NCLEX-PN Lab Values.txt

  1. serum - pH
    7.35 - 7.45
  2. pco2
    35 - 45 mm Hg
  3. HCO3-
    22 - 27 mEq/L
  4. pO2
    80 - 100 mm Hg
  5. serum - Sodium (Na)
    135 - 145 mEq/L
  6. Bicarbonate
    22 - 29
  7. serum - Chloride
    98 - 107
  8. serum - Potassium (K)
    3.5 - 5.1 mEq/L

    Used to eval cardiac, renal & GI function
  9. aPTT
    Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time

    • 20 - 36 seconds, depending on type of activator used
    • Should be 1.5 - 2.5 times normal when receiving heparin therapy
  10. PT
    Prothrombin Time

    • Male: 9.6 - 11.8 sec
    • Female: 9.5 - 11.3 sec
    • -Diets high in dark leafy greens increases absorption of K, which decreases the PT
    • -Oral anticoagulants tx; PT @ 1.5 - 2 times normal
    • -PT longer than 30 sec; risk of hemorrhage
  11. INR
    International normalized ratio

    • 2 - 3 standard coumadin tx
    • 3 - 4.5 high dose coumadin tx
  12. Clotting time
    8 - 15 minutes

    -heparin therapy should be stopped 3 hours prior to specimen collection
  13. Platelet count
    150,000 - 400,000 u/L
  14. ESR
    Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

    • 0 - 30 mm/hr
    • depending on age of client
  15. Hemoglobin
    • Male: 14 - 16.5 g/dL
    • Female: 12 - 15 g/dL
  16. Hematocrit
    • Male: 42 - 52%
    • Female: 35 - 47%
  17. serum - Iron
    • Male: 65 - 175 mcg/dL
    • Female: 50 - 170 mcg/dL
  18. RBC
    • Male: 4.5 - 6.2 mil cells / uL
    • Female: 4 - 5.5 mil cells / uL
  19. CK
    Creatine Kinase

    26 - 174 units/L

    • CK-MB (cardiac) 0 - 5%
    • CK-MM (muscle) 95 - 100%
    • CK-BB (Brain) 0%
    • -No alcohol or strenuous activities 24hrs prior to test
    • -Invasive procedures & IM injection increases CK levels
  20. LDH
    140 - 280 U/L

    • LDH1: 14 - 26
    • LDH2: 29 - 39
    • LDH3: 20 - 26
    • LDH4: 8 - 16
    • LDH5: 6 - 16

    • -acute MI; increased LDH1 and LDH2
    • -LDH increases 24hrs after MI; peaks @ 48 - 72hrs; returns to normal in 7 - 14 days
    • -presence of LDH flip (LDH1>LDH2); helps dx of MI
    • -test is repeated 3 consecutive days
  21. Troponins
    • Troponin I: < 0.6 ng/mL ; > 1.5 ng/mL - indicates MI
    • Troponin T: > 0.1 - 0.2 ng/mL - indicates MI
  22. serum - Albumin
    3.4 - 5 g/dL

    • -transports non water solubles
    • -increases in dehydration, diarrhea, metastatic carcinoma
    • -decreases in acute infections, ascites & alcoholism
    • -presence in urine indicates abnormal renal function
  23. Alkaline phosphatase
    4.5 - 13 King-Armstrong Units / dL

    • -increases during bone growth, liver disease, bile duct obstructions
    • -fast 12hrs prior
    • -d/c hepatotoxic meds 12hrs prior
    • -immediate transport of specimen to lab
  24. Ammonia
    35 - 65 mcg/dL

    • -fast except for water & no smoking 8 - 10hrs prior
    • -specimen in ice & transport immediately
  25. Amylase
    25 - 151 Units/L

    • -acute pancreatitis increases levels from 3 - 6hrs of onset; peaks @ 24hrs; returns to normal in 2 - 3 days from onset
    • -list all meds taken 24hrs prior
  26. Lipase
    10 - 140 Units/L

    • -pancreatic disorders increases levels 24 - 36hrs from onset
    • -ERCP may increase levels
  27. Billirubin
    • Direct: 0 - 0.3 mg/dL
    • Indirect: 0.1 - 1 mg/dL
    • Total: > 1.5 mg/dL

    • -total increases in all jaundice
    • -direct and indirect increase depends on what causes jaundice
  28. Cholesterol
    140 - 199 mg/dL
  29. LDLs
    < 130 mcg/dL
  30. HDLs
    30 - 70 mcg/dL
  31. Tryglycerides
    < 200 mcg/dL
  32. serum - Protein
    6 - 8 g/dL

    -avoid high fat diet 8hrs prior
  33. serum - Uric acid
    • Male: 4.5 - 8 mg/dL
    • Female: 2.5 - 6.2 mg/dL

    • -fast 8hrs prior
    • -Aminophylline, caffeine, Vit C will elevate results
  34. Glucose
    • Fasting: 70 - 110
    • Capillary blood: 60 - 110

    • -fasting glucose test 8 - 12 hrs fasting
    • -d/c insulin & oral hypoglycemic meds
  35. GTT
    • baseline fasting 70 - 110
    • 30min fasting 110 - 170
    • 60min fasting 120 - 170
    • 90min fasting 100 - 140
    • 120min fasting 70 - 120
    • 2hr postprandial <140

    • -increase carbs in diet to 200 - 300g for 3 days
    • -no alcohol, coffee or smoking for 36hrs
    • -fast 10 - 16hrs
    • -no exercise 8hrs prior
    • -d/c insulin and DM meds
    • -takes 3 - 5hrs
    • -peaks higher than normal and slow to normal = dx of DM
  36. Creatinine
    0.6 - 1.3 mg/dL

    • -no exercise or meat intake 8hrs & 24hrs respectively
    • -renal function indicator; high levels indicates slowing of glomerular filtration rate
  37. BUN
    Blood urea nitrogen

    8 - 25 mg/dL

    -high levels indicates slowing of glomerular filtration rate
  38. serum - Calcium
    8.6 - 10 mg/dL

    • -800 mg/day (normal intake) 3 days before test
    • -fasting may be required 8hrs prior
  39. serum - Magnesium
    1.6 - 2.6 mg/dL

    -indicator for metabolic activities & renal function
  40. serum - Phosphorus
    2.7 - 4.5 mg/dL
  41. WBC
    4500 - 11,000 cells/uL

    • Neutrophils: 1800 - 7800 (56%)
    • Lymphocytes: 1000 - 4800 (34%)
    • Monocytes: 0 - 800 (4%)
    • Bands: 0 - 700 (3%)
    • Eosinophils: 0 - 450 (2.7%)
    • Basophils: 0 - 200 (0.3%)
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NCLEX-PN Lab Values.txt
NCLEX-PN Lab Values.txt