favoriable condition
- -political stable nations
- -free market system
- -no dramatic upsurge in inflation or private sector
Unfavorable Condition
- -politically unstable developing nations
- -speculative financial bubbles have led to excess borrowing
- -mixed or command economies
Scales of Entry
- -strategic commitments: a decision that has a long term impact and is difficult to reverse
- -large scale entry
- -all eggs in one basket
Scales of Entry PRO
- commitment of significant resources,
- easier to attract customers (will remain in market),
- may cause rivals to rethink market entry
Scales of Entry CONS
- fewer resources to commit elsewhere,
- strategic inflexibility
Strategic Commitments
small scale entry
Strategic Commitments PROS
time to learn about the market, limits company exposure
Strategic Commitments CONS
may be difficult to build market share, difficult to capture first mover advantages
agreement where licensor grants rights to intangible property to another entity for a specified period of time in return for royalties
licensing ADVANTAGES
- -reduces development cost and risks of establishing foreign enterprise
- -lack capital venture
- -unfamiliar or politically volatile market
- -overcomes restrictive investment barriers
-lack of control -creating a competitor
wholly owned subsidiaries: greenfield and acquisition
- -advantages
- -no risk of losing technical technical competence to a competitor
- -tight control of operations
- -realize learning curve and location economies
- -disadvantage
- -bear full coat and risk
- -most sought out way of entering a market
franchisers sells intangible property and insist on rules for operating business
franchising ADVANTAGES
- -advantages
- -reduces costs and risk of establishing enterprise -relatively easy to set up business
Franchising Disadvantages
- -may prohibit movement of profits from one country to support operations in another country
- -semi-vertical relationship: Control by franchisor
Where to Manufacture
- -country factors
- -technological factors
- -production factors
- -locating manufactoring facilities
Country Factors
- -Political economy -culture -relative factor costs
- -formal and informal trade barriers -rules regarding FDI
technological factors
-fixed costs -mass customization -minimum efficient scale -mass consumption -low cost and product customization -flexiable manufactoring (lean production)
Product factors and location strategies
-2 product features, effect location decisions -value to weight ratio -product services universal needs
two strategies for locating manufacturing facilities
-concentration -decentralization
Make or Buy Decision
-would you chose centralization -trade offs low productions cost -speialized investments, doesn't have -doesnt have bother use asset -doesnt have another use
-propriety product technology production -facilitating specialized investments -lower costs -improved scheduling -no supply chain
-strategic flexiablity -lower costs -offsets -> business of practices
-industrial or complex products -short distribution -few print or electronic media available
- -long distribution channels -consumer goods
- -sufficient print and electronic media available
Determents of Demand Elasticity
- -income level and competitive conditions determine elasticity
- -price elasticity tend to be greater in countries with low income levels
- -price elasticity tends t be greater in countries where there are many competitors
Four Strateigies to profit from global market
- global/standardization
- locialzation/mutli domestic
- transnational strategy
- international
Global/Standardization strategy
- -standardize products
- -best use of the experience curve and of location economics
- -utilize product standardization
- -no need for local responsiveness
- -centralization of the operation integration and coordination -not good if local responsiveness demand is high
Localization/ Multi-domestic strategy
- -opposite of 1, very distinctive from one another
- -must take each market with different strategies
- -maximize local responsiveness
- -customize the product and marketing strategy to national demand
- -all value creation activities performed in each national market
Transnational Strategy
- -combination of 1 and 2
- -cant do it a the same time, but you can do it
- -core competences can develop in any of the firms worldwide operations
- -flow of skills and product offerings occurs throughout the firm not only at home to foreign subsidiary (global learning)
- -makes sense where pressure with both low cost pressure and local responsiness
International Strategy
-doomed to fail -sell and market product as one would at home