activity is like a dimmer switch for a light never fully on/off
- = gene expression
- DNA --RNA polymerase--> RNA
RNA polymerase subunits
- 2 alpha subunits
- 1 beta subunits
- 1 beta subunits
- = core enzymes
- sigma factor
RNA polymerase
sigma factor
- help identify start points ( prometers)
- provide a mechanism for RNA pol. binding to DNA
What is prometer?
- start location for transcription
- -consists of 2 major regions
- TATAAT = -10 start of first base in transcription
- TTGACA = -35
Location in transription
where a sigma factor binds
Different types of sigma factors
- sigma 74 = vegetative phase
- sigma 54 = n- stress
- sigma 70 = heat shock response
Steps in transcription
- inittiation = sigma factor > RNA pol holoenzyme
- > elongation > 5' > 3' (reg,free 3' OH) direction
- -sigma factor released after initiation
- -once the mRNA is formed it is now available for translation
- occurs stimultaneous transcription + translation
Transcription error rate
1-105 bases
DNA polymerization error rate
1-109 bases
- 2 possible mechanisms
- -RHO (protein0 - independant
- -RHO- dependant
- RHO - independant -> stem loop structure
The RNA polym interaction w/DNA in the buble?
termination of RNA synthesis
Rho dependant
- when a transcript matures (news it full lenght )
- R protein 'p' - Rho binds to RNA + moves up the transcript + interacts vo/ RNA pol + destabilizing it + causing termination
Rho -
knows when to bind when RNA pol pauses briefly
Strenght of promoter
those regions that bind sigma factor most effectively are strong --> and yield a lage amount of RNA transcripts
- protein synthesis
- start:--> shine- delaerno sequence ribosome binding site
- A-G (AGGA) => rich sequence
- mRNA = 55, 16,s , 23s
- mProteins- large subunits 30 and small subunits 20
- of mRNA + their accociated proteins have allowed us to understanf protein synthesis
- -novel drugs can be designed to interfere w/ ther process
Requirements for protein synthesis
- 30s, 50s,tRNA
- every amino acid has a coresponding set of codons
- the insertion of an amino acid into a growing protein is moderated by the tRNA that has a match VIA, B anti-codon to the corresponding codon on the mRNA
Acessory proteins
- initiation factors:
- -IF ; IF2 ; IF3
- elongation factors:
- EF- TU
- EF - G
- Termination factors:
- Release factors
initiation of translation
- 30s subunit bond by IF3 + IF1
- IF#; help id the RBS
- IF1 blocks the site where the incoming formy-met t-RNA will interact
- IF2- brings in the F-met tRNA w (GTP)
- once this complex is assembled the large subunit can assoc w/the small subunit
blocks the site where the incoming formy-met t-RNA will interact
Bringing in the F-met tRNA w(GTP
Visualizing the three sites?
- A- acceptor
- P- peptdyl transfer
- E- exit
Elongation of Translation
- requires two activities
- 1) petdyl transferase - large subunit associated activity
- Allows for peptid bond formation between the 1st Met and the incoming Amino acid in , the A site
- ribosome moves 1-codon over towards the 3' end of the mRNA
- A)-this activity causes the grwoing polypetides tRNA to be located int the P site
- b) entry tRNA (the one carrying the F-net) to move into the E (exit) site
- c) A site to be vacant (so that another tRNA w amino acid can enter)
Termination fo protein synthesis
- UAA / UGA / UAG (stop codons)
- -sequences have no matching anti codon tRNA so nothing new will come into the A site
proteins secreted or final destination(termination of protein synthesis) GSP
- som proetins are secreted or may have final destination outside the cytoplasm
- -cytoplasmic membrane
- -periplasm
- -O.M
- -ENV
- so signals present in the newly formed proteins provide for this activity = protein secretion
- General secret Dry process (pathwyas) GSP
gene regulation
- regulation of catabolic pathways
- regulation of anabolic
lac operon pathway (gene regulation)
catabolic pathway
operon (gene regulation )
cluster of genes
operon types
- promoter
- operator
- structural genes
Lac operon
regulates lactose catabolism
brease down lactose into glucose and galactose
coding for lac (permease) involved in uptake of lactose into the cell
lac A
function uknown / transacetylase
repressor (lac I )
lac repressor
binds to operator that will block further movement of DNA polymerase turn on/ off mechanism
Inducible operon
- inducer --> lactose should be present
- lactose absent --> turn off
lactose present
- beta-galactosidase
- lactose = allolactose
- repressor binds allolactose => repressor inactive
- in order to turn on it should alwasy bind to the operator
- lacz--> mRNA --> LacZ
- lacy --> mRNA --> Lac Y
Regulation of anabolic pathways
- ex: biosynthesis of amino acid
- - hisdtidine operon
3 types of enzymes (regulation of anabolic pathways
- all 3 always regulated
- inducible enzyme
- repressible enzyme
- -WOT essential
- constitutive essential
- -always regulated all three
Histidine operon
function when is needed
When hestidine is in adequate level?
