adulēscéntia, adulēscéntiae
f., youth, young manhood; youthfulness
(adolescence, adolescent)
ánimus, ánimī
m., soul, spirit, mind
pl., ánimī, ánimōrum, high spirits, pride, courage
(animus, animosity, magnanimous, unanimous, pusillanimous)
caélum, caélī
n ., sky, heaven
(ceiling, celestial, Celeste, cerulean)
cúlpa, cúlpae
f., fault, blame
(cf. culpō below; culpable, culprit, exculpate, inculpate)
glōria, glōriae
f., glory, fame
(glorify, glorification, glorious, inglorious)
vérbum, vérbī
n., word
(verb, adverb, verbal, verbiage, verbose, proverb)
abl. and acc. sg., you; yourself
cf. mēl
līber, lībera, līberum
(liberal, liberality, libertine)
nóster, nóstra, nóstrum
our, ours
(nostrum, paternoster)
púlcher, púlchra, púlchrum
beautiful, handsome; fine
(pulchritude, pulchritudinous)
sānus, sāna, sānum
sound, healthy, sane
(sanity, sanitary, sanitation, sanitarium, insane)
conj., postpositive; therefore, consequently
interrog. suffix attached to the first word of a sentence, typically the verb or another word on which the question hinges, to introduce a question whose answer is uncertain. (For other types of direct questions, see nōnne and num in Capvt XL.)
prep. + acc., on account of, because of
(post hoc, ergo propter hoc, “after this, therefore on account of this”—a type of fallacious argument in logic)
adv., tomorrow
(procrastinate, procrastination)
interrog. and rel. adv. and conj., when
sī quándō, if ever
indecl. noun, adj., and adv., enough, sufficient (-ly)
(cf. satiō; satisfy, satisfactory, satiate, insatiable, sate; assets, from ad, up to + satis)
adv., then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
cēnō, cēnāre, cēnāvī, cēnātum
to dine
cúlpō, culpāre, culpāvī, culpātum
to blame, censure
(cf. culpa above)
máneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum
to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
- or remáneō, remanāre, remānsī, remānsum
- (mansion, manor, permanent, remnant, immanent—do not confuse with “imminent”)
súperō, superāre, superāvī, superātum
to be above, have the upper hand, surpass; overcome, conquer
(cf. super, adv. and prep. + abl. or acc., above)
(superable, insuperable)