- Arachis hypogea - Peanut
- Fabaceae
- Origin: South America
- Use: Cooking oil, food industry, forage - cake, hay
- Non-drying oil - 38-56%
- Glycoproteins - allergenic agents, lectins
- Cannabis sativa - Hemp
- Cannabaceae
- Origin: Central Asia
- Use: Industrial oil (paint, soap), forage - cake
- Drying oil - 30-35%, Cannabinoids (THC), Trigonellin alkaloid
- Gossypium hirsutum - Cotton
- Malvaceae
- Origin: Near East
- Use: Textile industry, oil, forage - cake
- Semi-drying oil - 18-24%, Gosspypol - polyphenolic pigment (free - toxic for monogastric animals)
- Symptoms: bleeding, respiratory and digestive system disorders, death. White of egg turns pink
- Cucurbita pepo - Marrow
- Origin: Mexico
- Oil - 28-30%
- Use: Livestock feed, oil and oil cake, human consumption
- Triterpene saponin - cucurbitacin. Bitter taste, vomit, dysentery, salivation
- Helianthus annuus - Sunflower
- Asteraceae
- Origin: Mexico/SW USA
- Use: Cooking oil, seeds, Forage -seeds for bird and cake for pigs, Green forage, pollen production for honey bees.
- Semi-drying oil 38-50% (linolic and linolenic acid)
- Vitamin A D E K
- Protein: 10-25%
- Brassica napus conv. oleifera - oilseed rape
- Brassicaceae
- Origin: Mediterranean
- Use: Cooking oil, forage - cake, green forage
- Semi-drying oil - 38-50% (eikosenic acid, erucic acid - low growth rate and cardiac muscle deformities)
- Glucosinolates - isothiocyanates - low iodine uptake/large thyroid gland
- Sinapin 1-1.5% - bitter taste, phytic acid
- Linum usitatissimum - Flax
- Linaceae
- Origin: Mediterranean
- Use: clothes, oil varieties (pain), forage meal, medicinal
- Drying oil - 37-42%
- Linamarin, lotaustralin - cyanogenic glycosides
- Ricinus communis - Castor bean
- Euphorbiaceae
- Origin: Africa
- Use: Industrial oil, Forage - cake, Medicine - laxative
- Non-drying oil - 45-50% (ricinolic acid)
- Ricin - lectin-type protein, poisonous - inhibits protein synthesis
- Ricinin alkaloid in oil, eliminiation of water
- Abdominal pain, vomit, bleeding, inflamed kidney, necrosis of liver, dehydration, thirst, headache, low temperature, tremor, collapse, death
- Glycine max - Soybean
- Origin: East Asia
- Use: nutrient for humans, forage - meal, oil cake, green plant - monogastric animals, oil plant
- Protein - 35-44%, high lysine/low methionine and cysteine.
- Antinutritives: tripsin and chymotripsin inhibitors, haemagglutinins, allergins (glycin), phytoestrogens
- Elimination: cooking, roasting, heat and pressure, microwaves
- Pisum sativum ssp. hortense - Garden pea
- Origin: Western Asia
- Use: Forage, Straw, Green manure, Human consumption
- Rich in lysine, Protein - 25%
- Low level of antinutritives
- Sugar, vitamin C
- Pisum sativum ssp. arvense - Field pea
- Origin: Western Asia
- Use: Forage, Straw, Green manure, Human consumption
- Rich in lysine, 25% protein
- Low antinutritives
- Phaseolus vulgaris - Common bean
- Origin: Tropical American
- Use: human consumption
- Starch - 50-57%
- Protein - 20-28%
- Low level antinutritives - haemagglutinins, trypsine, tannins
- Phaseolus coccineus - Scarlet (Runner) bean
- Origin: Tropical America
- Use: human consumption
- Lens culinaris - Lentils
- Origin: West Asia, Mediterranean
- Use: Human consumption, Straw
- Protein - 25%
- Carbs - 55%
- Trypsine inhibitors, haemogglutinins
- Lathyrus sativus - Indian pea
- Origin: Mediterranean
- Use: Forage, straw, green manure
- Protein - 25-28%, high lysine
- Low fat, high starch
- Poisonous amino acids - Lathyrism - Osteo- and neurolathyrism
- Skeletal deformities, weakness, paralysis
- Lupinus albus - White lupin
- Origin: Mediterranean
- Protein: 38-42%
- Oil: 5-10%
- Quinolizidines - lupinosis - convulsion, difficulty breathing, liver disorders
- Lupinus luteus - Yellow lupin
- Origin: Mediterranean
- Protein: 38-42% (more favourable composition than lupinus albus)
- Quinolizidines - lupanin, lupinin - lupinosis
- Respiratory difficulties, convulsions, liver disorders
- Vicia faba - Field bean
- Origin: Med, Afghanistan, Ethiopia
- Use: Human consumption, forage, green forage
- Protein - 23-27%
- Vitamin E B
- Antinutritives - tannins, inhibitors, vicin, convicin - Favism
- Haemolytic disease - denaturation of haemoglobin
- Anaemia, vomit, liver pain, bleeding of mucous membranes
- Blood transfusion
- Cicer arientinum - Chickpea
- Origin: South-West Asia
- Use: Human consumption, forage
- Similar composition to pea, lower protein and higher fat
- Antinutritives - amylase inhibitors, haemagglutinins, pholyphenols, tannins
- Beta vulgaris convar crass provar altissima
- Origin: Beta maritima - South and North Europe
- Products: Leafy tops, sugar, beet slice, beet pulp, molasses, filter cake
- Water - 80-90%
- Carbs - 50-75% (starch, sucrose)
- Low oil, Ca, P content, high K
- Antinutritives - bacter (due to high water), fresh - laxative, unwashed -GI problems