superior sagittal sinus?
unpaired structure that occupies entire length of attached margin of falx cerebri
In the occipital region, the superior sagittal sinus becomes what?
transverse sinus
Which superior sagittal sinus contains arachnoid granulations?
superior sagittal sinus
Where is the inferior sagittal sinus?
unpaired structure in free, inferior ege of falx cerebri
Which vein does the inferior sagittal sinus join?
great cerebral vein (of Galen)
The inferior sagittal sinus joins the great cerebral vein to become what?
straight sinus
Where is the straight sinus?
unpaired structus in line of union between tentorium cerebelli and falx cerebri
What does the straight sinus become?
left transverse sinus in occipital region
Where are the transverse sinuses?
occupy attached margin of tentorium cerebelli
What do the transverse sinuses form?
grooves on inner surface of occipital bone
What do the transverse sinuses become continuous with?
sigmoid sinus
What is the shape of the sigmoid sinus?
What structure does the sigmoid sinus course toward?
jugular foramen
What joins with the transverse sinus?
superior petrosal sinus
Where is the confluence of sinuses?
located where right and left transverse sinuses meet in midline and where occipital sinus begins
Where is the occipital sinus?
unpaired in falx cerebelli
What does the occipital sinus communicate with?
interna vertebral venous plexus
The occipital sinus communicates with the internal vertebral venous plexus via which foramen?
foramen magnum
Where are the cavernous sinuses?
paired along side of hypophyseal fossa
What does the cavernous sinus connect with?
superior and inferior ophthalmic veins
sphenoparietal sinus
What drains the cavernous sinuses?
superior and inferior petrosal sinuses
What is contained within the cavernous sinuses?
internal carotid artery
What do the inferior petrosal sinuses drain?
cavernous sinuses
Where do the inferior petrosal sinuses end?
internal jugular vein
Where are the superior petrosal sinuses?
paired structures occupy grooves on petrous ridge
What do the superior petrosal sinuses drain?
cavernous sinuses into transverse sinuses
Where is the basilar sinus?
surface of dorsum sellae and basi-occiput bones
What sinuses does the basilar sinus unite?
cavernous sinuses and inferior petrosal sinuses with internal vertebral plexus
What foramen allows the basilar sinus to unite the cavernous sinuses and inferior petrosal sinuses with he internal vertebral plexus?
foramen magnum
All blood from cranial cavity eventually goes where?
to jugular v.
Why is CSF recycled into brainstem?
to maintain pressure
Where does CSF come from and return to?
blood stream
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Exam 3: Cranial Cavity Part 2
review of 6/29 lecture on Cranial cavity for exam 3
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