Sexual Humanities Final

  1. Efforts to control conception began:

    D. at least as far back as recorded history.
  2. Oral contraceptives were first available in this country:
    a. at the turn of the century.
    b. in 1945.
    c. in 1960.
    d. in 1920.
    c. in 1960.
  3. In 1972, the Supreme Court case ________ extended the right to privacy
    to unmarried individuals by decriminalizing the use of contraception by
    single people.
    a. Eisenstadt v. Baird
    b. Griswold v. Connecticut
    c. Roe v. Wade
    d. Sanger v. Comstock
    a. Eisenstadt v. Baird
  4. Birth control is suggested to have all but which of the following

    with hereditary diseases.
    C. It delays menopause.
  5. MOST practicing Catholics in the United
    States are:
    a. likely to use some kind of artificial
    b. twice as likely as non-Catholics to use
    c. much less likely to use contraception than
    d. likely to abstain from contraceptive use.
    • a. likely to use some kind of artificial
    • contraception.
  6. Anti-contraceptive religious groups view
    contraception as a slippery slope toward:

    B. abortion.
  7. Accompanying your partner to a medical exam
    for birth control is an example of:

    A. shared responsibility.
  8. Which of the following is NOT a
    circumstance under which a couple may want to use a back-up method of
    a. The first through third months of changing to
    a new method.
    b. When the couple wants to increase the effectiveness of a method they're already using.
    c. During the first cycle of the pill.
    d. When first learning to use a new method.
    • a. The first through third months of changing to
    • a new method.
  9. Even when used correctly, which of the
    following is the LEAST effective birth control method?

    B. diaphragm and spermicide
  10. Research has indicated that individuals who
    ________ about sex are likely to use contraception ineffectively.

    B. feel guilty
  11. Which of the following statements regarding
    outercourse is FALSE?

    or transmit a sexually transmitted disease.
    • A. It is safe sex, in that you cannot contract
    • or transmit a sexually transmitted disease.
  12. Hormone-based contraceptives can work in
    all of the following ways EXCEPT:
    a. inhibiting ovulation.
    b. constricting the fallopian tubes to block
    passage of the fertilized egg.
    c. altering cervical mucus so the passage of
    sperm is blocked.
    d. preventing the fertilized egg from implanting
    in the uterus.
    • b. constricting the fallopian tubes to block
    • passage of the fertilized egg.
  13. ________ provides fluctuations of estrogen
    and progesterone levels during the cycle.

    D. The triphasic pill
  14. All of the following are advantages of
    taking oral contraceptives EXCEPT:
    a. decreasing the possibility of benign breast
    b. decreasing acne.
    c. reducing the possibility of hypertension.
    d. reducing menstrual cramps.
    c. reducing the possibility of hypertension.
  15. For women over the age of 35 who smoke, the
    ________ outweigh the ________ of oral contraceptives.

    B. risks; benefits
  16. When using the transdermal patch, which of
    the following techniques for use is CORRECT?
    a. It must be applied six hours before sex and
    left in place for 12 hours after sex.
    b. It should be inserted into the vagina and
    left in place for 30 days.
    c. A woman replaces the old patch with a new one
    on the same day each week for three weeks, then takes a seven-day patch
    free week.
    d. It is inserted under the skin, below the
    • c. A woman replaces the old patch with a new one
    • on the same day each week for three weeks, then takes a seven-day patch
    • free week.
  17. Which of the following statements regarding
    condoms is FALSE?
    a. Nonlubricated condoms can be used for
    protection from infection during fellatio.
    b. Vegetable oil is a good alternative lubricant
    if water-based lubricant is not available.
    c. For some men, the diminished sensation
    associated with condom use is preferred because it delays ejaculation.
    d. Some people are allergic to latex condoms.
    • b. Vegetable oil is a good alternative lubricant
    • if water-based lubricant is not available.
  18. In order to correctly use condoms to
    prevent pregnancy:
    a. the condom must be held at the base of the
    penis as it is withdrawn from the vagina.
    b. the condom must be used before the penis has
    contact with the vulva.
    c. all of these.
    d. water-based lubricants should be used.
    c. all of these.
  19. Which of the following may increase the
    incidence of yeast infections and urinary tract infections?

    B. vaginal spermicides
  20. A woman may insert a diaphragm as long as
    ________ prior to intercourse and have it still be effective.

