Blood and Lymph Systems

  1. blast/o
    immature cell
  2. chrom/o
  3. chyl/o
  4. hem/o
  5. immun/o
  6. lymph/o
    clear fluid
  7. phag/o
    eat or swallow
  8. reticul/o
    a net
  9. splen/o
  10. thym/o
    thymus gland
  11. plasma
    liquid portion of the blood-- water, proteins, salts, nutrients, hormones, vitamins
  12. serum
    liquid portion of the blood left after the clotting process
  13. erythrocyte
    red blood cell that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
  14. hemoglobin
    protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  15. leukocyte
    white blood cell that protects the body from infection
  16. granulocytes
    a group of white blood cells containing small particles in their cytoplasm 
  17. neutrophil
    a white blood cell that fights infection by swallowing bacteria
  18. polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)
    another term for white blood cell, has many segments in its nucleus 
  19. band
    an immature white blood cell
  20. eosinophil
    a small white blood cell that increases with allergy and some infections 
  21. basophil
    a small white blood cell that prevents compounds that do not let blood clot to inflamed tissues 
  22. agranulocytes
    a group of white blood cells without small particles in their nuclei
  23. lymphocyte
    a small white blood cells that fights against disease
  24. monocyte
    A white blood cell that has a single nucleus and can take in foreign material.
  25. platelet
    cell fragments in the blood essential for blood clotting 
  26. thymus
    helps maintain the body's immune response by producing T lymphocytes (immune cells) 
  27. spleen
    the organ that filters out aging blood cells, removes cellular debris, and provides the environment with immune responses by lymphocytes (immune cells) 
  28. lymph
    fluid in the organs and tissues that helps collect unwanted materials for removal from the body
  29. lymph capillaries
    microscopic vessels that draw lymph from the tissues to the lymph vessels 
  30. lymph vessels
    vessels that receive lymph from the lymph capillaries and circulate it to the lymph nodes 
  31. lacteals
    specialized lymph vessels that absorb fat into the bloodstream
  32. chyle
    a white or pale yellow substance of the lymph that contains fatty substances absorbed by the lacteals
  33. lymph nodes
    small oval structures that filter the lymph received from the lymph vessels
  34. lymph ducts
    collecting channels that carry lymph from the lymph nodes to the veins
  35. right lymphatic duct
    receives lymph from the upper-right part of the body
  36. thoracic duct
    receives lymph from the left side of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, left arm, and lower extremities 
  37. antigen
    a substance that, when introduced to the body, causes the formation of antibodies against it (detects harmful substances)
  38. antibody
    a substance produced by the body that destroys an antigen 
  39. immunoglobulins (Ig)
    protein antibodies secreted by B lymphocytes that protect the body from foreign pathogens 
  40. immunity
    process of disease protection induced by exposure to an antigen
  41. active immunity
    an immunity that protects the body against a future infection
  42. passive immunity
    an immunity resulting from antibodies that are conveyed naturally through the mother to the fetus, or artificially by injection 
  43. erythropenia
    an abnormally reduced number of red blood cells 
  44. lymphocytopenia
    an abnormally reduced number of lymphocytes
  45. neutropenia
    a decrease in the number of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell
  46. pancytophenia 
    an abnormally reduced number of all cellular components in the blood 
  47. hemolysis 
    breakdown of the red blood cell membrane 
  48. immunocompromised 
    an immune system that has been impaired by disease or medical treatment
  49. immunosuppression
    impaired ability to provide an immune response
  50. lymphadenopathy 
    the presence of enlarged diseased lymph nodes 
  51. splenomegaly
    enlargement of the spleen 
  52. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 
    part of the immune system is missing or defective. the body's ability to fight infections is impaired. frequent infections will be more severe and last longer  
  53. anemia 
    a condition in which there is a reduction in red blood cells, which doesn't let red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues 
  54. aplastic anemia 
    anemia characterized by the failure of bone marrow to produce red blood cells 
  55. iron deficiency anemia 
    anemia that lacks iron
  56. pernicious anemia 
    anemia that has an inadequate supply of vitamin B12, causing red blood cells to become large, varied in shape, and reduced in number 
  57. autoimmune disease 
    abnormal function of the immune system that causes the body to produce antibodies against itself 
  58. erythroblastosis fetalis 
    incompatibility of a fetus with an Rh-positive blood factor and a mother who is Rh negative, causing red blood cell destruction in the fetus 
  59. hemochromatosis 
    excessive buildup of iron deposits in the body
  60. hemophilia 
    a bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process
  61. myelodysplasia 
    when bone marrow produces an insufficient number of normal blood cells
  62. lymphoma 
    any neoplastic disorder of lymph tissue 
  63. metastasis 
    the process by which cancer cells are spread by blood 
  64. mononucleosis 
    an increase in mononuclear cells in the blood, enlarged lymph nodes, fatigue, sore throat 
  65. polycythemia 
    an increase in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood 
  66. septicemia 
    a systemic disease caused by the infection of microorganisms and their toxins in the circulating blood 
  67. thrombocytopenia 
    a bleeding disorder with a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, which impairs the clotting process 
  68. blood chemistry 
    a test of the fluid portion of blood to measure the presence of a chemical constituent 
  69. blood chemistry panels 
    specialized batteries of automated blood chemistry tests performed on a single sample of blood 
  70. basic metabolic panel 
    tests used as a general screen for disease
  71. comprehensive metabolic panel 
    tests for expanded screening purposes
  72. blood culture 
    a test to determine if infection is present in the blood stream 
  73. CD4 cell count 
    a measure of the number of CD4 cells (a subset of T lymphocytes) in the blood 
  74. hemoglobin (HGB or Hgb)
    a test to determine the blood level of hemoglobin 
  75. hematocrit (HCT or Hct)
    a measurement of the percentage of packed red blood cells in a given volume of blood 
  76. bone marrow aspiration 
    a needle aspiration of bone marrow tissue for pathological examination 
  77. bone marrow biopsy
    a pathological examination of bone marrow tissue 
  78. lymphangiogram 
    an x-ray image of a lymph node or vessel taken after injection o a contrast medium 
  79. computed tomography (CT) 
    used to detect tumors and cancers 
  80. bone marrow transplant 
    the transplantation of healthy bone marrow from a donor to stimulate blood cell production 
  81. lymphadenectomy 
    the removal of a lymph node 
  82. lymphadenotomy 
    an incision into a lymph node 
  83. lymph node dissection
    the removal of possible cancer-carrying lymph nodes for examination
  84. splenectomy
    removal of a spleen
  85. thymectomy
    removal of the thymus gland
  86. chemotherapy 
    chemical agents that destroy selected cells or impair their ability to reproduce 
  87. immunotherapy 
    agents to prevent or treat disease by stimulating the body's own defense mechanisms 
  88. plasmapheresis 
    the removal of plasma from the body with separation and extraction of specific elements 
  89. anticoagulant 
    a drug that prevents clotting of the blood 
  90. hemostatic 
    a drug that stops the flow of blood within the vessels 
  91. vasoconstrictor 
    a drug that causes a narrowing of blood vessels
  92. vasodilator 
    a drug that causes dilation of blood vessels, increasing blood flow 
Card Set
Blood and Lymph Systems
Blood and Lymph Systems Vocabulary