Complete Absence of life
Commercial Sterilzation
complete absense of any pathogen
- Used on inanimate surfaces
- kills microbes
Kills bacteria on living tissues
A substance capable of killing microorganisms
A substance capable of killing microorganisms
Stops growth of bacteria
Bacterial contamination
Absense of Bacterial contamination
Rate of Microbial Death is dependent on 4 Factors:
- 1) Number of microbes
- 2) Presense of organic matter (blood, vomit, etc)
- 3) Time of exposureof antimicrobial
- 4) Microbial characteristics
Time and Temperature to kill Endospores with Moist Heat
121o C (250o F) for 15 minutes
- Disruption of plasma membrane
- Denaturation of enzymes
- Rarely used-smells bad
- Disruption of plasma membrane
- Denaturation of enzymes
- Thymol (in 1% of Listerine)
- O-Pheynlphenol
- Disrupts plasma membrane
- In a lot of soaps and lotions
- Plasma membrane disruption
- Skin disinfections (especially for surgical scrubs)
Chlorine and Iodine
- Protein denaturation
- Strong oxidizer
- 5% NaOCl- (sodium hypochlorite)
- Chlorine kills
- Protein denaturation
- Antiseptic
- Protein denaturation
- Lipid Dissolution
- Must be 70-90% concentration, or it will not be taken in by cell
- Bactericidal and Fungicidal
- Alcohol
- Rubbing alcohol
- Bactericidal and Fungicidal
- Alcohol
- Bactericidal and Fungicidal
Heavy Metals
- Kills by oligodynamic action
- Denatures proteins and enzymes
- Biocidal
- Silver nitrate, copper sulfate, mercurichrome
Copper Sulfate
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal
Soaps and Detergents
Do not kill microbes, but physically remove them
Acid-Anionic Sanitizers
- Santiize food and dairy industry
- Probably denatures enzymes?
QUATS (what it stands for)
Quatenary Ammonium Compounds
QUATS (what it is)
- Very effective at killing bacteria
- Denatures proteins
- Disrupts plasma membrane
- Enzyme inhibition
- Controls mold and bacteria in food and cosmetics
Organic Acids
- Sorbic acid
- Benzoic Acid
- Citric Acid
- Lactic Acid
Food Preservatives
Nitrates and Nitrites
Prevents botulism in cured meats and keeps pink color of meat
- kill bacteria
- produced by fungii or streptomyces bacteria
Denature proteins
Gas Sterilants
Inhibits cellular functions
Ethylene Oxide
- Gas
- Used by dentists to sterilize tool s
Most Resistant to lease resistant microbes
- Prions
- Bacterial Endospores
- Mycobacteria
- Cysts of protozoa
- Vegatiative Protozoa
- Gram - bacteria
- Fungi
- Viruses without envelopes
- Gram + bacteria
- Viruses with lipid envelopes
- Way to evalutate chemical agents
- Dry bacteria and put it in disinfectants and put in plate to see how many bacteria remain
Danger Zone
60-130 degrees
Safe Temperature for cooked meats
160-165 degrees
Disc Diffusion
- put disinfectant in center of culture
- the bigger the ring of no growth the better it works
Thermal Death Point (TDP)
lowest temperature in which all microrganisms will be killed in a particular medium in 10 minutes
Thermal Death Rate (TDR)
Minimal length of time for bacteria to be killed at a given temperature
Decimal Reduction Time (DRT)
Amount of time to reduce # of spores by 90% at a given temperature
Enough heat to kill all pathogens and extend shelf life
Dry Heat
- Kills by oxidation Effects
- Direct Flaming
- Incineration
- Hot Air (Ovens)
Time and Temp to Sterilize in an Oven
170 degrees C for 2 hours
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA)
Removes microbes lager than .3um in diameter
Membrane Filters
- In liquids
- removes bacteria larger than .22 or .45 um
- 32-40 degrees
- Slows down enzymes=stops growth
Eliminating water
High Pressure
- (ie Hummus)
- If you dont care about texture
Osmotic Pressure
5% salt or 65% sugar will casue all H20 to leave cell causing it to shrink (hypertonic)
- Drying
- Microorganism cannot grown or reproduce without water
Ionizing Radiation
- Gamma, X-rays, High Energy Electron Beams
- Shorter Wavelength = more energy
- Messes with bacteria's DNA
Non-Ionizing Radiation
- UV Light
- Kills bacteria but doesnt penetrate surface
- Longer wavelength= less energy
- Cold Loving Microbes
- OT: 15 degrees
- Range: 0-20 degrees
- Cold Loving
- OT: 25 degrees
- Range 0-30 degrees
- Moderate temp loving Microbes
- OT: 37 degrees
- Range: 10-50 degrees
- Heat loving microbes
- OT: 50-60 degrees
- Range: 40-70 degrees
- Extreme heat loving microbes
- OT:95 degrees
- Range: 65-110 degrees
Faculative AnaerobeS
- Can live with (aerobic) or without oxygen (fermentation)
- Survive better with
Aerotolerant Anaerobes
Dont use O2 but can detoxify
Use less O2 (usually 20%)
Extrinsic Factors for Microbes to Grow
- Temperature
- Atmosphere
- Pressure
- Radiation
Intrinsic Factors for Microbes to Grow
- Nutrients
- Water Activity
- pH
- Osmotic Pressure
- Bilogical Structure
- Presence of antimicrobials
- Factor that affects growth
- some organisms live in high or low pressure situations (bottom of sea vs. top of mountain)
Necessiary Nutrients
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Sulfur
- Phosphates
- Minor Elements
- Most organisms grow best at pH 6.5-7.5
- Some can grow at much lower pH (Acidophiles)
Osmotic Pressure
5% salt or 65% sugar will kill most bacteria by shrinkage (hypertonic)
Nuts, skins, shells etc will not allow microbes in
Presence of Natural Antimicrobials
- Garlic=antifungal
- Cranberries= natural benzoic acid
Chemically Defined Media
A medium whose exact chemical composition is known
Complex media
- medium made of various nutrients and proteins that most heterotrophic would be able to hgrow in
- nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Reducing Media
To grow anaerobes
Selective Media
Excludes unwanted microbes (gram + vs. gram -)
Differential Media
Differentiates between closely related species
Enrichment Culture
Favors particular microbes to grow
Deep Freezing
microbes are placed in liquid and frozen to preserve microbes
Lyophilization (freeze-drying)
Water is removed from frozen microbes and they are sealed in glass to preserve
Generation Time
1-3 hours for most bacteria
Prepping for reproduction and growth but none yet
Rapid growth of population
- Births = deaths
- Equilibrium
Population decreases at rapid rate