System that is responsible for short-term regulation and immediate control of all the other body systems.
Nervous System
System responsible for the long-term regulation of the body.
Endocrine System
Brain and Spinal cord (dorsal cavity)
CNS - Cental Nervous System
Cranial nerves and spinal nerves (not in the dorsal cavity)
PNS - Perioheral Nervous System
Sensory information from the receptors to the brain
Motor commands to muscles and glands from the brain
Touch, pain, position, taste, smell, vision, sound and temperature are what type of receptor
Afferent - Sensory (Input)
Somatic and autonomic are what type of receptor
Efferent - Motor (Output)
Efferent system's voluntary control of skeletal muscles
Somatic Nervous System
Efferent systems's involuntary control of smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle and glandular activity
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the autonomic nervous system that is "fight of flight"
Sympathetic Nervous System
Part of the autonomic nervous system that is "rest and digest"
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Most common neuron in the CNS
Multipolar neuron
The typical spinal neuron (efferent)
Multipolar neuron
Neuron that controls skeletal muscle and are interneurons
Multipolar neuron
Uncommon neuron of the afferent system
Bipolar neuron
Neuron involved in the senses of sight, smell and hearing
Bipolar neuron
Neuron in the afferent system involved in the senses of touch, pressure, pain, position and other mechanical stimulus.
Unipolar neuron
Neuron found in the brain that connects neurons to each other without and axon.
Anaxonic neuron
An encapsulated receptor found in deep layers of the skin that senses vibratory pressure and touch.
Pancinian corpuscle
How many types of neuroglial cells are in the CNS
Secrete CSF = cerebral spinal fluid, ciliated cells, line the central canal.CSF cushions and distributes nutrients to the brain and spinal cord.
Ependymal Cell
Maintains the blood-brain barrier by wrapping around capillaries.
large, most numerous helper cells, also involved in signaling
Create framework of microfilaments or the cytoskeleton of neurons
Repairs tissue, although may not regain normal function
Involved in embryonic development of neural tissue, groups and directs neurons,
Control the environment around neurons of ions, nutrients, recycling neurotransmitters, etc.
myelinate the axons of neurons in the CNS
- Oligodendrocytes
- One Oligodendrocyte can wrap several nearby axons,
- several are needed to wrap sections of axon
gaps in the myelin
Nodes of Ranvier
“white matter” because of the high amount of lipids in the Oligodendrocyte membrane
Myelin is “white matter”
Unmyelinated cells are
- “grey matter”
- because you can see the neuron’s RER or Nissl bodies.
white blood cell origin, microphages, clean up debris, bacteria, waste materials
How many types of neuroglial cells are found in PNS?
Two types
regulate the environment like astrocytes in the CNS
Satellite Cells
myelinates the axon of one axon only, and many are needed towrap an entire axon.
- Schwann cells
- can also group or collect axons together, however, these axons are not‘buritto wrapped’ and are therefore unmyelinated axons.
How do Schwann cells respond to injury to the axon?
by mitosing and forming a cord for the axon to follow.By following the cord of Schwann cells, the axon has a chance of rebuilding and finding its distal end.Axon regeneration is a difficult process to predict. Sometimes the axon can be repaired, sometimes itcan’t.
progressive destruction of myelin sheaths in the CNS and PNS.
diseases include MS and heavy metal toxicities.
Demyelinating diseases
‘Grey Matter’ of the brain and cord. Large nucleus and a cytoplasm full of :Mitochondria
Cell body or Soma.
produce ATPs, to move vesicles, run the Na+/K+ pump
make cell look grey and make neurotransmitter proteins.
Nissl bodies
Where are chemically gated channels that react to a neurotransmitter found?
On the cell body and dendrites
highly branched area that receives the information from the other neurons and haschemically gated channels and nearby receptors that bind to the neurotransmitter.
‘White matter’. Long process with microtubules, vesicles, mitochondria and many enzymes.
may be myelinated by the Oligodendrocyte, little repair is possible.
The axon in the CNS
may be myelinated by the Schwann cell. Some repair of the axon is possible.
The axon in the PNS
trigger zone.
axon hillock
The axon end at ____________ or ____________ which contain vesicles of neurotransmitter
synaptic terminals or synaptic knobs
has electrically gated channels that react to the action potential
The axon
specialized site where the synaptic terminal releases the neurotransmitter to communicatewith another cell.
The cell releasing the neurotransmitter is called
the presynaptic cell
the cell receiving the neurotransmitter is called
the postsynaptic cell and is a neuron, a muscle fiber, or agland.
