finds contaminated water in the town's baths in Heinrik Ibsen's " An Enemy of the People"
Dr. Stockmann
The Strait of Malacca
separates Sumatra from the Malay peninsula
granted toleration to Huguenots
Edict of Nantes
Edict of Nantes was issued by
Henry IV of France
Edict of Nantes revoked by
Edict of Fortainbleau
issued Edict of Fortainbleau
Louis XIV
Norse god of light who was killed by a dart of mistletoe thrown by his brother, Hoder
wrote "Poetics" & "Nichomachean Ethics"
are love interests of Amory Blaine in Fitzgerald's "This Side of Paradise"
Eleanor Savage and Rosalind Connage
Octavio Paz wrote…….based on the Aztec calendar
the poem "Sunstone"
collaborated with Gertrude Stein on "Four Saints in Three Acts"
Virgil Thompson
the Aztec rain god
kills the title bird in Anton Chekhov's play "The Seagull"
created client-centered therapy
Carl Rogers
he first Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court
John Jay
the American diplomats involved in the XYZ Affair
Elbridge Gerry, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney & John Marshall
wrote "History of the Persian War"
the "Father of History"
Platonic dialogue where Socrates refuses to escape from prison
sacred book of Sikhism
Adi Granth
The 1825 Decembrist Uprising was in opposition to the rule of
Nicholas I
The tendency of a molecule to expand or escape its current phase
wrote the majority opinion in Dred Scott vs. Sandford
Robert Taney
South African doctor who performed the first successful transplant of a human heart
Christaan Barnard
Lucy Honeychurch marries George Emerson in
E.M Forester's "A Room with a View"
criticizes Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness"
Chinua Achebe's "An Image of Africa"
defeated Edward II at the 1314 Battle of Bannockburn
Robert the Bruce
wrote "The Protestant Ethic an the Spirit of Capitalism"
Max Weber
Malaria is caused by
Plasmodium transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito
the parents of Roman Emperor Caligula
Germanicus and Agrippina
Justinian's general that helped quash the Nika Riots
Philosopher John Locke asserted a right to "life, liberty and property" in.....
"Two Treatises on Government"
Tantalus is punished ......
for killing his son Pelops and serving him to the gods
ascended into heaven in a fiery chariot
was succeeded by Elisha
Located between Iceland and Britain...owned by Denmark
Faroe Islands
The title characters in Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Killers" are tasked to kill.....
Ole Anderson
wrote about the Trueba family in "The House of the Spirits"
Isabel Allende
Huckel's Rule states that.....
a molecule with 4n + 2 pi electrons is aromatic
John Milton's discourse in support of freedom of the press
founded the Jehovah's Witnesses
Charles Taze Russell
the subject of E.M. Forster's novel "A Room with a View"
The love of George Emerson and Lucy Honeychurch
"Old Fuss and Feathers"
Winfield Scott, 1852 presidential
calculated the charge of an electron
Millikan's 1909 Oil Drop experiment
the narrator of Albert Camus' "The Plague"
Dr. Bernard Rieux
founded the Akkadian Empire
Moses was the son of
Amram and Jochebed
Moses was the husband of
a puppet ballet by Russian composer Igor Stravinsky
wrote "Vanessa" and "Adagio for Strings"
American composer Samuel Barber
GB Shaw's "Major Barbara" is the daughter of ....
Andrew Undershaft, an officer in the Salvation Army
Herbert Hoover headed..... during WWI
US Food Administration
are the thread-like filaments in the mycelium of fungi
last emperor of China
Henry Pu Yi
Shinto god of the winds
Susanoo is.....
son of Izanagi and brother of Amaterasu
What do Rodin, Brancusi, Klimt and Eisenstaedt have in common?
They all have works titled "The Kiss" or somethin
sings the aria "Nessun Dorma"
Calaf sings the aria "Nessun Dorma" in.....
