an independent political unit with recognized boundaries, although some of these boundaries may be in dispute
a group of people sharing certain elements of culture, such as religion, language, history, or political identity
an ideal form consisting of a homogeneous group of people governed by their places of origin.
the delimited area over which a state exercises control and which is recognized by other states
zomes of underdeveloped territorality, areas that are distinctive for their marginality rather than for their belongings.
the state's power to control space or territory and shape international political relations.
heartland theory
belief that Eurasia was the most likely base from which a successful campaign for world conquest could be launched.
domino theory-
if one country in a region chose, or was forced to accept, a communist political and economic system, neighboring countries would fall to communism as well, just as one falling domino in a line of dominos causes all the others to fall.
the threat or use of force to bring about political change
redistricting for partisan purposes...it is used in order to ensure the equal probability of representation among small groups.