Anthropology ch 8

  1. bridewealth  
    A customary gift before, at, or after marriage from the husband and his kin to the wife and her kin; see also progeny price . 149
  2. clan  
    Unilineal descent group based on stipulated descent. 141
  3. descent group  
    A permanent social unit whose members claim common ancestry; fundamental to tribal society. 140
  4. dowry  
    A marital exchange in which the wife's group provides substantial gifts to the husband's family. 149
  5. endogamy  
    Marriage between people of the same social group. 145
  6. exogamy  
    Mating or marriage outside one's kin group; a cultural universal. 143
  7. extended family household  
    Expanded household including three or more generations. 136
  8. family  
    A group of people (e.g., parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, spouses, siblings-in-law, parents-in-law, children-in-law) who are considered to be related in some way, for example, by "blood" (common ancestry or descent) or marriage. 133
  9. family of orientation  
    Nuclear family in which one is born and grows up. 133
  10. family of procreation  
    Nuclear family established when one marries and has children. 133
  11. incest  
    Sexual relations with a close relative. 143
  12. levirate  
    Custom by which a widow marries the brother of her deceased husband. 150
  13. matrilineal descent  
    Unilineal descent rule in which people join the mother's group automatically at birth and stay members throughout life. 140
  14. matrilocality  
    Customary residence with the wife's relatives after marriage, so that children grow up in their mother's community. 142
  15. neolocality  
    Postmarital residence pattern in which a couple establishes a new place of residence rather than living with or near either set of parents. 135
  16. patrilineal descent  
    Unilineal descent rule in which people join the father's group automatically at birth and stay members throughout life. 140
  17. patrilocality  
    Customary residence with the husband's relatives after marriage, so that children grow up in their father's community. 142
  18. plural marriage  
    Marriage of a man to two or more women (polygyny) or marriage of a woman to two or more men (polyandry)—at the same time; see also polygamy . 150
  19. polyandry  
    Variety of plural marriage in which a woman has more than one husband. 150
  20. polygyny  
    Variety of plural marriage in which a man has more than one wife. 150
  21. progeny price  
    A gift from the husband and his kin to the wife and her kin before, at, or after marriage; legitimizes children born to the woman as members of the husband's descent group. 149
  22. sororate  
    Custom by which a widower marries the sister of the deceased wife. 150
  23. unilineal descent  
    Matrilineal or patrilineal descent. 140
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Anthropology ch 8
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