Exam 1: Scapular Region

  1. What action can easily damage the long thoracic N?
    overhead actions
  2. What is supraspinatus impingement?
    When the supraspinatus muscle becomes compressed by the acromion of the scapula
  3. What is characteristic of type II supraspinatus impingement?
    • curve in acromion, leaves small space for supraspinatus muscle to go to its insertion
    • tendon can wear out more quickly
    • rotator tear
    • compresses not only the muscle but blood supply and nerves
  4. What is characteristic of type III supraspinatus impingement?
    • hook in acromion of scapula
    • compression of muscle
  5. What are the rotator cuff muscles?
    • Tendonous structure holding the shoulder in place; tendons of the following muscles:
    • supraspinatus m.
    • infraspinatus m.
    • teres major m.
    • subscapularis m.
  6. Dynamic stability of glenocavity joint:
    • humeral head remains in glenoid cavity during movements
    • the rotator cuff mm. allow this
  7. When an elderly person has a rotator cuff injury, they most likely injuried which muscle?
    supraspinatus m.
  8. What is the only component of the rotator cuff that passes anterior to glenoid-humeral joint?
    subscapularis m.
  9. When a young athlete has a rotator cuff injury, they most likely injuried which muscle?
    subscapularis m.
  10. What are the boundaries of the quadrangular space?
    • superior border
    • lateral border
    • inferior border
    • medial border
  11. What is the superior border of the quadrangular space?
    lateral border of scapula and capsule of shoulder joint
  12. What is the lateral border of the quadrangular space?
    surgical neck of humerus
  13. What is the inferior border of the quadrangular space?
    teres major m.
  14. What is the medial border of the quadrangular space?
    long head of triceps brachii m.
  15. What is contained in the quadrangular space?
    • axillary N
    • Posterior humeral circumflex A and V
  16. What does the axillary nerve innervate?
    teres minor and deltoid
  17. Which two arteries arise in the neck?
    • transverse cervical
    • suprascapular
  18. Which trunk is the transverse cervical artery a branch of?
    thyrocervical trunk
  19. What does the transverse cervical artery supply?
    levator scapulae, trapezius, and rhomboidei mm.
  20. Which trunk is the suprascapular artery a branch of?
    thyrocervical trunk
  21. What does the suprascapular A supply?
    supraspinatus and infraspinatus
  22. Which arteries does the suprascapular A anastomoses with?
    • deep branch of transverse cervical a.
    • circumflex scapular branch of subscapular a.
  23. What arteries arise in the axilla?
    • deltoid branch of thoracoacromial trunk
    • lateral thoracic A
    • subscapular A
    • posterior humeral circumflex A
  24. What does the deltoid branch of the thoracoaromial truck supply?
    deltoid m.
  25. What does th lateral thoracic A. supply?
    serratus anterior m.
  26. What are the branches of the subscapular A?
    • thoracodorsal a.
    • circumflex scapular a.
  27. What does the thoracodorsal a. supply?
    subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi, and serratus anterior mm.
  28. What does the circumflex scapular a. supply?
    infraspinatus m.
  29. Which artery does the circumflex scapular a. anastomoses with?
    suprascapular a.
  30. What does the posterior humeral circumflex a. supply?
    deltoid m.
  31. Which artery does the posterior humeral circumflex a. anastomoses with?
    anterior humeral circumflex a.
  32. Deep lymphatic vessels of the shoulder follow the blood vessels, and therefore, drain largely into:
    the axillary lymph nodes
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Exam 1: Scapular Region
review of lecture 6/7 on scapular region for exam 1