Exam 1: Arm (Brachium)
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The cutaneous innervation of the arm is provided from what nerves?
ventral primary rami of C3-T3
What nerve innervates the skin of upper shoulder?
supraclavicular nn (C3-C4)
What do the brachial plexus (C5-T1) innervate?
skin of brachium, antebrachium, and hand
What nerve does the superior lateral brachial cutaneous n. arise from?
axillary n.
What does the superior lateral brachial cutaneous n. supply?
skin over deltoid
What nerve does the inferior lateral brachial cutaneous n. arise from?
radial n.
What does the inferior lateral brachial cutaneous n. supply?
skin of lateral aspect of lower arm
What nerve does the posterior brachial cutaneous n. arise from?
radial n.
What does the posterior brachial cutaneous n. supply?
skin of posterior aspect
What nerve does the medial brachial cutaneous n. arise from?
medial cord of brachial plexus
What does the medial brachial cutaneous n. supply?
skin of upper medial aspect of arm
What nerve does the medial antebrachial cutaneous n. arise from?
medial cord of brachial plexus
What does the medial antebrachial cutaneous n. supply?
skin of lower medial and anterior aspects of the arm
What spinal nerves does the intercostobrachial n. arise from?
What does the intercostobrachial n. supply?
skin of armpit and part of medial arm
What does the intercostobrachial n. have to do with heart attacks?
this is the n. that causes the median side of the left arm pain during a myocardial infarction
the sensory NN going to the heart are T1-4 (intercostobrachial n = T2-3)
the brain interprets pain from heart as intercostobrachil n.
this is called referred pain from heart
What type of fascia surrounds muscles of arm like a sleeve?
deep (brachial) fascia
Two fascial septa (partitions) connect:
the sleeve (deep fascia) with the humerus
What is found between the insertion of the deltoid m. and lateral epicondyle of humerus?
lateral intermuscular septum of bracial fascia
What is found on the medial side of the arm connecting the brachial fasical with the humerus?
medial intermuscular septum
How many compartments does the intermuscular septa divide the arm into?
2 muscular compartments
What are the two muscular compartments of the arm?
What is contained in the anterior muscular compartment of the arm?
flexor mm.
What is contained in the posterior muscular compartment of the arm?
extensor mm.
Is brachial fascia continuous with pectoral fascia above, and the antebrachial fascia distally?
What are the anterior (flexor) muscles of the arm?
coracobrachialis m.
biceps brachii
Which muscle does the musculocutaneous N pierce?
coracobrachialis m.
What are the posterior (extensor) muscles of the arm?
triceps brachii m.
Which head of the triceps brachii is the only portion that crosses glenohumeral joint?
long head
What are the contents of the radial groove of the humerus?
radial N and profunda brachii A
Where does the brachial a. begin?
lower border of teres major
What artery is the brachial a. a continuation of?
axillary a.
Where is the brachial a. found?
inferiorly on the medial aspect of arm and runs deep to bicipital aponeurosis
Where does the brachial a. bifurcate?
approximately one inch distal to the crease of the elbow
What two arteries does the brachial a. bifurcate into?
radial and ulnar aa.
What are the braches of the brachial a.?
profunda brachii a.
superior ulnar collateral a.
inferior ulnar collateral a.
nutrient a.
radial collateral a.
Where does the profunda brachii a. arise off the brachial a.?
just distal to the teres major
What does the profunda brachii supply?
triceps brachii
What nerve does the profunda brachii run along with?
radial N
What artery does the profunda brachii a. anastomoses with?
axillary a. (connecting axillary a. with ulnar and radial aa)
What does the superior ulnar collateral a. supply?
elbow joint
What does the inferior ulnar collateral a. supply?
elbow joint
Which side of the body do the superior and inferior ulnar collateral aa. go to?
What does the nutrient a. supply?
Which artery does the radial collateral a. anastomoses with?
radial recurrent a.
Which artery do the ulnar recurrent aa. anastomoses with?
ulnar collateral a.
Which artery do the radial recurrent aa. anastomoses with?
radial collateral a.
Where do the deep brachial veins collect blood from?
muscles and bone
Where are the deep brachial veins found?
found in pairs running parallel to brachial a.
Where do the deep brachial veins commence?
at elbow
What do the deep brachial veins become?
tributaties to the axillary v.
Where do the cephalic and basilic veins collect blood from?
skin and superficial fascia
Where is the cephalic vein located?
passes upward from forearm in superficial fascia in the groove lateral tot he biceps, then in the groove between deltoid and pectoralis major m.
The cephalic vein becomes a tributary to which vein?
axillary v.
Where is the basilic vein located?
passes from forearm to arm in superficial fascia on medial side of the front of the elbow
Where does the basilic vein penetrate the brachial fascia to enter the anterior muscular compartment?
at the junction between the distal 1/3 and middle 1/3 of the arm
What does the basilic vein eventually become?
axillary v.
Where is the median cubital vein found?
in the cubital fossa
All nerves are surrounded by:
connective tissue
Every nerve is made up of many:
bundles of nerve fibers
How does a nerve get blood supply?
Blood vessels on outside of nerve send branch into nerve. Then that blood vessel branches into each bundle
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Exam 1: Arm (Brachium)
review of lecture 6/11 on the arm for exam 1
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