Cross sectional

  1. What structure deepens the acetabulum to increase stability of the hip joint?
    acetabular labrum
  2. What is the largest peripheral nerve in the body?
  3. What is the strongest ligament in the ankle?
  4. The femoral artery is an extension of which artery?
    external iliac
  5. The femoral head is covered entirely by articular cartilage, with the exception of a small centrally located pit termed __________________________.
    fovea capitis
  6. The _______________________ of the hip forms a sleeve that encloses the hip joint and most of the femoral neck.
    fibrous capsule
  7. The ________________________ is a canal that contains blood vessels, fat and the interosseous ligament and widens laterally to form the sinus tarsi.
    tarsal canal
  8. The muscles of the foot are divided into the muscles of the ______________________ and ______________________ of the foot.
    dorsum and sole
  9. Name the longest muscle in the body.
  10. name the two ligaments that provide anterior and posterior stability to the knee.
  11. List the muscles that are collectively known as the hamstrings.
    semitendous, semimembranosus, biceps femoris
    • A:achilles tendon
    • B:talus
    • C:calcaneus
    • D:navicular
    • A: vastus lateralis muscle
    • B:vastus medialis muscle
    • C:PCL
    • D:ACL
    • E:Lateral meniscus
    • F:medial meniscus
    • G:tibia
  12. Which muscle tendons merge to form the achilles tendon?
    gastrocmenius and soleus
  13. The strongest, longest and most heaviest bone in the body is the femur.
  14. On sectional images the sinus tarsi is between the
    talus and calcaneus
    • A:psoas muscle
    • B:iliopsoas
    • C:ligamentum teres femoris
    • D:greater trochanter
    • E:Neck of the femur
  15. The intercondylar fossa is found on the :
    posterior distal fermur
  16. The largest tarsal bone is the
  17. The iliopsoas, sartorius, and the rectus femoris all move the femur. They are in the :
    anterior group
  18. What action do the hamstring, gemellus, obturator, piriformis, and quadratus femoris perform on the femur?
    lateral rotation
  19. The gluteal(maximus, medius, and minimus) and tensor muscles move the femur. They are in the :
    lateral group
    • A:Posterior cruciate ligament
    • B:anterior cruciate ligament
    • C:articulating cartilage
    • D:quadriceps tendon
    • A:navicular
    • B: talus
    • C: calcaneus
    • A : joint capsule
    • B: medial meniscus
  20. Within the femoral triangle the sequence of structures, from lateral to medial, is?
    femoral nerve, femoral artery, and femoral vein.
  21. The boundaries of the femoral triangle are the ________ muscle laterally and the _________ medially.
    sartorius, adductor longus muscle
  22. The floor of the femoral triangle is formed by the _______and _______ muscles.
    iliopsoas and pectineus muscles.
  23. The quadriceps femoris muscle group occupies the ______ compartment of the thigh. The biceps femoris is the most_______ of the hamstring muscles and the semimembranosus is the most ______.
    anterior, lateral,medial
  24. The ______________ is the most superficial muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg.
    gastrocnemius muscle
  25. The __________is deep to the gastrocnemius muscle in the leg.
    soleus muscle
  26. Within the popliteal fossa, the sequence from lateral to medial is the
    sciatic nerve, popliteal vein, and popliteal artery.
  27. Within the popliteal fossa, the sciatic nerve divides into its two terminal branches.
    the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve.
  28. only arrow on left side of body
  29. lateral and anterior to calcaneus
  30. astragulus?
  31. articulates with the talus posteriorly and with the cuniform bones anteriorly.
  32. in the distal thigh, the most medial muscle of the hamstring muscle?
  33. 3 muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh?
    biceps femoris, semitendinsous, semimembranous
  34. lateral to medial structures of the femoral triangle?
    femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein
  35. most lateral portion of the femur
    greater trochanter
  36. superficial vein on the medial side of the leg
    great saphenous
  37. What structure cushions the articulation of the medial condyle of the femur with the tibia?
    medial meniscus
  38. what are the 2 ligaments located in the intercondylar fossa?
    posterior cruciate ligament and anterior cruciate ligament
Card Set
Cross sectional