Zooplankton to Nekton

  1. Plankton that drift and are carried with ocean currents are
    true plankton
  2. These exhibit swimming behavoir, although may be limited in scope, with a "planktonic" distribution
  3. Primitive shrimp that is different because it has exposed gills.
    One of the most populous animals on earth
  4. Why are the subtropics considered most diverse, despite having the least primary productivity?
    micro niches
  5. Go deep during the day and come up to feed at night
  6. photophores:
    light organs
  7. A mesolagic, midwater fish with photopores..largest population of vertebrates on the planet
    Myctophids: lantern fish
  8. What is MOCNESS and who was it developed by?
    • Multiple opening and closing net environmental sampling system
    • Peter Wiebe
  9. Who had the video plankton recorder?
    Davis and Gallager
  10. Area of circle net
    pi r squared
  11. Volume
    area x velocity x tow time
  12. H
  13. = tow length/depth=V x T
  14. Comfort distances of individuals in a school
  15. Visual interaction distance
  16. Bakun’s Red fish/Blue fish hypothesis:
    • Obligations to remain in
    • schools shift fish populations towards different geographic locations based on metapopulation
    • density within schools.
    • ---

    • •The Bakun hypothesis states that an over harvested
    • stock will start to develop an affinity
    • to other stocks to maintain schooling behavior. This then can shift populations and change
    • gene flow.
    • This can even involve inter-specific
    • interactions: anchovies and sardines
  17. The MacCall
    • Fish make use of their
    • ability to migrate as schools to exploit changes in mesoscale
    • habitat linked to larger scale climate variations.
Card Set
Zooplankton to Nekton
small marine animals