comm theory

  1. 4 Functions of Functional Perspective
    • 1. Analysis of the problem
    • 2. Goal setting
    • 3. Id alternatives
    • 4. Evaluate + &- characteristics
  2. Types of communication- functional perspective
    • promotive
    • disruptive
    • counteractive
  3. Define groupthink.
    decision making where the desire for unanimous decision overrides the motivation to asses all available plans of action
  4. Antecedent conditions for groupthink.
    • A group that insulated from outside conditions
    • Controlling leadership
    • A poor procedure for decision making
    • Stress
  5. Symptoms of groupthink
    • Overestimation of the group
    • Closedmindness of the group
    • Pressure towards uniformity
  6. Ways to prevent group think
    • Require some oversight
    • Encourage critical thinking
    • Use a breakout group
  7. Why was Poole against the phase model?
  8. Social structures- adaptive structuration theory
    signification, legitimation, and domination
  9. interaction- Adaptive structuration
    intentional acts of group members
  10. rules- adaptive structuration
    implicit formulas for action
  11. resources- adaptive structuration
    traits, abilities, knowledge, possessions that people bring into an interaction, unevenly distributed
  12. appropriation
    rules and resources are borrowed from a larger culture
  13. Communication model v Info model
  14. 4 managerial styles- critical theory
  15. stakeholder democracy- critical theory
  16. Rhetoric canons
    • Invention
    • Arrangement
    • Style
    • Memory
    • Delivery
  17. Rhetoric- logos
    logical proofs
  18. Rhetoric- ethos
    credibility, must have competence and character
  19. Rhetoric- pathos
    emotional argument
  20. Dramaism- act
    the deed that took place
  21. Dramatism- scene
    background for the act
  22. Dramatism- agency
    the means or the instruments to perform the act
  23. Dramatism- guilt
    motivation for public speaking
  24. Dramatism- escape goat
  25. Dramatism- mortification
  26. Dramatism- victimage
    escape goat (tradegy)
  27. Narrative Paradigm- fidelity
    Congruence between values embedded in a message and what listeners regard as truthful and humane
  28. Narrative paradigm-coherence
    Internal consistency with characters acting a reliable fashion
  29. Narrative paradigm- good reasons
    philosophical, technical, rhetorical, or artistic
  30. Cultivation Theory- beliefs of heavy viewers
    • Chances of involvement with violence 1 in 10
    • Fear of walking alone at night
    • Perceived heavy activity of police
    • General mistrust of people
  31. Cultitivation Theory- resonance
    repeated symbolic portrayed cause viewers to replay their real life experiences with violence
  32. Cultivation Theory- mainstreaming
    The process by which heavy viewers develop a commonality of outlook
  33. Agenda Setting- Who sets the agenda?
    Media. Major news editors, politicans, PR practitioners
  34. Agenda setting- framing
    a selection of restricted number of related attributes for inclusion on the media agenda when an issue is discussed
  35. Agenda setting. Who's susceptible?
    People who have a high need for orientation. & A high index of curiosity
  36. Spiral of Silence-public opinion
    Attitudes one can express without running the danger of isolating oneself
  37. Spiral of Silence- WHo is most likely to express their view?
    Hard Core & Avant Garde
  38. Spiral of Silence- avant garde
    new, fresh people who have an opinion that they think everyone will eventually agree with
  39. Face negotiation- 8 conflict strategies
    Avoiding, Obliging, compromising, integrating, dominating, emotional expression, passive aggressive, third party
  40. Define standpoint
    A place from which to critically view the world
  41. Most objective view?
    disadvantage people
  42. Communication Accommodation-convergence
    adapting your communication to become more similar to the other person
  43. Comm Accomodation- divergence
    acentuate the differences
  44. over-accomodation
    maximize the differences
  45. counter accomodaiton
    maximizing the differences
  46. discourse management
    sensitive selection of topics
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comm theory
comm theory final