Puccini's opera "Turandot"
the court painter to England's King Charles I
Anthony Van Dyck
the ward of Mr. Jarndyce in Charles Dickens' "Bleak House"
Esther Summerson
was the mentor for the group Les Six
Erik Satie
The Aral Sea is fed by...
the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers
the narrator of Evelyn Waugh's novel "Brideshead Revisited"
Charles Ryder
William III defeated........at the 1690 Battle of the Boyne
James II
the ibis-headed Egyptian god of wisdom
to death in Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery"
Tessie Hutchinson
the SI unit of charge
nihilist protagonist of Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons"
wrote "Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous" #qbfod #Buzzstrong
George Berkeley
Cuban poet who wrote "Versos Libres"
Jose Marti
Secretary of State under Harry Truman
Dean Acheson
The celebration of Yom Kippur begins with
the Kol Nidre prayer
the narrator of Samuel Butler's "Erewhon"
espoused Pantheism and wrote "Ethics"
Baruch Spinoza
the protagonist of Herman Hesse's novel "The Glass Bead Game"
"The Glass Bead Game" AKA
Magister Ludi
wrote the introduction to "Gitanjali"
WB Yeats
Gitanjali by....
poet Rabindranath Tagore
Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus died at
the 1632 Battle of Lutzen (30 Years War)
wrote the poem "Easter 1916"
William Butler Yeats
The national epic of Portugal is
"The Lusiads"
The spirits in the syncretic religion of Santeria
coined the term "conspicuous consumption" in his "Theory of the Leisure Class"
Thorstein Veblen
are love interests of the title character in Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"
George Hurstwood and Charles Drouet
took power in France after Charles X was overthrown in the July Revolution
Louis Phillipe (Citizen King)
the first to synthesize Urea
Friedrich Wohler
designed the Tempietto in Rome
the brother of Prometheus and the husband of Pandora
wrote the poem "Thirteen Ways at Looking at a Blackbird"
Wallace Steven
gave the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon
Jonathan Edwards
is murdered at Pat Scully's title establishment in Stephen Crane's short story "The Blue Hotel"
"The Swede"
said that "fire was the essential element" &" the you cannot step in same river twice"
separates Louisiana and Texas
Sabine River
best known for his Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate
St. Jerome
outlined his Ontological Proof for the existence of God in "Proslogion"
St. Anselm
have a dinner party in Ionesco's play "The Bald Soprano"
The Smiths and the Martins
built the Labyrinth which held the Minotaur
negotiated the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the New World between Spain and Portugal
Pope Alexander VI
Bandura founded social cognitive theory and conducted the notorious "bobo doll" experiment
Albert Bandura
is forced to resign after an affair with a student in South African JM Coetzee's novel "Disgrace"
Prof. David Lurie
wrote "Mikrokosmos" and "Music for Percussion, Strings and Celesta"
Bela Bartok
was fought in 1969 between Honduras and El Salvador
The Soccer WAR
wrote "The True Law of Free Monarchs"
James I
the mother of Pyrrha and the wife of Epimetheus
1.consist of 2 layers of cells separated by a gelatinous layer called the 2.
was the leader of the Polish labor union and political party Solidarity
Lech Walesa
ended the Thirty Years War
The Peace of Westphalia (1648)
(carried by the Anopheles mosquito) causes malaria
carbonyl group bonded to a nitrogen
sections of Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition"
"Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" & "The Great Gate of Kiev"
"chiral" molecules that are exact mirror images of each other; usually described by "handedness"
"twilight & evening bell" & the speaker's desire to see his "Pilot face to face"
Tennyson's poem "Crossing the Bar"
was the court painter to King Henry VIII of England
Hans Holbein
In 1. play "Fences" former baseball player 2. fathers 3. during an affair with 4.
- 1. August Wilson
- 2. Troy Maxon
- 3. Raynell
- 4. Alberta
Charles Ives composed.......
