advertisements designed to build goodwill or an image for an organization rather than promote a specific product or service
Institutional advertisements
State the position of the company on the issue
Advocacy Advertisements
Used for announcements about what a company is; what it can do, or where it is located
Pioneering Institutional Advertisements
Promote the advantages of one product class over another and are used in markets wheere different product classes compete for the same buyer
Competitive Institutional Advsertisements
Bring the company's name and attention to the target market again
Reminder Institutional Advertisements
These are programs by which a manufacturer pays a percentage of the retailer’s local advertising expense for advertising the manufacturer’s products
cooperative advertising
Methods of obtaining nonpersonal presentation of an organization, product, or service without direct cost
publicity tools
involves the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person’s or group’s purchase decision.
Personal selling
involves planning the selling program and implementing and evaluating the personal selling effort of the firm.
Sales management
The practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson’s attention and commitment to customer needs over time .
relationship selling
A salesperson who processes routine orders or reorders for products that were already sold by the company
order taker
A salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on customers’ use of a product or service
order getter
Sales activities occurring before and after the sale itself, consisting of six stages: (1) prospecting, (2) preapproach, (3) approach, (4) presentation, (5) close, and (6) follow-up .
personal selling process
A need-satisfaction sales presentation style that involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation.
Adaptive Selling
A need-satisfaction sales presentation style that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution.
consultative selling
The practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, longterm, cooperative relationships; also called key account management.
major account management