Dig In Lab Review and Reinforcement

  1. Why would a science teacher point out problems to a lab group about problems with a classroom guided inquiry investigation?
    The teacher wants to help students improve the experiment/investigation.
  2. Data recorded in a data table can also be called _______________.
  3. While doing the Dig In lab in school what manipulated or independent variable affected the absorbency or percolation rate of soil?
    Type of soil (sand/soil/clay)
  4. What is the main reason or purpose for doing science investigations?
    to test a hypothesis
  5. Why do scientists need to write clear step by step procedures?
    So others can repeat the investigation exactly as it was performed
  6. Why do scientists write a clear problem statements or hypotheses?

    example: "We think the clay will perform best"
    So others repeating experiment know exactly what scientists predicted would happen.

    example: What will the clay perform best at? Will the clay be best for planting a flower garden? Will the clay be best to hold in water for vegetables?
  7. What scientific tool is most appropriate for measuring volume of liquid for the Dig In Lab?
    graduated cylinder
  8. During the percolation rate investigation what measurement was used to record results in data table? Milliliters per_______________.
  9. What kind of variables do scientists call the conditions that are kept the same in all parts of an experiment?
    constant variables
  10. What do graphs, data tables and charts help scientists do?
    display information
  11. What was the dependent or responding variable for the investigation where water that stayed inside the soil was measured?

    (***Remember dependent variable means what you are measuring)
    soil absorbency
  12. What was the dependent or responding variable for the science investigation where the water that passed through soil?

    (***Remember dependent variable means what you are measuring)
    soil percolation rate

  13. True or False
    Do experiments only have one variable?
    False. (Trick question) They have one independent or manipulated variable. However, ther have many constant vaiables and one dependent or responding variable (what is measured).
  14. True or False
    Doing an experiment includes recording data or results and drawing conclusions.
  15. True or False

    Doing an experiment begins with drawing conclusions and ends with asking questions.
  16. Why do scientists include severial trials during scientific investigations?
    To help them check to see if their data is accurate
  17. How do scientists draw conclusions from experiments? How can they figure out whether they should trust the results they recorded?
    Scientists look carefully at their findings/evidence/data/results to see if they are relevant. They also relate topic or use their prior knowledge from other previous investigations to help them draw conclusions and to evaluate whether the results should be trusted.
Card Set
Dig In Lab Review and Reinforcement
Soil Absorbency and Percolation Testing/Results Review