standardized definition/diagnosis of CKD
structural or functional abnormalities of the kidneys for >=3 mo and manifested by either: kidney damage OR GFR <60ml/hr/1.73m2
markers of kidney damage
- urine protein (albumin of globulin)
- albuminuria (normal <30mg/gmCr)
- -microalbuminuria 30-300
- -macro >300
when to use MDRD
for screening and staging of CKD, ages 18-70yo, pts with diabetic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease in middle age, blacks with hypertensive chronic kidney disease, pts with kidney transplant
when to use cockccroft-gault eq
used 4 adjusting drug therapy, preferred method, older pts
24 hr urine-situations for use
extremeties of age, prego, malnutrition, skeletal muscle disease, para or quadriplegic, vegetarians and people with rapidly changing kidney fxn
etiology-susceptibility factors for CKD
- elderly >60
- familyy hx of CKD
- ethnic minorities-african amer(4X), american indian (2X), hispanic (1.5), alaskan
- low income or education
etiology-initiation risk factors
- diabetes(40-50% risk of CKD)
- HTN(systolic more indicative)
- autoimm disease
- envir toxins (i.e. heavy metal
- drug toxicity
etiology-progression risk factors
- uncontrolled proteinuria
- uncontrolled BP
- poor glycemic control
- smoking
- -all associated with a faster rate of GFR decrease
incidence of kidney failure by primary diagnosis in descending order
- diabetes
- glomerulonephritis
- cystic kidney disease
stage 1 kidney disease-description and GFR
kidney damage prob with markers with normal or dec GFR, >=90ml/min
stage 2 CKD-desc and GFR
kidney damage with mild decr GFR, 60-89ml/min
stage 3 CKD, desc and GFR
mod decr GFR, 30-59
stage 4 CKD desc and GFR
severe decr GFR, 15-29ml/min
stage 5 desc and GFR
kidney failure, <15 or RRT
signs and sx of waste remove dysfxn
uremia and malnutrition
signs and sx of RBC formation dysfxn
signs and sx of bone health dysfxn
renal osteodystrophy
signs and sx of acid base misbalance
metabolic acidosis is most common
signs and sx of fluid and electrolyte imbalance
dehy, edema
complications of stage 1 CKD
complications from initiating insult to kidneys
complications of stage 2 CKD
HTN-also initiation factor and complication of CKD because CKD progression can result in HTN if not treated appropriately
complications of stage 3 CKD
anemia, mild decr in serum calcium
complications of stage 4 CKD
- hyperphosphatemia
- renal bone disease
- dyslipidemia
- neuropathy
- left ventricular hypertrophy
complications of stage 5 CKD
uremia, malnutrition, metabolic acidosis
traditional risk factors for CVD risk factors in CKD
advanced age, male, HTN, dyslipidemia, DM, tobacco use, menopause
CKD-related risk factors for CVD risk
decr GFR, proteinuria, RAAS overactivity, fluid overload, abn calc and phos metabolism, anemia, inflammation, uremic toxins, homocysteinemia, malnutrition
assess for CKD risk
- socio-demographic profile(older age, ethnic background, low income/education, family history)
- clinical profile(DM, HTN, autoimm diseases, recovery from acute renal failure-envir or drug-induced)
evaluation of CKD-if at risk
- estimate GFR using MDRD,
- screen for proteinuria(albumin)-diabetes age 12-70 annually, pts with uncontrolled BP, persons with FH of CKD or >60 yrs of age of belong to ethnic risk group,
- stage,
- identify complications,
- screen for co-morbid conditions
persistent proteinuria (albumin)
make sure persistent b4 make an intervention, albumin excretion >30 mg on 2 or more consecutive urine samples separated by at least 1-2 weeks
disease management goals
- prevention
- slow progression
- prevent and treat complications
- manage co-morbidities
- timely referral
goal urea-reduction ratio (URR)
>=65%, reduction in urea from pre-dialysis to post-dialysis
goal kinetic modeling formula Kt/V
>=1.2, determines adequecy of dialysis
dextrose soln euvolemic
dextrose soln-edema + SOB
dextrose soln-severe SOB
volume PD dialysate-small
volume PD dialysate-average
volume PD dialysate, large
points for antigen mismatch
0-2 points, lower number of ags, higher points
time waiting
1 point per yr
panel reactive antibody >=80%
4 ppints
pediatric points
3-4 points
previous living donation
4 points
delayed graft fxn
need for dialysis in the postop period or the failure of the serum cr to fall below 4mg/dl or 30% ofo pre-transplant value
basiliximab (simulect), Daclizumab (Zenapax)
2nd dose anaphylaxis, moAb
muromonab (OKT3)
1st dose rxn-cytokine release-give benadryl prophylaxis, moAb
antithymocyte globulin
ATG-rabbit, ATGAM-equine, not equiv, thrombocy, leukopenia, polyclonal ab
SEs of CSs
HTN, edema, wt gain, hyperglyc, osteopor, cataracts, leukocytosis, hypophos, delayed wound healing, acne, steroid psychosis, adren insuff, cushing's, growth retard, N/V
azathioprine (AZA)
leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, lots of drug INX
mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, CellCept)
GI (N/V/D), delayed wound healing, drug inx w antacids, iron, acyclovir
sandimmune and neoral w/ generics, CNS toxicity (tremor, seizures), nephrotox, hyperkal, hypomag, htn, dyslipi, gingivial hyperplasia, hirsutism
tacrolimus, Prograf
similar SE to CsA plus plus transplant DM, similar drug inx to CsA
profound dyslipidemia