Chapter 1:Exploration, Discovery and Settlement

  1. “In
    the 1500s, Native Americans possessed a wide range of complex cultures.” Each
    of the following gives evidence to support this statement EXCEPT
    • Native
    • Americans’ susceptibility to European diseases
  2. Which
    of the following best describes the way Europeans treated Native Americans in
    the 1500s and 1600s?
    • Native
    • Americans were regarded as inferior people subject to Christian domination
  3. Which
    of the following was the LEAST important factor behind European exploration and
    settlement in the 16th century?
    • Population
    • increase
  4. By
    the end of the 16th century, all of the following were generally
    true about Spain’s colonial empire EXCEPT
    • Families
    • continued to emigrate from Spain
  5. The
    delay in founding English settlements in the Americas was the result of
    • Religious
    • upheavals in England
  6. At
    the beginning of the 17th century, all of the following factors
    served to increase the English role in America EXCEPT
    • Royal
    • leadership
  7. The
    survival of the Jamestown colony can be most directly attributed to the
    • Development
    • of a tobacco industry
  8. Which
    of the following sources would be most useful in studying the development of
    democratic institutions in the early colonial period?
    • The
    • Mayflower Compact
  9. Which
    of the following statements is the most widely accepted description of
    Columbus’ accomplishments?
    • He
    • started a permanent relationship between Europe and the Americas.
  10. The
    issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the
    • The
    • establishment of Puritan colonies in Massachusetts
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Chapter 1:Exploration, Discovery and Settlement
U.S. History