Geology Test One

  1. Fool's Gold (Pyrite), like gold, is soft and malleable. T or F
  2. The earth is uniform is composition (all the same stuff) from the center to the surface. T or F
  3. The minerals in igneous rocks all crystallize out of the melt at the same time and temperature. T or F
  4. Minerals are always crystalline solids. T or F
  5. Basalt is the most common intrusive igneous rock. T or F
  6. The "discontinuous series" of Bowen's Reaction Series consists of dark colored minerals. T or F
  7. Rubies and sapphires are composed of exactly the same chemicals. T or F
  8. Present day geologic process are very different than those of the distant past. T or F
  9. The texture of igneous rocks is determined by the cooling rate of the magma. T or F
  10. There are more oxygen atoms in the crust of the earth than in the atmosphere. T or F
  11. The ocean crust is formed mostly of -

    D. Basalt
  12. Rubies and sapphires are gem quality varieties of -

    C. Corundum
  13. The earth's core is inferred to be -

    C. mostly iron
  14. The premise that present-day processes have operated throughout geologic time is know as the principle of -

    C. uniformitarianism
  15. Ocean-ocean convergence zones are marked by the occurrence of -

    D. volcanic island arcs
  16. Dark minerals in igneous rocks are -

    A. iron-magnesium silicates
  17. Continental crust -

    A. is compressed and thickened at converging plate margins
  18. The steps to the library are made of

    B. granite
  19. The mid-oceanic ridges are sites of -

    B. sea floor spreading
  20. ____ is a rock composed of olivine and pyroxene that similar to the composition of the mantle.

    A. perodotite
  21. Calcite is composed of -

    A. calcium carbonate
  22. Thin, sheet-like, disconcordant igneous intrusions are -

    D. dikes
  23. The tendency for some minerals to break along smooth, flat surfaces is known as -

    B. cleavage
  24. The earth is estimated to be ___ years old?

    D. 4.6 billion
  25. The most abundant mineral group in the crust is -

    D. feldspar
  26. Rapid cooling of magma results in a fine-grained texture called -

    B. phaneritic
  27. Igneous rocks that have a ___ texture have grains that can be seen with the named or unaided eye.

    B. phaneritic
  28. A natural glass formed by rapid cooling of lava is called -

    C. obsidian
  29. Basalt has the same mineral and chemical composition as -

    A. gabbro
  30. The mineral assemblage of quartz, K-spar, Na-plagioclase, with minor biotite or hornblende would be recognized readily by you as the minerals found in the rock know as -
    a. granite
    b. diorite
    c. gabbro
    d. scoria
    a. granite
  31. The dark, rock-forming minerals are rich in -

    C. Fe and Mg
  32. The early-formed light-colored mineral in a melt [magma[ is -

    B. olivine
  33. Pyroclastic rocks form by -

    B. violent, explosive volcanic eruptions
  34. Phenocrysts are evidence of -

    D. two periods of cooling
  35. Vesicles (holes) form in igneous rock (such as scoria and vesicular basalt) fro m-

    D. escaping gas
  36. The common lava extruded from stratovolcanoes is -

    D. andesite
  37. Shield volcanoes have low, angle slopes because they are composed of -

    B. fluid basaltic lava
  38. Steep-sided, classic, "volcano-shaped" cones are called -

    D. stratovolcanoes
  39. Mt. St. Helens is an excellent example of a -

    C. explosive caldera
  40. Rugged, blocky lava flows are called -

    B. Aa
  41. A volcanic rock that floats is -

    D. pumice
  42. Which one of the follow minerals can you scratch with your finger nail?

    B. gypsum
  43. An igneous rock possessing a combination of mineral grains with markedly different grain sizes is -
    a. natural glass
    b. formed by explosive volcanism
    c. a porphyry
    d. never found in nature
    c. porphyry
  44. My. Fuji in Japan and Mt. Etna on Sicily are classic examples of -

    C. stratavolcanoes
  45. The mid-oceanic ridges are -

    B. sites of new oceanic material
  46. All plate margins are characterized by -

    D. high earthquake activity
  47. Mid-oceanic ridges are sites of ____ plate boundaries

    D. divergent
  48. Rocks composed on only pyroxene and olivine may form by-

    A. crystal settling
  49. Which one of the following groups do most minerals in the earth's crust belong?

    D. silicates
  50. Most granite forms by -

    A. melting of lower continental crustal material
  51. Enchanted rock is

    A. an exposed portion of granite batholiths
  52. Dikes and sills are probably empaled in the crust by -

    B. injection of magma into fractures
  53. The first minerals of crystallize out of magma are -

    D. Ca-plagioclase and olivine
  54. ___ is composed of minerals found in the mid-range of Bowen's Reaction series.

    E. diorite
  55. The minerals in the rock diorite are -

    C. augite, hornblende and plagioclase
  56. The minerals in igneous rocks that is rich in aluminum are -

    C. mica and feldspar
  57. The rock cycle implies that-

    A. any rock type can form from any other rock type
  58. The bright regions of the moon are made up of the rock -

    D. anorthosite
  59. Forty percent of the near side of the moon consists of smooth, dark plains made up of-

    C. basalt
  60. If you had to find K-spar where it occurs naturally in the state of Texas, one place that you would be certain to find it is -

    D. Enchanted Rock
  61. Plagioclase

    A. white or grey, box-shaped grains
  62. Amphibole (hornblende) -

    A. dark, brown to black grains....
  63. Olivine

    E. glassy, green grains
  64. Quartz -

    B. glass, clear or translucent grains
  65. Biotite (mica)

    C. dark brown sheets
Card Set
Geology Test One
Answers from Geology test questions