Biology 95

  1. Biology
    The scientific study of life
  2. Atom
    • Fundamental bulding block of all mater
    • fundamental units of all substances living or not
  3. Biosphere
    all regions of earth where organisms live

    waters, crust and atmoshphere
  4. Cell
    • Smallest unit of life
    • can live and reproduce by itself
  5. Community
    All populations of all species in a given area.

    all flouwer or animas insects
  6. Ecosystem
    a community interacting with its environment
  7. Emergent property
    a characteristic of a system that does not appear in any of the systems component parts

    different objects reassebleadle from same parts
  8. Molecule
    an association of two or more atoms
  9. Organ
    • multicelled organisms
    • grouping of tissues engaged in a collective task

    ex a heart
  10. Organism
    individual that consists of one or more cells
  11. Organ System
    multicelled organisms

    set of organs enged in a collective task that keeps the body functioning

    ex. circulatory system
  12. Population
    group of individuals of the same species that live in a given area

    coyotes in high hill mountain
  13. tissue
    multicelled organisms

    specialezed cells organized in particular patters that allows them to perform a collective functions

    movement-- muscle tissue
  14. Consumer
    organism that gets energy and nutrients by feeding tissue, wastes or remains of other organisms.
  15. Development
    Multistep process by which the first cell of a new individual becomes a multicelled abult
  16. DNA
    • Deoxyribonucleic acid
    • carries hereditary information that guides growth and development
  17. Energy
    The capcity to do Work
  18. Growth
    • in multicelled organism
    • an increase in the number, size and volume of cells
  19. Homeostasis
    Set of processed by which an organism keeps its internal conditions within tolerable ranges
  20. Inheritance
    transmission of DNA from parents to offspring
  21. Nutrient
    substances that an organism needs for growth and survival but canot make for itself
  22. Photosynthesis
    process by which producers use light energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water
  23. producer
    organism that makes its own food using energy and raw materals from the environment
  24. Reproduction
    processes by which parents produce offspring
  25. Animal
    Multicelled consumer that develops through a series of stages and moves about during part of all of iths live cycle
  26. Archaean
    Member of a group of single-celled organisms that differ from bacteria
  27. Bacterium
    member of a large group of single-celled organisms
  28. Biodiversity
    Variation among living organims
  29. Eukaryote
    organism whose cells characteristically have a nucleus
  30. Fungus
    type of eukaryotic consumer that obtains nutrients by digestion and absorption outside the body
  31. Nucleus
    double membraned sac that encloses a cells DNA
  32. Plant
    a multicelled typically photsynthetic producer,
  33. Protist
    Member of a diverse group of simple eukarytes

  34. Genus
    A group of species that share a unique set of traits/ also the first part of a species name
  35. Species
    A type of organism
  36. Specific epithet
    Second part of a species name
  37. taxon
    linnaean category a grouping of organims
  38. Taxonomy
    the science of anaming and classifying species
  39. Control Group
    in an experimental, group of individual who are not exposed to the independent variable that is being tested
  40. Critical Thinking
    Judgind info before accpeting it
  41. Data
    Experimental results
  42. Duductive Reasoning
    Using a general idea to make aconclusion about a specific case

    or logic
  43. Dependent variable
    in an experiment variable that is presumably affected by theindependent variablebeing tested
  44. Experiment
    A test designed to support or falsigy a prediction
  45. Experimental Group
    in an experiment, group of individuals who are exposed to an independent variable
  46. Hypothesis
    Testable explanation of a natural phenomenon
  47. Independent variable
    Variable that is controlled bh an experimenter in order to explore its relationship to a dependent varialbe
  48. Inductive reasoning
    drawing a conclution baded on observation
  49. Model
    Analogous system usded for testing hypothesis
  50. prediction
    Statement baded on a hypothesis about a conditon that should exist if the hypothesisis correct
  51. Science
    systematic studyof the obsevable world
  52. Scientific Method
    Making, testing, and evaluation hyphothesis
  53. VAriable
    in an expereiment a characteristic or event that differs among individuals or over time
  54. Probability
    the chance that a paricular outcome of an event will occur depends onthe total number of outcomes possible
  55. Sampling Error
    difference between results derived from testing an entire group of events or individuals, andresults derived from testing a susbet of the group
  56. Statistically sygnificant
    refers to a result that is statistically unlikely to have occured by chance
  57. Law of Nature
    Generalization that describes a consistent natural phenomenon for which there is incomplete scientific explanation
  58. Scientific Theory
    hypothesis that has not been disproven after many years of rigorous testing
  59. DNA
    • Guides growth and development
    • is the basic of traits
    • is transmitted from paretns to offspring
Card Set
Biology 95
bio 101