Vyne Desserts

  1. Haselnusstorte mit Schlag
    • "flourless chocolate hazelnut cake, whipped cream"
    • -sugar, butter, eggs, hazelnuts, breadcrumbs, dark chocolate
    • -served with "schlag" (german word for whipped cream)
  2. Semolina Pudding
    • "mixed berry coulis"
    • -this is a light dessert--like a panna cotta but with cooked semolina, Austrian rum, lemon zest, sugar, milk, gelatin, cream, and vanilla. In Austria or Germany this is called "Griesflammerie"
  3. Vanilla Gelato
    • "austrian pumpkin seed krokant"
    • -gelato (italian ice cream. contains less air than american ice cream therefore has creamier texture.
    • -Austrian pumpkin seed oil (roasted and nutty, this is a local specialty of a province of Austria called Steiermark {we have a wine from this region: Neumister Morillon 2007 Chardonnay})
  4. Viennese "Eiskaffee"
    -vanilla gelato, chilled espresso, whipped cream
  5. Sgroppino
    • "prosecco, vodka, and lemon sorbet"
    • -traditional Italian drink
  6. Biscotti / or Biscotti with a glass of Moscato d'Asti
    • -twice baked Italian cookie
    • -served either alone or with a glass of the frizzante desert wine Moscato d'Asti.
    • -is also really good with the Stadlmann Zierfandler Auslese
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Vyne Desserts
vyne desserts