My Grade 8 Social Studies Exam

  1. List the the ancient dynasties in order
    • Shang
    • Zhou
    • Qin
    • Han
    • Sui
    • Tang
    • Song
    • Yuan
    • Ming
  2. What were the dates of the dynasties roughly?
    • Shang: 1600-1000 BCE
    • Zhou: 1000-250 BCE
    • Qin: 250-200 BCE
    • Han: 200 BCE - 200 CE
    • Period of Chaos: 200-600 CE
    • Tang: 600-900 CE
    • Song: 900-1300 CE
  3. When did the Battle of Hastings happen?
    1066 CE
  4. Summarize the Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy befriends Harold Godwisnson, an English earl, becoming his vassal. Harold goes back to England. Later, King Edward of England dies leaving no heir. William, who was related to Edward, claims the throne. Harold claims the throne saying Edward had promised it to him on his deathbed. For William, this broke the feaudal contract of loyalty to a lord and he declares war. William invades England in 1066 and the battle at Hastings. Harold is killed in battle and William the Conqueror is made king of England as well as Normandy.
  5. What is a vassal?
    A vassal is a person who has entered into a contract with a lord or king. A vassal rules the manor.
  6. What is the feudal contract?
    It was based on the three F's. Fiefs, fielty, faith. The contract between a superior and an inferior where It is the contract between a superior and an inferior where the superior gives the inferior land in exchange for loyalty and service. Based on religious faith.
  7. Who was William the Conqueror?
    He was a Norman king who conquered England and reorganized it to Norman feudalism. His rule marks the point at which the armoured knight became the deadliest fighter in Europe.
  8. What was a manor?
    A small fief. It is self-sufficient. Freeholders and serfs farmed the land and gave part of their harvest to the lord in exchange for his protection and use of the land.
  9. What was a Domense?
    The section of the manor where the lord actually lived.
  10. What what was a bailiff?
    A person hired by the lord to manage the manor and keep the peace.
  11. What was the pyramid structure of the Middle Ages?
    • King
    • Higher Nobles
    • Lesser Nobles
    • Minor Nobles
    • Freeholders and Serfs
  12. What percent of the population were serfs and freeholders?
  13. What was the section of the manor where the lord actually lived called?
    A Domense.
  14. What was a person called who was hired by the lord to manage the manor and keep the peace?
    A bailiff.
  15. What were serfs?
    People who worked on the manor and were considered part of the property. Not free to leave the manor. Had to give 2-3 days of free labor a week.
  16. What was a freeholder?
    Like serfs but technically owned part of the manor. They were free to come and go and didn't have to give free labor.
  17. What are monks?
    Men who entered monestaries and devoted their lives to it taking vows of poverty, chasitity and obedience. Copied and illustrated books.
  18. How much did the church tax off of everyone? What was it called?
    It was called a tithe and was 10% of your income.
  19. What were pilgrimages?
    They were trips to holy places that devoted Christians went on. It was seen as way for people to make up for their sins.
  20. What are guilds?
    Unions of craftsmen of a certain trade. A collection of skilled senior workers. Apprentices would be assigned to a master to learn the craft and join the guild.
  21. What was the purpose of the Crusades?
    The purpose was to rid the Middle-Eastern holy lands of Muslims. The Crusades began in 1096-1254. There were seven.
  22. Were the Crusades successful?
    They failed to rid the holy land of Muslims but they brought back knowledge because the Muslims were very advanced.
  23. Who were knights and what were their purpose?
    Knights were noblemen were fighters that lived by a code of conduct. They were generally given fiefs.
  24. What is heraldry?
    Representing family history and accomplishments with symbols. One way was coats of arms.
  25. What were pages?
    Young boys learning to become knights. Educated in the house of another nobleman. Educated in fighting, music and chivalry.
  26. What is a knight's code of honour called?
  27. What is the actual disease of the Black Plague and how was it spread?
    It was a bacteria unscientifically called the Bubonic Plague. It was spread by fleas on rats.
  28. When was the Black Plague?
    During the 1300s.
  29. What was the peasant's revolt?
    This occured after the plague as a result of the decrease in population (less serfs) so the serfs could demand higher wages. Labor shortages drove the wages up. Then the lords put it back down while the food prices were high. The serfs got mad and invaded London.
  30. When were the Crusades?
Card Set
My Grade 8 Social Studies Exam
A set of flashcards for my grade 8 social studies exam. Includes Ancient China, the European Middle Ages, the European Renaissance, and Ancient Japan.