Cognitive theories of personality background
Root in Gestalt psychology; humans seek meaning in life; we organize our sensations into meaningful perceptions, complex stimuli not reducible to sum of their parts
Gestalt perceptual figure
Field theory
Lewin's idea that behavior determened by internal, external and structural forces and relationships between person and environment
Field theory's life space
all internal and external forces
Lewin's contemporaneous causation
behavior caused the moment of its occurrence by all influencing at the moment
Jean Piaget
swiss, bio, married student
Piaget's Schema theory
schema (cog structure that organizes knowledge about one's environment, determines how we think and act) is made up of varios scripts (eating at a restaurant)
Piaget's Categorization
we organize events, objects and people,
Positive effects of categorization
quickly understand complex info
Neg effecs of categorization
Control of attention
We notice salient (highly noticable) features and combine these with current 'goals' to decided where to direct attentoion (A.D.H.D.)
George Kelly
phys, math, and social problems
George Kelly's theory
Personal construct theory
Kelly's Personal Construct Theory
people actively endeavor to understand world and construct in their OWN theories
'every man is, in his own particular way, a scientist
Explanatory Style
characteristic way of explaining life events
Explanatory style poles
Optimism and pessimism
Arguded deffensive pesimism
Julie Norem
Gardner's 7
Julian Rotter
brookly, father jewish imigrant, read freud and adler in hs, took classes with Lewin
Rotter's views
behavior depends upon outcome expectancy and reinforcement value
Rotter's behavior potential
likelihood behavior will be performed in situation
Specific vs. Generalized expectancies (Rotter)
Not wanting to go to dad's xmas party vs. all parties are fun
Rotter Locus of control
beliefs about on'es ability to AFFECT outcomes
Rotter's EXTERNAL focus of control
events are beyond their control
Rotter's INTERNAL focus of control
more achievement-oriented
Albert Bandura
canada, parents no formal ed, small town, intro to psych because it fit schedule
Bandura's self-system
set of cog processes by which individual perceives, evaluates, and regulates his or her own behavior so its functionally efficient and appropriate
Bandura's Observational learning
vicarious learning and modeling
Bandura's learning agressive behavior experiment
bobo doll
Bandura's factors that influence learning
outcome expectancy, characteristics of model, chracteristics of behavior (simple/salient), attributes of observer (self esteem, dependence, cog develpmnt)
Bandura's processes underlying observational learning
attention, retention, motor reproduction, MOTIVATION
Bandura's self efficacy
belief about how competently one will be able to enact a behavior in a particular situation
Self efficacy determines
if we try to act, how long we persist in behavior, how succcess or failure affects future behavior
self efficacy results from
past success/failures, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, emotional reactions
Turing test
set to disprove computers acting as humans, shortcommings of AI
Cog approach analogy
humans as scientists and info processors
Advantages of cog approach
explains personality through uniquely huan processes of congition, active nature of human thought, dif cog skills viewed as central to individuality
Limits of cog approach
ignors unconscious and emotional aspects, theories tend to oversimplify complex thought processes, underemphasize situational influences on behavior
Cog view of free will
free will through active human though process (YES)
assessment techniques of cog theories
decisions tasks, bio analysis, attributional analyses, study of cog development, observation
Implications for cog therapy
uses understanding of perception, cognition, and attribution to change thought processes