Chapter 5:The American Revolution and Confederation

  1. Which
    of the following sources would be most useful in researching a paper entitled
    “Arguments for Independence, 1776”?
    • Thomas
    • Paine’s Common Sense
  2. The
    Battle of Saratoga had all of the following consequences EXCEPT
    • Encouraged
    • the British to grant most of the American demands
  3. The
    First Continental Congress was a reaction to
    • Passage
    • of the Intolerable Acts
  4. In
    his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas
    Paine defended his idea of American independence on the grounds that
    • People
    • should not pledge allegiance to a king and a corrupt government
  5. As
    a result of the Treaty of Paris, the United States gained all of the following
    • The
    • territory of Florida
  6. Which
    of the following most accurately describes those Americans who fought on the
    British side in the American Revolution?
    • They
    • came from all groups and classes
  7. Which
    of the following most accurately describes the change in American public
    opinion between January 1774 and July 1776?
    • It
    • changed from a desire for reconciliation to a decision for independence
  8. Statement:
    “The Articles of Confederation succeeded in guiding the United States through
    its first decade.” Each of the following actions supports this statement EXCEPT
    • Congress
    • regulated interstate trade
  9. Statement:
    “The new state constitutions enacted during the Revolutionary War reflected the
    Patriots’ emphasis on individual liberty.” Each of the following actions
    supports this statement EXCEPT
    • The
    • absence of any provisions for the abolition of slavery
  10. Which
    of the following is a correct statement about the United States at the end of
    the Revolutionary War?
    • Aristocratic
    • privileges were reduced or eliminated
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Chapter 5:The American Revolution and Confederation
U.S. History