"Three Places in New England", "Concord Sonata" and "The Unanswered Question"
have a jelly-like middle layer called the mesoglea & come in two different body forms (polyp & medusa)
connects Copenhagen, Denmark with Malmo, Sweden
The Oresund Bridge
dies in a snowstorm but his ghost returns to rob the Person of Consequence in Gogol's "The Overcoat"
Akaky Akakievich
introduced the idea of "transformational grammar" in his book "Syntactic Structures"
Noam Chomsky
the Irish-born architect of the whitehouse
James Hoban
wrote "On Becoming a Person" and developed "client-centered therapy"
Carl Rogers
wrote "Commentaries on the Gallic Wars"
Julius Caesar
defeated Louis II of Hungary at the 1526 Battle of Mohacs
Suleiman the Magnificent
Polynesian trickster god who created the Hawaiian Islands by fishing them out of the sea
sculpted "Hermes with the Infant Dionysus
Mountains in South Africa
The Drakensberg Mountains
brother of Europa who founded the city of Thebes
designed the Barcelona apt. building "Casa Mila" & the still unfinished church "La Sagrada Familia"
Antonio Gaudi
Trinidadian author of A Bend in the River and A House for Mr. Biswas
VS Naipul
coined the phrase "conspicuous consumption" in his book "Theory of the Leisure Class"
Thorstein Veblen
is produced in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
The titular carpenter of George Eliot's "Adam Bede" is in love with.......
Hetty Sorrel
led the "Copperheads" (anti-Civil War Democrats)
Clement Vallandigham
defeated the forces of Charles I at the 1645 Battle of Naseby (English Civil War)
Oliver Cromwell
Tony Lumpkin and Charles Marlow are characters in...
Oliver Goldsmith's play "She Stoops to Conquer"
said "to be is to be perceived"& wrote "Three Dialogues between Hylas& Philonius"
George Berkeley
"Totem and Taboo" and "Civilization and Its Discontents" were both written by
Sigmund Freud
Henry VII Tudor defeated…at the 1485 Battle of Bosworth Field, ending the Wars of the Roses
Richard III
known for composing "lieder"(songs) such as "Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel" & "Der Erlkonig"
Franz Schubert
is accused of the murder of Mary Dalton in Richard Wright's novel "Native Son"
Bigger Thomas
recites his poem "The Death of Parnell" in Joyce's "Ivy Day in the Committee Room"
Joe Hynes
wrote the novel "The Klansman" inspired D.W. Griffith's film "Birth of a Nation"
Thomas Dixon's
Carbonyls that contain a carbon double bonded to an oxygen bound to two R groups
was a cause of the Aroostook War (Maine/New Brunswwick border conflict)
Caroline Affair
wrote "The Heights of Macchu Picchu" & "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"
Pablo Neruda
Gianlorenzo Bernini sculpted...
"Fountain of the Bees" "Fountain of the Four Rivers" & "The Ecstasy of St. Theresa"
ruled that 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search & seizure required "exclusionary rule"
Mapp v. Ohio
Depression photographer Dorothea Lange is best known for her...
"Migrant Mother"
dark lines in the spectrum of the Sun or other stars
Fraunhofer Lines
"The Professor", Vladimir, & Verloc plot to blow up the Greenwich Obersvatory in ..
Joseph Conrad's novel "The Secret Sharer"
wrote "In Memoriam A.H.H." to commemorate the death of his friend Arthur Henry Hallam
Alfred Lord Tennyson
rulers of the Mauryan dynasty of ancient India
Chandragupta & Ashoka
"When I was One-and-Twenty" and "To an Athlete Dying Young," are poems in the A.E. Housman collection ......
"A Shropshire Lad"
makes a deal with the devil in Thomas Mann's novel "Doktor Faustus"
Adrian Leverkuhn
(who worked closely with Robert Bunsen) developed 2 circuit laws (the Loop Rule & the Point (or Junction) Rule)
Gustav Kirchoff
Secret 1854 plan of Pierre Soule, John Mason & James Buchanan to purchase Cuba from Spain
Ostend Manifesto
said"Stone walls do not a prison make/ Nor iron bars a cage." in "To Althea From Prison"
Richard Lovelace
ended the War of 1812
The Treaty of Ghent
collaborated on the design for the Seagram Building in New York
Architects Phillip Johnson and Mies van der Rohe
sister of Hippolyta, a queen of the Amazons slain by Achilles
prequel of "Jane Eyre"
"Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
tells story of Rochester's wife Bertha Mason(AKA Antoinette Cosway)
-"Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
What is it? Pre-conventional, Conventional & Post-Conventional.
called Brahms' Symphony #1"Beethoven's Tenth" because the 4th movement resembled "Ode to Joy" (Beethoven's 9th)
Hans von Bulow
was the first president of the AFL
Samuel Gompers
French Post Impressionist painter Paul Cezanne
The Bathers", "The Card Players" & "Mont St. Victoire
flows into the Mekong River (SE Asia river that forms border of Laos/Myanmar & runs through Vietnam etc.)
