tranversus abdominis
origin. thoraculombar fascia, inguinal ligament, costal cartilage of inferior six ribs, illiac crest
insertion.linea alba, pubic crest
action.increases intra-abdominal pressure during forced expiration
origin. anterior surface of mandible
insertion. skin of lower lip
action. protrudes lower lip
rectus abdominis
origin. pubic crest, pubic syphisis
insertion. costal cartilages of ribs 5-7, xiphoid process
action. flexion of vertebral column
origin. spinous processes of inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae
insertion. mastoid process, occipital bone and transverse processes of superior cervical vertebrae
action. laterally flexes
orbicularis oculis
origin. medial aspect of bony orbit
insertion. skin around eyelids
action. closes eyelids
levator labii superioris
origin. inferior aspect of bony orbit
insertion. blends with the fibers of orbicularis oris
action. elevates upper lip
zygomaticus major
origin. zygomatic bone
insertion. angle of mouth
action. raises lateral corner of mouth for smiling
depressor labii inferioris
origin. anterolateral surface of mandible
insertion. skin of lower lip
action. depresses lower lip
external intercostals
origin. inferior border of superior rib
insertion. superior border of inferior rib
action elevates the ribs during normal inspiration
levator scapulae
origin. transverse processes of superior four cervical vertebrae
insertion. medial border of scapula near superior angle
action. elevates scapula
internal oblique
origin. thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest
insertion. linea alba, pubic crest, inferior three or four ribs
action. rotation and lateral flexion of trunk
origin. thyroid cartilage of larynx
insertion. hyoid bone
action. depresses hyoid bone
external oblique
origin. external surfaces of inferior eight ribs
insertion. linea alba, pubic crest, pubic tubercle, iliac crest
action. rotation and lateral flexion of trunk
origin. manubrium
insertion. hyoid bone
action. depresses larynx and hyoid bone during swallowing
origin. temporal lobe
insertion. coronoid process of mandible
action. elevates mandible to close jaw
zygomaticus minor
origin. zygomatic bone
insertion. upper lip
action. raises upper lip
internal intercostals
origin. superior border of inferior ribs
insertion. inferior border of superior ribs
action. depresses ribs during forced expiration
origin. maxillary bone, mandible
insertion. blend with the fibers of the orbiculris oris
action. compresses cheek while whistling or blowing
origin. hyoid bone
insertion. tongue
action. depresses tongue
origin. maxillary bone
insertion. bridge of nose
action. compresses nostrils
origin. zygomatic arch
insertion. lateral suraface of mandibular ramus
action. elevates mandible to close jaw
origin. transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
insertion. first and second ribs
action. leteral flexion of neck