What are phsiotherapy roles in OHS
- Injury prevention- manual handling training, workplace assessment, workstation ergonomic assessment, ergonomic assessment and design, pre employment systems
- - injury management
- OHS act 200
- manual handling regulation 2007- national occupation and safety commision
- mannual handling code of practice, 2007-NSW occupation health and safety
What are the employers responsibilites for OHS
- - ensure that work practices, equipment and working envt are dsigned to prevent manual handling injury
- - indetify manyal handling tasks that could lead to injury
- - assess these tasks in consultation with employees
- - control/ establish effective control measures
What are the employee responsibilites for OHS
- - use correct manual handling techniques and equipment
- - perform day to day care of equipment
- - participate in the risk management process
- - report any hazards, faulty equipment and injury
- - comply with workplace policies and safe work practices
Risk assessment
- - risk idntification
- - risk assessment
- - risk control
How do you identify risks
- - analyse workplace injry records
- - consult with employees
- - direct obs
- When
- - tasks involve hazardous
- - employee reports a manual handling hazard
- - when an injury has occurred
Risk assessment
- - when to do it
- - how to do it
- - who does it
- - what needs to be considered (person, envt)
Risk Control
- !- eliminate the task as a risk
- 2- job design, euqip, rearrange task, improve workplace design, re-organise work practices
- 3- training people and stretching program
And lecture if have time
Read over notes from ortho surgeon lectures