Psych words

  1. activities of daily living
    Basic self-care tasks required to live on one's own, such as bathing, dressing, getting in and out of bed or a chair.
  2. Alzheimer's Disease
    The most common form of dementia, in which structual and chemical deterioration in the brain is associated with gradual loss of man aspects of thought and behavior, including memory, skilled and purposeful movements, and speech production.
  3. Amyloid Plaques
    A structural change in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease in which dense deposits of a deteriorated protein called amyloid are surrounded by clumps of dead nerve and glial cells.
  4. Assisted Living
    A homelike housing arrangement for seniors who require more care than can be provided at home but less than is usually provided in nursing homes. Cos-effective alternative to nursing homes that prevents unnecessary institutionalization
  5. Dementia
    A set of disorders occurring almost entirely in old age in which many aspects of thought and behavior are so impaired that everyday activities are disrupted. Rises sharply with age, strikes both sexes equally.
  6. Frailty
    Weakened functioning of diverse organs and body systems, which profoundly interferes with everyday competence and leaves the older adults highly vulnerable in the face of an infection, extremely hot or cold weather, or an injury. A person of extreme infirmity who displays wasted muscle mass.
  7. Functional Age
    Actual competence and performance of an older adult.
  8. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
    Tasks necessary to conduct the business of daily life and also requiring some cognitive competence, such as telephoning, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, and paying bills.
  9. Prospective Memory
    Recall that involves remembering to engage in planned actions at an appropriate time in the future.
  10. Terminal Decline
    Marked acceleration in deterioration of cognitive functioning prior to death.
  11. Ego Integrity
    When reminiscing over one's life one feels positive and successful. The result of positive resolution of final life crisis. Have a sense of integrity and feel whole, complete and satisfied with their achievements. Coming to terms with their life. They have adapted to the mix of triumphs and dissapointments that are inevitable part of life. The capacity to view ones life in the larger context. The ego's assurance of its capacity to order and bestow meaning. Coming to terms with your life.
  12. Despair
    Become preoccupied with past experiences. Manifests itself as fear of death, that life is too short, concentrates on failures. Feel they have made too many wrong decisions, yet time is too short to find an alternate route to integrity. Hard to accept death is near and is overwhelmed with bitterness, and hopelessness.
  13. Aging in place
    The ability to age in one's home. To live a desirable lifestyle by participating in their communities, remaining independent as their health allows, having access to educational, cultural, and recreational facilities, feeling safe, and living in an intergenerational environment.
  14. Reminiscence
    The process of telling stories about people and events from the past and reporting associated thoughts and feelings.
  15. Social convoy
    A model of age related changes in social networks, which views the individual within a cluster of relationships moving through life. Close ties are in the inner circle, less close ties on the outside. With age, people change places in the convoy, new ties are added, and some are lost entirely.
  16. Third Age
    Refers to the period after midlife when older people are freed from work and parenting responsibilities and have more time to invest in lifelong learning.
  17. Advance Medical Directive
    A written statement of desired medical treatment should a person become incurably ill. There are two kinds: a living will, and durable power of attorney for health care.
  18. Living Will
    A type of advance directive, where people specify the treatments they do or do not want in case of a terminal illness, coma, or other near death situation.
  19. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
    Authorizes appointment of another person to make health care decisions on one's behalf in case of incompetence.
  20. Agonal Phase
    Greek word for it means "struggle" . The primary phase of dying in which gasps and muscle spasms occur during the first moments in which the body can no longer sustain life.
  21. Clinical death
    A short interval follows in which heart-beat, circulation, breathing , and brain functioning stop but resuscitation is still possible.
  22. Mortality
    The individual passes into permanent death. Within a few hours, the newly lifeless being appears shrunken, not at all like the person he or she was when alive.
  23. Anticipatory Grieving
    Before a prolonged, expected death, acknowledging that the loss is inevitable and preparing emotionally for it.
  24. Death Anxiety
    Fear and apprehension of death
  25. Euthanasia
    The practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable condition
  26. Grief
    Intense physical and psychological distress following the loss of a loved one.
  27. Hospice
    A comprehensive program (a philosophy) of support services that focuses on meeting terminally ill patients' physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs as they prepare for death and that offers follow up bereavement services to families. Work on controlling pain, retaining dignity and self-worth, care provided by interdisciplinary team.
  28. Palliative Care
    Also called "comfort care"; care for terminally ill, suffering patients that relives pain and other symptoms aimed at protecting the patients quality of life rather than prolonging life. Work on reducing pain and severity of symptoms.
  29. Persistent Vegitative State
    A state produced by absence of brain wave activity at the cortex in which the person is unconscious, displays no voluntary movements, and has no hope of recovery
  30. Thanatology
    The academic study of death among humans. It investigates the circumstances surrounding a person's death, the grief experienced by the deceased's loved ones, and larger social attitudes towards death such as ritual and memorialization. It works to develop guidelines to ease the process of dying. Thanatology also studies the similarities and differences of various cultures around the world and their manner of dealing with death of themselves or a loved one
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Psych words