Chpater 10

  1. PF
    peak flow
  2. H2O2
    hydrogen peroxide
  3. COPD
    chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease
  4. HPI
    history of present illness
  5. IPPB
    intermittent positive pressure breathing
  6. PEEP
    positive and expiratory pressure
  7. PFT
    pulmonary function test
  8. pnD
    paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
  9. RDS
    respiratory distress syndrome
  10. RR
    respiratory rate
  11. r
    respiration rectal
  12. RT
    respiration therapy
  13. SOB
    shortness of breath
  14. TCDB
    turn, cough, deep breath
  15. TLC
    total lung capacity
  16. URI
    uppper respiratory infection
  17. VC
    vital capacity
  18. CP
    chest pain
  19. FUO
    fever of unknown origin
  20. HIB
    haemophilus influenza type B
  21. PE
    pulmonary embolus
  22. TPR
    tempeture pulse respiration
Card Set
Chpater 10
med term