pharm mid term

  1. administer slow gradually increase to minimize side effects. food and water for GI symptoms
    report dizziness, palpitations, fainting. change positions slowly
    a- adrenergic blockers
  2. nursing considerations. assess the electolytes. daily weight, I & O, B/P lying, and standing befor starting treatment. nausea, vomitting diarhea, skin tugor, dryness of mucous membranes
    a-adrenergic blockers
  3. side effects: hypotension, tachycardia, nasal stuffiness, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea
    a-adrenergic blockers
  4. these are used for benign prosatic hyperplasia, pheochromoccytoma, prevention of tissue necrosis and sloughing associated with extravasotion of IV vassopressors.
    a-adrenergic blockers
  5. causes dialation of peripheral blood vessels, risulting in decreased blood pressure
    a-adrenergic blockers
  6. medications that relieve pain with out causing loss of consciousness
  7. main use to alleviate moderate to severe pain. pften given with adjuvant analgesic frugs to assisr the primary drugs with pain reliever.
    opioid analgesic
  8. also used for cough center suppression, treatment of diarrhea, balanced anesthesia. do not use with pnumonia.
    opioid anelgesic
  9. adverse effects euphorea, cns depression, nausea and vomitting, respiratory depression, urinary retention.diaphoresis and flushing, pupil constriction, constipation, itching
    opioid anelgesic
  10. no inflamations effects available otc
  11. drugs that depress the cns
  12. drugs that induce a state in which the cns is altered to produce sbrying degrees of pain relief,depression of consciousness, skeletal muscle relaxation, reflex reduction.
    general anesthetic
  13. malignant hyperthermia a sudden elevation in body temperature, h
    general anesthetic
  14. sites primarily effected are heart, peripheral cirbulation, liber, kidnerys, respiratory tract.
    general anesthetic
  15. injected intravenously or into the cns by various spinal injection tecniques.
    parenteral anesthetics
  16. used to render a specific protion of the body insenstive to pain
    local anesthetic
  17. drug effect paralysis
    parenteral anesthetic drug
  18. drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the cns to the degree that they reduce. nervousness excitability, irritability without causing sleep
  19. causes sleep
Card Set
pharm mid term
pharm mid term