Attenuation --mechanism--> to prevent our production of histidine
- ribosomal operon (rrn operon )
- Ribosome --> rRNA ribosomal proteins
Catabolite repression (global regulation )
CAMP (global Regulation)
- cyclic AMP
- is an activator
catoblite repressor protein
Glucose levels
- when glucose levels high CAMP goes down
- glucose increase CAMP decrease
CAMP should bind to?
- binding enhances transcription
- cannot bind to CAP if CAMP is low
- complex binds to promoter leading to transcription of genes involved n lac operon
Chemical mutagens
5-bu- structural
alkylating agents
CH3--> guanine
thymine dimers (physical mutagens )
DNA repiar ( physical mutagens )
- dark and light
- light photolyse
- ligase = joining
- endo nuclease- within DNA
Transposable elements ( bioligical mutagens)
- jumping genes
- barbara mcclintock
- in maize
- eukaryotes adn prokaryotes
insertion sequence ( bioligical mutagens)
CCAT = TACC (palindrome)
anibiotic resistance
- e.coli stx gene
- bacteriocins
- -in plasmid capable of killing
- ex. e.coli plamids
- killing closely related organisms
- colicins
- resistance plasmids - R-factors
Genetic exchange
- vertical / horizintal / lateral
- 3 types
- -transformation
- -conjugation
- -transduction
- merozygote: hologous recombination
- no direct contact
- uptake- extracellular DNA
- competence - closely related bacteria
- natural /artificial - creates pores in the cell membrane
- -direct contact
- F plasmid: F+ F+
- F+--->F-
- conjugative plasmid --> F plasmid
Transduction (generalized )
- bacteriophage - mediator
- transduction
- - generalized
- -specialized
Generalized transduction
Bacterial DNa- is incorporated to phage ( transducing particles)
Generalized vs specialized
- Generalized:
- -all regions of of chromosome transduced
- -only chromosomal DNA ( i.e no phage DNA in tranducing particles )
- Specialized:
- -bacterial and phage DNA
- -only specific regions of chromosome near attachment site
- -transducing particles contains ( phage DNA as well as bacterial DNA)
- -nucleic acid
- -protein coat (capsid)
- capsomers sub units of capsules can effect any organism
- virus-> poison
David baltimore
- noble prize Z more viruses gives cancer
- -reverse transcription
Baltimore classification 6-7 groups ( viral classification )
- based on virus genome
- double stranded DNa viruses
- Single stranded DNA viruses
- double stranded RNA
- +single stranded RNA - coding
- -single stranded RNA - template
- Retro viruses (reversre transcription)
- DNA Reverse (transcribing viruses 0
double stranded DNA viruses
- traditional gene expression
- DNA--> mRNA--> Protein
- need hoste
- viruses: obligate intracelular pathogen
- -depend on the host enzyme
Single Stranded DNA
- host DNA polymerase
- convert single stranded DNA to double strande DNA with help of polymerase,( host RNA polymerase)
Double stranded RNA
- viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase
- mRNA
+ single strand RNA
act as a coding strand during an infection the RNA acts like mRNA and can be translated by hosts ribosomes
single stranded RNA
- converted into (+SS) RNA
- act as a template doing transcription to make a complementary ( +) sense mRNA
- type of +ssRNA
- -reverse trancriptase TNa become DNA
DNA reverse transcribing viruses
- reverse transriptase
- DNA --> RNA
- DNA <--- RNA
structure (viruse)
- envelope -lipid layer
- naked -- no envelope
- naked and evnelop = verions
- virion = mature viruse
- spikes- glycol proteins help in attachment in host cells
Viral capsid
complex Viruses bacteriophage
viral envelope
organic solvents --> ether
Viral life cycle
- 5 steps
- adsorption
- penetration and cuncoating
