- Father of Psychology
- 2 basic drives (sex & aggression) or (life & death)
- 5 stages oral, anal, phalic,latency, genital developmental delay = fixation
- Id, Ego, & Superego
Freud's parts of the personality
- Id = unconscious (pleasure seeking)
- Ego = Id ruled (ruled by reality principle)
- Superego = ( provides internalized ethics)
Freud's Therapy
- Make use of transeference & countertransference
- Object of therapy - work through the unconcious - uncover conflicts & motivations
- Free association & dream interpretation
Mahler, Kohout, Kerenberg
- Children develop through 4 broad stages Fusion, Symbiosis, Seperation/individualism, & Constancy of self & object
- Through these stages the child develops trustIf not =disorders such as attachment, borderline or narcissitic
- 1 Infancy or Trust vs Mistrust (hope)
- 2 Toddler or Autonomy vs Shame (will)
- 3 Preschooler or Initiative vs Guilt ( Purpose)
- 4 School age or Industry vs Inferiority (competence)
- 5 Adolescence or idenity vs diffusion (Fidelity)
- 6 Young adulthood or Intimacy vs Isolation (love)
- 7 Middle Adulthood or Generativity vs Self-absortion (care)
- 8 Late Adulthood or integrity vs Despair (Wisdom)