Chapter 2: The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire

  1. The
    issue of religious toleration figured prominently in the founding of colonies
    by all of the following EXCEPT
    • James
    • Oglethorpe
  2. Which
    of the following accurately describes a problem faced by Virginia in the last
    decades of the 17th century?
    • Conflict
    • between large plantation owners and settlers on Virginia’s western frontier
  3. Which
    of the following documents would be most useful in examining the origins of
    constitutional government in colonial America?
    • The
    • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  4. “Puritan
    intolerance of dissent led to the founding of a number of new colonies.” The
    founding of which of the following does NOT support this statement?
    • New
    • Hampshire
  5. Roger
    Williams differed from other Puritan ministers in his emphasis on
    • The
    • individual’s private religious conscience
  6. Which
    of the following was NOT a factor in the formation of the New England
    • A
    • desire to suppress religious dissent
  7. The
    chief purpose of mercantilist policies was to
    • Strengthen
    • the economy and power of the parent country
  8. The
    acts of trade and navigation had all of the following consequences in the
    colonies EXCEPT
    • Low
    • prices were charged for English imports
  9. William
    Penn’s “Holy Experiment” included all of the following ideas EXCEPT
    • The
    • Bible as religious authority for all
  10. In
    the mid-18th century, all of the following were generally true about
    slavery in the British colonies EXCEPT
    • It
    • was strongly opposed in New England
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Chapter 2: The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire
U.S. History