Lecture 8 – Case Studies from Scripture and Life

  1. Recognize the major differences between the way Paul shared the gospel with both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences and recognize descriptions of the Scriptural examples for each audience. (Sect. 46)
    • 1.1 In cases where Peter, Stephen or Paul spoke to a primarily Jewish audience, the Old Testament was used extensively
    • 1.1.1 Acts 2:14-36—When Peter addressed the crowd at Pentecost
    • 1.1.2 Acts 7—When Stephen was seized and made his speech to the Sanhedrin
    • 1.1.3 Acts 13:14-41—When Paul spoke in the Pisidian Antioch synagogue on the Sabbath

    • 1.1 In cases where Paul spoke to a primarily Gentile audience, he used trans-cultural and intra-cultural connecting points for sharing the gospel
    • 1.1.1 Acts 14:11-18In Lystra, Paul did not start by referring to Scripture because the people were unfamiliar with it. He appealed to creation and their knowledge of God as Creator.
    • 1.1.2 Acts 17:16-31With the Athenians, Paul looked for reference points: he quoted from their own poets and from an altar inscription, “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.”
  2. Recognize the major objections that non-Westerners have to the Gospel. (Sect. 48)
    • 1.1 Christianity is a Western Religion
    • 1.1.1 The Bible has a powerful message: God desires to bless all nations.
    • 1.1.2 God reveals himself in all cultures.
    • 1.1.3 Some aspects of non-Western cultures are more like Biblical culture (e.g., unity, revering the elderly, arranged marriages).
    • 1.1.4 Most Christians in the world today are non-Westerners.
    • 1.1.5 We need to repent. Some missionaries forced non-Biblical, Western values on people.

    1.2 The Bible is a corrupted book

    • 1.3 Christianity supports imperialism/colonialism
    • 1.3.1 This is a major issue for many other countries.
    • 1.3.2 Present U.S. foreign policy reminds people of the Crusades, foreign conquest and missionaries who forced Western culture on them. Do not be naïve about why people have been hurt by the actions of “Christian” nations.
    • 1.3.3 It is very important that Christians do not align Christian faith with things that are not inherent to the Gospel (e.g., capitalism and democracy).

    1.4 Christianity has failed in the West

    • SUMMARY: Non-Westerners major objections to Christianity are not about Jesus but about people’s sinful behavior.
  3. TEXTBOOK LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize the key points about propositional truth and why stories are powerful (in the Why Are Stories so Powerful? section) and the recommendations in the Connecting our Stories to Others section (Chapter 5, Reimaging Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey by Rick Richardson)
    yo yo yo...look it up :-)
  4. TEXTBOOK LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recognize the description of “spiritual consumerism” and the recommended ways of confronting it. (Confronting Spiritual Consumerism section, Chapter 6 of Reimaging Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey by Rick Richardson)
    Kindly do the needful sil vous plait :-)
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Lecture 8 – Case Studies from Scripture and Life
Lecture 8 – Case Studies from Scripture and Life, Evangelism: Domestic and Cross-Cultural, VLI, Spring 2012, JBL