What is unique about the skin of the face?
- thickness of skin is less in facial region
- muscles of facial expression insert into deep surface of skin
What innervates the skin of the face?
cutaneous branches of trigeminal nerve
Which cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve?
What are the muscles of facial expression also known as?
mimetic muscles
Where are the muscles of facial expression arranged?
around eyes, nostrils, and mouth
What is the general function of th emuscles of facial expression?
dilators or sphincters
What innervates the muscles of facial expression?
terminal branches of facial nerve
What cranial nerve is the facial nerve?
Sensory innervation of the face is provided by:
cutaneous branches of trigeminal nerve
What are the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve?
- ophthalmic (V1)
- maxillary (V2)
- mandibular (V3)
Where do supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves branch from?
ophthalmic (V1)
What do the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves supply?
the upper eyelid and skin of forehead and anterior scalp
Where does the infraorbital nerve branch from?
maxillary (V2)
What does the infraorbital nerve supply?
skin of nose, lower eyelid, upper lip and most of cheek
Where does the mental nerve branch from?
mandibular (V3)
What does the mental nerve supply?
skin of lower lip and chin
Where is the scalp?
anything above eyebrows
Where is the buccal branch of CN V?
goes to cheek
What is the function of the buccal branch of CN V?
purely sensory
What provides motor innervation to muscles of face?
five terminal branches of facial nerve
What structure does the facial nerve pass through as it gives off its five terminal branches?
parotid gland
What are the five terminal branches of the facial nerve?
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
How are the terminal branches of the facial nerve named?
indicates their destinations
What does the temporal nerve supply?
side of skull and forehead
What does the zygomatic branch supply?
muscles around eye
What does the buccal branch supply?
muscles in cheek
What does the mandibular branch supply?
muscles associated with lower lip and chin
What does the cervical branch supply?
platysma in neck
Of the 12 cranial nerves, which is most susceptible to injury and disease?
facial n.
What is facial nerve paralysis commonly known as?
Bell's palsy
Bell's palsy usually results in what disabilities?
weakness of facial muscles, or complete paralysis of facial muscles on the affected side
Are symptoms of Bell's palsy reversible?
in most cases symptoms subside with passage of time
How many arteries provide blood supply to face and scalp?
Which two arteries provide blood supply to the face and scalp?
- transverse facial artery
- facial artery
What is the transverse facial artery a branch of?
superficial temporal
Where does the transverse facial artery run?
horizontally across zygomatic arch
What is the facial artery a branch of?
external carotid
What does the facial artery supply?
most of the facial region
Which triangle does the facial artery pass through?
submandibular triangle
The facial artery passes through the submandibular before crossing which bone to reach the facial region?
After the facial artery enters the facial region, where does the artery go?
medial angle of eye
Which branch of the external carotid artery is the facial artery?
the 3rd branch
How many terminal branches does the external carotid artery have?
Why does the facial artery have a twisted appearance?
so it can lengthen when jaw opens widely
Where does the facial vein lie in comparison to the facial artery?
facial vein lies posterior to facial artery
The facial vein connects with what other vein below the mandible?
common facial vein
After the facial vein and common facial vein connect, they becom a tributary to which vein?
internal jugular
The facial vein has important connections with several other veins including the:
- superior ophthalmic
- and pterygoid plexus
Where is the superior ophthalmic vein?
in the orbit
Where are the pterygoid plexus?
in infratemporal fossa
Do the veins in the face have functional valves?
What is the clinical significance of the ophthalmic and pterygoid plexus with the facial vein?
- they communicate with cavernous sinus in cranial cavity; infectious material is easily transported to cavernous sinus by way of these venous connections
- life-threatening situation may develop
Why is it so dangerous to get an infection in the cavernous sinus in the cranial cavity?
difficult to treat this region with antibiotics
What are the five layers of tissue on the scalp? (from superfical to deep)
- Skin
- subCutaneous tissue
- galea Aponeurotica
- Loose areolar tissue
- Pericranium
What usually covers the skin of the scalp?
Is the skin of the scalp thick?
relatively thick
What is contained in subcutaneous tissue of the scalp?
vessels, nerves, and lymphatics
What is the galea aponeurotica?
a broad aponeurosis uniting two muscles
Which two muscles does the galea aponeurotica connect?
frontalis and occipitalis
What is areolar tissue?
connective tissue
What is the function of the loose areolar tissue?
permits limited movement of the scalp
What is another name for pericranium?
What is the cavernosus sinus?
- bilateral structure in cranial cavity
- collection of veins
- connects to ophthalmic vein
Veins in the scalp have direct connections with venous channels in the cranial cavity by way of what?
emissary veins
Where do emissary veins enter the cranial cavity?
foramina in skull, such as parietal and mastoid foramina
What is the clinical importance of the emissary veins?
vascular channels can transmit an infection of the scalp to the cranial cavity
What surrounds the arteries of the scalp?
dense layer of connective tissue
Is it easy for the arteries to constrict after a scalp laceration occurs?
no, connot constrict easily to decrease hemorrhaging
Since arteries in the scalp cannot hemorrhage easily, are scalp lacerations extermely bloody?
What provides innervation of the scalp?
supraorbital and supratrochlear nn
Supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves are branches of what?
V1 anteriorly and greater/lesser occipital nn. posteriorly