The Tonle Sap River
founded church of Christian Science (NOT Scientology)
Mary Baker Eddy
wrote "Science & Health with a Key to the Scriptures"
Mary Baker Eddy
blinded Odysseus
The cyclops Polyphemus (son of Poseidon)
characters in Puccini's opera "Madame Butterfly"
Lt. Pinkerton, Sharpless, Cio-Cio San & the baby Sorrow
sculpted "The Fountain of the Four Rivers" & "The Ecstacy of Saint Theresa"
(a tributary of the Orinoco River) feeds Venezuela's Angel Falls
The Churun River
states that, in a static infinite universe, the entire night sky should be as bright as the sun
Olbers' Paradox
converts ketones into alkanes
The Wolff-Kishner reaction
Mozart's 41st (and last) symphony is nicknamed
John Calvin outlined his concept of predestination in
"Institutes of the Christian Religion"
was the first female cabinet member
Frances Perkins (Secretary of Labor under FDR)
American archaeologist Hiram Bingham discovered the ruins of the
Incan city of Machu Picchu in 1911
used for the calculation of pH of a buffer solution
The Henderson-Hasselbach Equation
about execution of Charles Wooldridge; contains line "each man kills the thing he loves"
Oscar Wilde's "Ballad of Reading Gaol"=
founder of "functionalism"
Bronislaw Malinowski
wrote "Argonauts of the Western Pacific" & "Magic, Science, and Religion"
Bronislaw Malinowski
lost the Battle of Legnano to the Lombard League
Frederick Barbarossa
drowned in Saleph River trying to join the 3rd Crusade
Frederick Barbarossa
implicated in the Babington Plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth
Mary, Queen of Scots
Priscilla Mullins marries John Alden in
Longfellow's poem "The Courtship of Miles Standish"
will be killed at Ragnarok by Vidarr (on the field of Vigrid) (son of Loki & Angrboda)
Fenris Wolf
wrote about a "whiskey priest" captured and killed in Mexico in his novel "The Power and the Glory"
Graham Greene
wrote "In Memory of W. B. Yeats" & "September 1, 1939" and also wrote about Brueghel's Icarus in his "Musée des Beaux Arts."
WH Auden
emancipated the serfs in 1861
Russian Czar Alexander II
was assassinated by People's Will in 1881
Russian Czar Alexander II
between the Triassic & Cretaceous in the Mesozoic Era
Jurassic Period
was named for a subrange of the Alps
Jurassic Period
is thrown out of the castle of Baron Thunder-ten-Tronckh for kissing Cunegonde #qbfod
Voltaire's Candide
were major rulers of the west African empire of Songhai
Sonni Ali and Askia Mohammed
capital at Gao
west African empire of Songhai
Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" is based on
a play by Beaumarchais and uses a libretto written by Lorenzo da Ponte #qbfod
The lack of Vitamin C causes
The lack of Vitamin B1 causes
in Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery"
Tessie Hutchinson is the "winner" of the title competition
For wisdom Odin pierced himself with
spear Gugnir, hung from Yggdrasil for 9 days & sacrificed eye for drink from Mimir's well
Following 1867……..John Macdonald became Canada's 1st PM
1867 Act of Dominion (AKA Brit N. America Act)
"Drink to me only with thine eyes" is the opening line from...
Ben Jonson's poem "To Celia", which was later set to music
the Original 6 NHL teams
BOS Bruins, CHC Black Hawks, DET Red Wings, MON Canadiens, NY Rangers, and TOR Maple Leafs
married actor Charlie Chaplin and had 8 children with him
Eugene O'Neill's daughter, Oona,
battle that figures into the plot of Julius Caesar
Battle of Philippi
figures into the plot of Antony and Cleopatra
Battle of Actium
is the headwaters of the Everglades
Shingle Creek
was inspired by the art of Victor Hartmann
Modest Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition"
assassinated President McKinley at the 1901 Pan-American EXPOSITION in Buffalo
Leon Czolgosz