Cranial nerves and spinal nerves, (not in the dorsal cavity)
PNS – peripheral nervous system
Sensory receptors monitor temperature, pressure, touch, sight, smell, hearing,
Sensory receptors monitor position and posture, movement of joints and muscles
Sensory receptors monitor deep pressure and pain in viscera and taste
Motor neurons
Skeletal muscle – voluntary movement
Somatic motor neurons
Motor neurons
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems – involuntary control
Autonomic nervous system
motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscles have a cell body in the CNS and are some ofthe longest multipolar neurons in our body.
Somatic motor neurons
neurons innervate everything that is not skeletal muscle, ie. smooth muscle, glands, fatcells and the heart.
Autonomic neurons
function in between other neurons and are in the responsible for the communication and coordination of the nervous systems also responsible for learning, memory andhigher functions that are not well understood.
- Interneurons
- There are more interneurons in the body than any othertype of neuron.
resting potential or transmembrane potential of –70 mvolts is maintained by the
- Na+/ K+ pump
- It actively pumps 3 Na+ ions out of thecell and 2 K+ ions back into the cell using ATP.
There arechemically gated Na+ channels & chemically gated K+ channels on the
dendrites & cell body
voltage gated Na+ channels & voltage gated K+ channels on the
The action potential depends on the movement of
Na + and K+ ions through these chemicallyand voltage gated channels.
Repolarized =
more negative
Depolarized =
more positive
Hyperpolarized =
more negative than -70mvolts
An excitatory neurotransmitter binds to the receptors on the dendrites and cell body and opens the
chemically gated Na+ channels and Na+ ions enter the cell, depolarizing it toward theshold.
If enough Na+ ions enter the cell to achieve threshold at the axon hillock, the axon’s
voltage gated Na+ channels open carrying the action potential down the length of the axon triggeringa chain reaction, opening more Na + gates all the way down the axon to the synaptic knobs
After the cell is depolarized, the Na+ channels begin to close and the
K+ voltage channels open,repolarizing the cell. More K+ ions leave the cell due to the open channels and the cell is brieflyhyperpolarized.
At the synaptic knobs, the action potential causes the release of
a neurotransmitter
Once a neuron achieves threshold and fires off an action potential, it goes to the synaptic knobs. Thisis called The
- The All or Nothing Principle
- The neuron either fires or it doesn’t. (This is true of musclefibers too which also have excitable cell membranes! )
A neuron may reach threshold one of 2 ways:
One single neuron may fire several times in quick succession, called:
temporal summation
A neuron may reach threshold one of 2 ways:
Several neurons may fire together at the same time, which is called:
spatial summation
A neuron that synapses on another neuron and causes some depolarization (more +) toward thethreshold is said to have produced an
- excitatory postsynaptic potential, EPSP
- Several EPSPs arenecessary to bring the neuron to threshold.
A neuron may also synapse on another neuron which inhibits it by causing hyperpolarization(more -) away from threshold. It opens the chemically gated K+ gates which creates a larger gap tothreshold. Such an event is called an
- inhibitory postsynaptic potential, IPSP
- inhibited because a larger than normal additional stimulus is required to reachthreshold. The neuron can also become hyperpolarized if the chemically gated Cl- channelsopen, allowing more Cl- into the cell.
An action potential comes down the axon and reaches the
synaptic knob.
This opens Ca+ ion channels and Ca+ ions flow into the synaptic knob, which allows the excytosis of the vesicles filled with a
like acetylcholine, ACh.
The neurotransmitter, Ach, binds to the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane and openschemically gated Na+ channels, causing a depolarization of the membrane and a gradedpotential, an
- Excitatory post-synaptic potential, EPSP
- If enough EPSPs are received by thepost-synaptic membrane, it will generate an action potential.
The neurotransmitter is released from the receptors and broken down by an enzyme andreabsorbes by the pre-synaptic knob. In the case of acetylcholine that enzyme is
Indirectopening of the channels is done by activating a
G protein and second messenger system or byactivation an enzyme that opens the gated channels.
an excitatory neurotransmitter for skeletal muscles
actslike acetylcholine at these ‘nicotinic receptors’
block acetylcholinesterase and increase the amount of neurotransmitter at the synapse, causingtremors and death
Organophosphate insecticides and some nerve gases
blocks acetylcholine’s binding on receptors in the body and can beused as an antidote to the acteylcholinesterase drugs also causes increased heart rate and decreased bronchial secretions for example
blocks acetylcholine atskeletal muscle receptors and causes paralysis
Curare or succinyl choline
involved in consciousness. It is an important neurotransmitter for the Sympathetic system, or fight and flight system. Norepinephrine is brokendown by Monoamine Oxidase, MAO.