    B. six hours
  21. A woman would have to be fitted for all of
    these cervical barrier devices EXCEPT:

    D. vaginal foam.
  22. Which of the following statements regarding
    intrauterine devices is TRUE?
    a. They work by inhibiting ovulation.
    b. They are more effective than using a
    c. Some types can reduce PID by clearing out the
    d. They increase the chances of ovarian cancer.
    • b. They are more effective than using a
    • diaphragm.
  23. One form of emergency contraceptive
    includes giving larger than normal doses of:

    C. estrogens and/or progestins.
  24. ________ is the MOST effective method of
    birth control EXCEPT abstinence.

    B. Sterilization
  25. Ernest confides to Tim that he is scheduled
    to have a vasovasostomy. Ernest:

    a. should be advised of the side effects of this
    surgery related to potential birth defects.
    b. is a volunteer participating in male
    contraceptive research.
    c. is having a tube implanted in his scrotum to
    increase fertility.
    d. is having a vasectomy reversed.
    d. is having a vasectomy reversed.
  26. In ancient Egypt women placed dried
    crocodile dung next to the cervix to prevent conception.


  27. According to one study, Catholic women in
    the U.S. are much more likely to use birth control than non-Catholic


  28. Oral and anal sex are types of


  29. The progestin-only birth control pill works
    by inhibiting ovulation.


  30. The vaginal ring and the transdermal patch
    are both barrier methods of contraception.


  31. A major advantage of the cervical cap is
    the relative lack of side effects.


  32. Immediately prior to ovulation, a woman's
    body temperature drops slightly.


  33. Sterilization is the most effective method
    of birth control except for abstinence.


  34. If a woman undergoes tubal sterilization,
    it will most likely have a negative effect on her sexual motivation.


  35. Female sterilization is easily reversed.


  36. Some studies show that marriages without
    a. are not as fulfilling and satisfying as
    marriages with children.
    b. are happier and more satisfying than
    marriages with children.
    c. are more stressful than marriages with
    d. tend to last longer than marriages with
    • b. are happier and more satisfying than
    • marriages with children.
  37. All of the following are potential
    advantages to having children EXCEPT:
    a. having children can build the self-esteem of
    b. less stress on marital relationship.
    c. being able to give and receive love from
    d. parents may experience tremendous personal
    b. less stress on marital relationship.
  38. Selective abortion of female fetuses is
    illegal but common in all of the following countries EXCEPT:

    D. Croatia.
  39. All of the following methods could help a
    couple increase the probability of conception by predicting the time of
    ovulation EXCEPT:

    B. multiple insertion.
  40. Which is NOT true concerning laboratory
    techniques used to separate X- from Y-bearing sperm?
    a. This is now in widespread clinical usage.
    b. Success rates are better for male babies than
    female babies.
    c. This requires artificial insemination.
    d. This is of benefit to couples with X-linked
    disease risks.
    • b. Success rates are better for male babies than
    • female babies.
  41. At what age does a woman's fertility
    typically peak?

    B. 20 24 years
  42. Which of the following statements regarding
    infertility is FALSE?
    a. Approximately half the couples seeking help
    for infertility will ultimately be unsuccessful.
    b. Despite medical and scientific advances, the
    causes of infertility may be difficult to determine.
    c. Infertility is a result of male factors,
    female factors, or a combination of both.
    d. Once a couple is able to conceive a child the
    first time, it is highly unlikely they will have fertility problems the
    second time.
    • d. Once a couple is able to conceive a child the
    • first time, it is highly unlikely they will have fertility problems the
    • second time.
  43. var MEScot1='Sorry, your current browser does not support this content. \nPlease upgrade your browser. Refer to the CengageNOW System Requirements to determine the appropriate browser and version for your system.';

    All of the following affects male fertility

    C. low percentage of body fat.
  44. Which of the following statements regarding
    a varicocele is TRUE?

    B. It is a major cause of infertility in men.
  45. Semen from a woman's partner is
    mechanically introduced into her vagina, cervix or uterus in order to
    facilitate conception. This procedure is called:

    C. artificial insemination.
  46. Assisted reproductive techniques are:

    C. expensive with varying success rates.
  47. The first indication of pregnancy is

    D. the absence of the menstrual period.
  48. All of the following are ways in which a
    man might share in his partner's decision to have an abortion EXCEPT:

    A. refrain from having intercourse with her.
  49. Lynn misses one menstrual period and three
    weeks later confirms the fact that she is pregnant. She decides to have
    an abortion and she schedules the procedure to occur in two weeks. The
    procedure will MOST likely be:

    D. suction curettage.
  50. Viability is a term used to describe:
    a. the integrity of the sperm upon ejaculation.
    b. the ability of the fetus to survive
    independently of the woman's body.
    c. the health of the mother postpartum.
    d. the health of the infant in the first six
    • b. the ability of the fetus to survive
    • independently of the woman's body.
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Sexual Humanities Final