Phage counts
- plaque- zone of inhibiyion on bacterial lawn due to viral attack
- pfu/ml
- pfu/ml = average 3 of plawue X dilution facter
Replication pathways
- lytic (virulent phages) kill host
- lysogenic (temperate phage ) no killing
virulent phage life cycle
- life cylce of a virulent phage
- last step: lysis of bacterial cell
life cycle of a temperate phage
- viral DNa is incorporated to bacterial DNA
- --> prophage
Switching from lysogenic to lytic
Animal viruses
- whole animals
- embryonated chicken eggs
- cell cutlre
Replication of animal viruses
- envelope fussion (endocystosis )
- phagocytosis
- injection of nucleic acid
Viral recongition of host cell
- canyon--> dipressions
- viral penetration
- a)
- b)phagocytosis
- c)injection
uncoating and synthesis
- DNA viruses mRNA
- replication and gene expression by dsDNA viruses budding
Retro viruses
- +ssRNA
- RNA --> DNA reverse transcriptidase
- ex: HIV
- 3 enzyme
- -intergrase
- -protease
HIV life cycle
- enveloped
- 1. binding and fusion
- 2. reverse transcription
- 3. integration
- 4. transcription (normal0
- 5. assembly
- 6. budding
gp120 HIV viruse
binds and fuses to CD4 receptor cell ( macrophage0
- Dna Reverse transcription
- using reverse transcriptase in the viral genome
Viral DNA
is integrated into the host DNA using viral enzyme (integrase)
HIV and human DNA
Normal gene expression ( transcription)
- viral proteins
- leave the cells ( budding )
Rho factors
- TaTa box
- -tRNa -clover leaf model
will cute long chains of proteins and make short peices of DNA then assebly with the nucleic acid
Drugs that target retovirus enzymes
Azidothymidine - druge for retroviruse - reverse transcriptase
- single stranded
- virods and prons - subviral particular no protein
- infect plants -> potatoes, tomatoes , and peahes
- potatose spindle tuber viroid --> potato spindle disease
- Hepatitis D --> by viroid
- no nucleic acid
- fatal
- PrP - function of normal Prp unknown
- Prp- misfolded
- infected animals PrP gets misfolded
- blanks =sheep / humans
bacterial diversity 3 domains
- 3 domains
- -euaryia
- archea
- bacterial
Scientific nomenclature
genus (first)
tell how old microorganism is
Wittaker, 5 kingdoms
- plantae, animals
- funi moneroa
- protists
cal woese
divided it into three domains
endosybiotic theory
orgnaism living within another -lynn margulis
DNA hybridization
- heat DNA strand to denacture DNA strand
- 95-98C annealing (cooling)
- 45-60( two strand together
- 100% hydridization = identical or not
macromolecule sequencing
rRNA - say organisms are related or not
Domain Archea
- 3phyla
- crenoachaeota
- class thermoproteli
- methanogens
- extemphalophiles
- theroacids
- produce mehtane CH4
- -anerobic conditions
- ex: rumen of cow
- saline 10% NaCl
- ex: halobacterium
thermoacidophiles (extreme thermophiles
- high temp
- low ph
- sulfolobus ( H2SO4) low pH hogh acidic conditions
B10 Cyanobacteria
- oxygenic photosynthesis
- nitrogen fixation
- oldes microorganism
- heterocyst - N2 fixation
- -notic
- anabaena
- blue green algae
- azikka + anabueria
- 3 important bacteria
- 1. agrobacterium
- 2. acetobacter
- agrobacterium
- crown gall in plants
- -genetic eginering T-DNA
- acetobactor vinegar
- rhizobium
- N2 fixer
- symbiotic accociation with leguminous plants
- rood nodes
- meso /sino/ bradylhizobium
cloroplast -cyanobacteria
whooping cough
- enteric
- -e.coli
- -shigella
- yersna pestis -- bubonic plaque
- indole - true
- typrtophanase --> indole
pseudomonas eruginosa
- cystic fibrosis burns
- environmentally
- psedomona putida - bioremedation
- camphylo bacter - intestinal disease
- helicobactor pylori - cause peptic ulcers