Why is EAS important when considering High Alt Flight
Its used to calculate aerodynamic force produced
Why is TAS important
Because it is the speed of a body relative to the undisturbed airflow around it
Why does stability reduce at altitude
As altitude increases, TAS increases and effectively reduces AOA. The consequent reduction in lift results in less stability
Why is damping in roll effect reduced at high altitude
Down going wing AOA is reduced with the higher TAS so damping in roll effect is reduced ie less stability
Why is longitudinal stability reduced at altitude (and draw a picture to explain)
If the aircraft is disturbed about tis lateral axis the tailplane generates a restoring force. As altitude and TAS increase the effective AOA reduces so less restoring force is generated and overall les stability
Why does thrust reduce with increasing TAS
increasing TAS reduces AOA of a prop
Explain how temp, density, and speed effect thrust when alt is increased
- Temp decreases, which increases density so thrust increases
- Density decreases, thrust decreases however this is offset partly by the decrease in temp
- Spped increases therefore thrust decreases but RAM effect increases thrust so they cancel out
Overall a jet engine is considered to provide constant thrust with increasing altitude
Why does CL decrease with increasing altitude
- the change in reynolds number
- The decreasing local speed of sound
As altitude increases, at a constant EAS, whtat happens to Mach and TAS
- TAS increases
- Mach increases more
With an increase in altitude, directional stability decreases, how do designers overcome this
- Bigger vertical stabiliser
- Or increase the number of vertical stabilisers