B-767 ATI Limitations

  1. Runway Slope
    +/- 2%
  2. Max operating altitude
    43,100 ft
  3. Max T/O and Landing Altitude
    8400 ft
  4. Max T/O and Landing tailwind
    15 kts
  5. Turbulent air penetration speed
    290 kts /.78 M
  6. Nav display system does not support ops at latitudes greater than:
    87 N or S
  7. RVSM altimeter cross check limits
    in flight
    200 ft max between capt and FO altimeters
  8. RVSM altimeter cross check limits
    on ground
    • Btw Capt/FO
    • Sea Lvl               40 ft                         
    • 5,000 ft               45 ft                          
    • 10,000 ft             50 ft                          

    • Btw Field Elev
    • 75 ft
  9. Main Cargo Door

    Max wind gust with door open
    60 kts
  10. Main Cargo Door

    Max wind for operating
    40 kts
  11. Supernumery and Crew Evacuation

    Must be available for use, at least _______________
    one operable inertial reel and one operable escape harness for each occupant
  12. Weather Radar

    Don't operate radar in a ________ or within _______

    50 ft of any personnel or fuel spill
  13. Flight Deck Security Door

    Verify that an operational check of the Flight Deck Access System has been accomplished  ___________
    once each flight day
  14. Auto Flight

    After T/O, autopilot must not be engaged below _______
    200 ft AGL
  15. Auto Flight

    Use of __________ with the autopilot engaged is prohibited.
    aileron trim
  16. Auto Flight
    Max allowable wind speeds for landing when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations
    • Headwind          25 kts
    • Crosswind          25 kts
    • Tailwind            15 kts
  17. Engine

    Continuous ignition ________  and in the _____ mode while operating in severe turbulence
    ON (eng start selector in the CONT position)

    Note: Cont ignition is automatically provided in icing conditions when engine anti-ice is on
  18. Engine

    Flight crew shall not ________ display during takeoff
    blank engine vibration
  19. Engine Fuel System

    Min inflight fuel tank temp
    3 C (5 F) above the freeze point of the fuel being used.
  20. Engine Fuel System

    Max fuel temp
    • 49 C (120 F)
    • Note: Jet B/JP-4 prohibited for 767
  21. Engine Fuel System

    Center tank may contain up to _________ of fuel with less than full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus actual zero fuel weight does not exceed the max zero fuel weight (266,000 lbs) and CG limits are observed.
    22,050 lbs
  22. Reverse Thrust is for _______ only
  23. Flight Controls

    Max altitude for flap extension
    20,000 ft
  24. Flight Controls

    Do not extend speedbrakes below ________
    800 ft AGL
  25. Navigation

    Do not operate under IFR or at night into airports north of _____, or south of ________whose nav aids are referenced to _________
    • 73 N
    • 60 S
    • magnetic north
  26. Navigation

    If an approach is predicated on the use of DME data associated with an ILS or Localizer, __________
    correct tuning of the DME's must be verified by aural station ident or DME data cross comparison between left and right DME's prior to executing the approach
  27. GPWS

    Do not use the terrain display for ______
  28. GPWS

    The use of look-ahead terrain alerting and terain display functions is prohibited within _______
    15 nm of T/O, app or landing at an airport not contained in the GPWS terrain database.
  29. Normal starter duty cycle
    • 5 on
    • 30 sec off for each minute on
  30. Starter extended duty cycle
    2 consecutive starts require 10 min cooling before additional 5 min cycle
  31. APU starter duty cycle limit
    3 consecutive starts or attempts within a 60 min period
Card Set
B-767 ATI Limitations
ATI Limitations for the B-767