increases the amount of norepinephrine available at the synapse.such as Elavil
MAO inhibitor
decreases heart rate, blood pressure and has a calming effect. It is also used toreduce ‘stage fright’. It has recently been experimentally used to ‘prevent post-traumatic stresssyndrome’ if given within a short time of the event.
such as Propranolol
A beta blocker,
block the re-uptake of norepinephrine and also acts as a transmitter itself so it ishighly stimulatory
- Amphetamines
- Clinically amphetamines such as Ritalin are used in hyperactive children
typically excitatory and is linked to an extremely pleasurable feeling in our brain. It isalso responsible for fine movement and coordination
Too much dopamine has been linked to
Too little dopamine is responsible for the muscle rigidity associated with
Parkinson’s disease
Dopamine is broken down by
- Monoamine Oxidase, MAO
- So an MAOinhibitor increases the amount of dopamine available.
an addictive stimulant that blocksthe re-uptake of dopamine and norepinephrine into the pre-synaptic cell
the number of receptors on the cell membranes decreases so that an increased dose is required to have the same effect
“down regulates”
responsible for our moods, feelings of well-being, appetite and our sleep cycles.
thought to be due to a lack of serotonin
a precursor to serotonin
- seratonin re-uptake inhibitor
- increase the amount of seratonin available andelevate the mood
Serotonin is broken down by
- Monoamine Oxidase, MAO
- So an MAO inhibitor alsoincreases the amount available at the synapse. MAO inhibitors and seratonin re-uptake inhibitorshave the same effect of increasing the amount of serotonin and should not be used together.Serotonin is thought to naturally increase in the neuron with meditation practice
Glycine and GABA are both
- inhibitory neurotransmitters
- They open Cl- channels and hyperpolarize the cell
Drugs like valium and barbiturates enhance theeffect of
involved with the transmission of the sensation of pain
Substance P
the body’s natural pain reliever, or opiod because they inhibit the action ofSubstance P
- Endorphins
- Endorphins bind to specific receptors in the body
drugs from theopium poppy are powerful analgesics that have been used since 4000BC
bind to many receptors in the body acting likeendorphins. Analgesia, lethargy and constipation are common effects of
stimulates many areas of the CNS at ‘nicotinic’ acetylcholine receptors. It causesincreased heart rate, blood pressure and is a mood-altering drug. Tolerance and addiction arecommon side effects
a commonly used stimulant with a variety of effects. It stimulates the brain, the heart,increases respiration, blood pressure and the amount of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in the body.People develop a tolerance and addiction, however, withdrawal is usually limited to headaches andrestlessness
Summary –drugs and toxins may act in the following ways:
Morphine binds to endorphin receptors and mimics the effect of natural endorphins.
Nicotine binds to particular acetylcholine receptors and mimic the effects of natural endorphins
Receptor activators (agonist)
Summary –drugs and toxins may act in the following ways:
Atropine blocks acetylcholine receptors in the parasympathetic system. (muscarinic)
Curare and succinyl choline block acetycholine receptors in skeletal muscle .
Beta blockers block Norepinephrine at beta receptors. (beta 1, beta 2 receptors)
Receptor blockers (antagonist)
Summary –drugs and toxins may act in the following ways:
Amphetamines and Cocaine block Norepinephrine and Dopamine inactivation
Organophosphate insecticides block acetylchoinesterase
MAO inhibitor drugs block the breakdown of Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Serotonin
Serotonin re-uptake inhibitor blocks the removal of serotonin at the synapse
Block the inactivation of the Neurotransmitter
Summary –drugs and toxins may act in the following ways:
Tetanus Toxin blocks the release of glycine, which inhibits neurons so muscles contract.
Botulism Toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine so muscles are unable to contract.
Block release of the neurotransmitter
binds to endorphin receptors and mimics the effect of natural endorphins.
binds to particular acetylcholine receptors and mimic the effects of natural endorphins
blocks acetylcholine receptors in the parasympathetic system. (muscarinic)
block acetycholine receptors in skeletal muscle.
Curare and succinyl choline
block Norepinephrine at beta receptors. (beta 1, beta 2 receptors)
Beta blockers
block Norepinephrine and Dopamine inactivation.
Amphetamines and Cocaine
block acetylchoinesterase
Organophosphate insecticides
block the breakdown of Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Serotonin
MAO inhibitor drugs
blocks the removal of serotonin at the synapse.
Serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
blocks the release of glycine, which inhibits neurons so muscles contract.
Tetanus Toxin
blocks the release of acetylcholine so muscles are unable to contract.
Botulism Toxin