Chapter 3:Colonial Society in the 18th Century

  1. The
    Great Awakening was a reaction to
    • Churches’
    • earlier failure to take account of people’s emotional needs
  2. Preachers
    of the Great Awakening focused on the importance of
    • -the consequences of leading a sinful life
    • -the sovereignty and power of God
    • -repenting of one's sins in order to be saved from eternal damnation
    • -looking to the Bible as the final source of authority
  3. The
    Great Awakening had all of the following consequences EXCEPT
    • Reduced
    • competition among Protestant sects
  4. Which
    of the following is true of immigration to the colonies during the first half
    of the 18th century?
    • Most
    • immigrants came from continental Europe
  5. In
    the 18th century, all of the following were generally true about
    colonial society in America EXCEPT
    • It
    • was impossible for individuals to better themselves economically or socially
  6. At
    his trial, John Peter Zenger won acquittal on the grounds that
    • Truth
    • could not be libel
  7. Which
    of the following did the colonies lack?
    • An
    • adequate monetary system
  8. Which
    of the following statements accurately describes the governments of all 13 colonies in the mid-18th
    • One
    • house of the legislature was elected by eligible voters
  9. “Benjamin
    Franklin was the epitome of the multitalented colonial American.” Each of the
    following could be used to support this statement EXCEPT
    • Military
    • leadership
  10. Which
    of the following best represents the “new man” described by Crèvecoeur?
    • A
    • German-speaking farmer on the frontier
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Chapter 3:Colonial Society in the 18th Century
U.S. History