acumulacion de liquido en la cavidad abdominal
hay inflamacion moderada. liquido transparente con un contenido bajo en proteinas con pocos celulas.
visual appearance:
normal appearance is clear and straw colored with low viscosity.
abnormal:Turbidity indicates a high leukocyte count and, thus, exudation (the extreme case is a purulent exudate). Turbidity is evident when the WBC count is at least 200 cells/ul. The WBC count of a purulent exudate is about 10,000 cells/ul.high
viscosity indicates clotting and/or much hydrolyzed debrisred or pink color indicates the presence of blood (blood in fluid with no history of trauma suggests malignancy)
exudado seroso
serous exudate
thick, sticky b/c it contains large amounts of fibrinogen, happens with more severe injury
This image shows the lungs of a turkey infected with Pasteurella multocida. The left lung has a severe accumulation of fibrinous exudate on its pleural surface
pus, and occurs in severe inflammation w/ bacterial infection
- Here is a purulent exudate in which the exuded fluid also contains a large number of acute inflammatory cells. Thus, the yellowish fluid in this opened pericardial cavity is a purulent exudate.
what is the function of exudate fluid
- 1) to transport leukocytes and antibodies,
- 2) dilution of toxins,
- 3) transport of neutrients
has a large amont of RBC, and is present w/ the most severe inflammation
exudado hemorragico
extravascular fluid collection that is basically an ultrafiltrate of plasma with little protein and few or no cells. Fluid appears grossly clear.
Note the clear, pale yellow appearance of the fluid.
easily pressed mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. The middle of an abscess is full of pus and debris.
abscesos pulmonar
Necrosis with the preservation of cellular and tissue architecture.The nucleus, cytoplasm, and cellular outlines remain intact because it is a slower process.It occurs in solid organs.
necrosis coagulativa
There is an accumulation of pus (i.e. a mixture of dead and dying polymorphs along with amorphous debris.)It occurs in soft tissue
necrosis liquefactiva
Coagulative necrosis seen in mycobacterial infections or in tumor necrosis; however, coagulated tissue no longer resembles cells but becomes chunks of unrecognizable debris. A giant cell or granulomatous reaction is often associated with caseous necrosis.
necrosis caseosa
: Necrosis caused either by the release of pancreatic enzymes (enzymatic fat necrosis) or due to trauma to fat by a physical blow or by surgery (traumatic fat necrosis.)Lipases release free fatty acids which combine with calcium to produce detergents (soapy deposits in tissue.)Macrophages may be found in fat-necrosed tissue.
fat necrosis
ccurs over seconds, minutes, hours, and days,
Increased blood flow due to dilation of blood vessels (arterioles) supplying the regionIncreased permeability of the capillaries, allowing fluid and blood proteins to move into the interstitial spacesMigration of neutrophils (and perhaps a few macrophages) out of the capillaries and venules and into interstitial spaces
accute inflammation
inflamacion aguda